Often searching for your valuable snippets or reusable functions in your previous projects is fraustating right? Sometimes it takes lot of times and efforts to find so. 😤 Wait ...
Morselo is a place you might be looking for. This is a platform where you could easily manage your snippets, code or notes without any hassle. Let the burden of managing and organising your snippet to Morselo, so that you could concentrate more on your productivity.
This app consist of two parts:
The frontend is built with vuejs
, tailwindcss
and apollo-graphql
Code is available at Morselo-client
The backend is built with Laravel
, laravel-lighthouse
and lighhouse-passport-auth
Code is available at Morselo-server
installation and usage guide is available for both projects on their respective readme.
Contributions in the form of issues and pull requests are welcomed and encouraged.
Morselo is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.