diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index cdafc8b..c94ace3 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -47,23 +47,23 @@ public abstract class Baz { ... }; Naming conventions for identifiers ([Microsoft C# Docs: Identifier names](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/fundamentals/coding-style/identifier-names), [Microsoft C# Docs: protected](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/protected)): ```csharp -namespace PascalCase { ... } // -------------- // **Namespaces**. - // ----------------------------- // **Generic types**. Prefix T. -interface IPascalCase { ... } // ------------- // **Interfaces**. Prefix I. -class PascalCase { ... } // ------------------ // **Classes**. -class PascalCaseAttribute : Attribute { ... } // **Attributes**. Suffix Attribute. -... PascalCase( ... camelCase ) { ... } // --- // **Methods** and **method arguments**. -... PascalCase { get; set; } // -------------- // **Properties**. -const PascalCase; // ------------------------- // **Constants**. -... camelCase; // ---------------------------- // **Local variables**. -public static PascalCase; // --------------- // Public static **fields**. Prefix s_. -internal static _camelCase; // -------------- // Internal static **fields**. Prefix s_. -protected static _camelCase; // ------------- // Protected static **fields**. Prefix s_. -private static _camelCase; // --------------- // Private static **fields**. Prefix s_. -public PascalCase; // ------------------------ // Public nonstatic **fields**. -internal _camelCase: // ---------------------- // Internal nonstatic **fields**. Prefix _. -protected _camelCase; // --------------------- // Protected nonstatic **fields**. Prefix _. -private _camelCase; // ----------------------- // Private nonstatic **fields**. Prefix _. +namespace PascalCase { ... } // -------------- // Namespaces. + // ----------------------------- // Generic types. Prefix T. +interface IPascalCase { ... } // ------------- // Interfaces. Prefix I. +class PascalCase { ... } // ------------------ // Classes. +class PascalCaseAttribute : Attribute { ... } // Attributes. Suffix Attribute. +... PascalCase( ... camelCase ) { ... } // --- // Methods and method arguments. +... PascalCase { get; set; } // -------------- // Properties. +const PascalCase; // ------------------------- // Constants. +... camelCase; // ---------------------------- // Local variables. +public static PascalCase; // ----------------- // Public static fields. Prefix s_. +internal static _camelCase; // --------------- // Internal static fields. Prefix s_. +protected static _camelCase; // -------------- // Protected static fields. Prefix s_. +private static _camelCase; // ---------------- // Private static fields. Prefix s_. +public PascalCase; // ------------------------ // Public nonstatic fields. +internal _camelCase: // ---------------------- // Internal nonstatic fields. Prefix _. +protected _camelCase; // --------------------- // Protected nonstatic fields. Prefix _. +private _camelCase; // ----------------------- // Private nonstatic fields. Prefix _. ``` **Additional naming conventions:**