Plinian Core List of Terms
Date version issued:
Date created:
Part of TDWG Standard:
This version:
Latest version:
Current standard
Technical specification
Permanent IRI
Plinian Core (PliC) is a standard for sharing information about species and higher taxa, covering biological and non-biological aspects of all taxonomic groups. It was conceived as a way to publish species information and to make it interoperable. The standard covers all properties and traits related to taxa (of any rank), including descriptions, nomenclature, conservation status, management, natural history, etc. Thus, Plinian Core coverage goes beyond taxonomic descriptions.
Plinian Core is designed to be easy to use, self-contained, supporting data integration from multiple databases, and handling different levels of granularity.
Species Information Interest Group, Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG)
Bibliographic citation
Plinian Core Maintenance Group. 2022. Plinian Core List of Terms. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG). http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/doc/list/2023-07-14
Institutions and persons
Institutions | Persons |
GBIF Spain - CSIC | Francisco Pando |
Santiago Martínez de la Riva | |
Ramón Pérez Pérez | |
Gloria Martínez-Sagarra | |
INBIO & CRBIO | María Mora |
Manuel Vargas | |
William Ulate | |
Erick Mata | |
José M. Cuadra | |
Jaime Gutiérrez | |
Aurelio Sanabria | |
University of Granada | Carmen Quesada |
Catalogue of Life | Camila Plata |
Alexander von Humboldt Institute | Ángela Suárez |
Danny Vélez | |
Valentina Grajales | |
CONABIO | Patricia Koleff |
Esther Quintero | |
José Mendoza | |
University of São Paulo | Daniel Lins da Silva |
University Carlos III | Mat Max Montalvo Martínez |
The current version of Plinian Core includes the normative SDS documentation of the standar together with the non-normative XSD documentation that establishes the hierarchy of classes and terms to support species pages publication. For additional information to implement the standard refer to the Plinian Core wiki.
This SDS normative document contains definitions and XRIs of Plinian Core terms. That is, all terms borrowed from other standards are not included in the SDS document. non-normative documentation includes two sources:
The current abstract modes XML Schema (.XDS) available from the Plinian Core GITHUB repository at: https://github.com/tdwg/PlinianCore/tree/master/xsd/abstract models/stable version
The documentation presented a the Plinian Core Wiki, available at: https://github.com/tdwg/PlinianCore/wiki
Both sources contain Plinian Core native terms, and borrowed terms. They also contain a number of intermediate classes (complex terms) that group and provide semantic context to simple terms. These intermediate classes are not described in the SDS.
However, the SDS for each term, provides references to the location of the term in the .XDS file as an additional way to provide context for the terms and facilitate its implementation (see section “1.4. Equivalent xPath ”).
These non-normative sources provide useful documentation to those aiming to implement Plinian Core.
In Section 4, the values of the Term IRI
, Definition
and Type
are normative. The values of Term Name
are non-normative, although one can expect that the namespace abbreviation prefix is one commonly used for the term namespace, all other values such as Label
, Notes
, and Equivalent XPath
are non-normative.
A Plinian Core (PliC) record is a description of a species or higher taxa. Two kinds of terms are specified by this document: those terms which are part of the PliC vocabulary (e.g. plic:fullDescriptionAtomized
, plic:NomenclatureAndClassificationUnstructured
, plic:Distance
, among others) and those borrowed from other standards or vocabularies (e.g. 'dwc:MeasurementOrFact and 'gisin:origin
are based on concepts described by the dwc and gisin vocabulary, respectively; see section 2 for details). In a few cases, PliC terms (i.e., plic:References
, plic:SynonymName
, and plic:AncillaryData
) borrowed the definitions from another standard (EOL and TCS, see section 4).
Within a class, both structured and unstructured properties can be found. Structured properties may contain other properties in a hierarchical manner or terms with a controlled vocabulary, for example: plic:invasivenessAtomized
as defined by the XSD non-nomative document and by the XPaths. Unstructured properties are terms for free text descriptions aimed to give ample details of the species information, for example: plic:invasivenessUnstructured
All the terms and classes include a series of XPaths that make references to the organization and hierarchy of the contents of the standar so the users know how to implement them, the organization of the standard is also refer on the XSD as a non-normative part of the standar.
Plinian Core ,--following good practices-- re-uses a number of elements already defined by other data specifications. This is an important consideration in advancing towards robust semantic web architecture for biodiversity information. The following table presents the vocabularies from which terms have been borrowed:
Table 1. Vocabularies from which terms have been borrowed:
Specification: Darwin Core (DWC)
Borrowed Terms | Categories in which the term is used |
dwc:taxonConceptID | Record Metadata |
dwc:kingdom | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:phylum | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:class | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:order | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:family | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:subfamily | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:genus | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:subgenus | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:specificEpithet | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:infraspecificEpithet | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:infragenericEpithet | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:taxonRank | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:higherClassification | Nomenclature And Classification |
dwc:MeasurementOrFact | Nomenclature And Classification, Taxonomic Description, Life Form, Life Cycle, Reproduction, Dispersal, Behavior, Molecular Data, Ecological Significance, Habitat And Distribution, Demography And Threat |
dwc:nameAccordingTo | Record Metadata |
dwc:taxonConceptID | Record Metadata |
dwc:country | Nomenclature And Classification, Habitat And Distribution, Demography And Threat |
dwc:stateProvince | Nomenclature And Classification, Habitat And Distribution, Demography And Threat |
dwc:county | Nomenclature And Classification, Habitat And Distribution, Demography And Threat |
dwc:municipality | Nomenclature And Classification, Habitat And Distribution, Demography And Threat |
dwc:locality | Nomenclature And Classification, Habitat And Distribution, Demography And Threat |
dwc:ResourceRelationShip | Interactions |
Specification: Dublin Core (DC)
Borrowed Terms | Categories in which the term is used |
dc:created | Record Metadata |
dc:Language | Record Metadata, Nomenclature And Classification |
Specification: Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN)
Borrowed Terms | Categories in which the term is used |
gisin:origin | Invasiveness |
gisin:presence | Invasiveness |
gisin:persistence | Invasiveness |
gisin:distribution | Invasiveness |
gisin:harmful | Invasiveness |
gisin:modified | Invasiveness |
gisin:startValidDate | Invasiveness |
endValidDate | Invasiveness |
gisin:countryCode | Invasiveness |
gisin:stateProvince | Invasiveness |
gisin:county | Invasiveness |
gisin:localityName | Invasiveness |
gisin:language | Invasiveness |
gisin:citation | Invasiveness |
gisin:abundance | Invasiveness |
gisin:trend | Invasiveness |
gisin:rateOfSpread | Invasiveness |
gisin:regulatoryListing | Invasiveness |
gisin:memo | Invasiveness |
gisin:publicationDate | Invasiveness |
gisin:localityType | Invasiveness |
gisin:locationValue | Invasiveness |
gisin:publicationDatePrecision | Invasiveness |
Specification: Ecological Metadata Language (EML)
Borrowed Terms | Categories in which the term is used |
dataset | Dataset Metadata |
Specification: GBIF EML Profile
Borrowed Terms | Categories in which the term is used |
dateStamp | Dataset Metadata |
resourceLogoUrl | Dataset Metadata |
RangeOfDates | Habitat And Distribution, Demography And Threat |
singleDateTime | Habitat And Distribution, Demography And Threat |
pubDate | Record Metadata |
associatedParty | Record Metadata |
(See also 3.2 Index By Label)
plic:AncillaryData | plic:References
Dataset Metadata
plic:Dataset_ID | plic:References | plic:resourceLogoUrl
Record Metadata
plic:Audience | plic:DateIssued | plic:GlobalUniqueIdentifier | plic:Major | plic:Minor | plic:Modifier | plic:PreferredFlag | plic:Revision | plic:abstract | plic:audiencesUnstructured | plic:taxonRecordID
Nomenclature And Classification
plic:CommonName | plic:NomenclatureAndClassificationUnstructured | plic:SynonymName | plic:SynonymStatus | plic:UsedBy | plic:commonNamesUnstructured | plic:detailAtomized | plic:detailUnstructured | plic:synonymsUnstructured | plic:taxonValue
Taxonomic Description
plic:briefDescription | plic:fullDescriptionAtomized | plic:fullDescriptionUnstructured | plic:keys | plic:taxonomicDescriptionUnstructured
Life Form
plic:lifeFormAtomized | plic:lifeFormUnstructured
Life Cycle
plic:lifeCycleAtomized | plic:lifeCycleUnstructured
plic:reproductionAtomized | plic:reproductionUnstructured
Annual Cycles
plic:AnnualCycleUnstructured | plic:EndTimeInterval | plic:Event | plic:StartTimeInterval
plic:FeedingType | plic:TrophicStrategy | plic:TrophicStrategyRemarks | plic:feedingUnstructured
plic:DispersalMeans | plic:DispersalUnstructured | plic:Distance | plic:Purpose | plic:StructureDispersed
plic:behaviorAtomized | plic:behaviorUnstructured
plic:SpeciesInteraction | plic:SpeciesInteractionType | plic:interactionUnstructured
Molecular Data
plic:MolecularDataAtomized | plic:MolecularDataUnstructured | plic:RelatedTo
plic:Causes | plic:Patterns | plic:Routes | plic:Season | plic:migratoryUnstructured
Ecological Significance
plic:ecologicalSignificanceAtomized | plic:ecologicalSignificanceUnstructured
Environmental Envelope
plic:environmentalEnvelopeAtomized | plic:environmentalEnvelopeUnstructured
Natural History
plic:Route | plic:WhatImpact | plic:impactMechanism | plic:impactTarget | plic:invasivenessUnstructured | plic:vector
Habitat And Distribution
plic:DistributionScope | plic:DistributionUnstructured | plic:EndemicIn | plic:EndemicTo | plic:GeographicEntity | plic:TemporalCoverage | plic:endemicUnstructured | plic:habitatAndDistributionUnstructured | plic:habitatAtomized | plic:habitatUnstructured
Demography And Threat
plic:AbundanceData | plic:AreaOfOccupancy | plic:Authority | plic:AverageDensity | plic:BirthRate | plic:CarryingCapacity | plic:DensityData | plic:DescriptionLifeStages | plic:DirectThreatAtomized | plic:Emigration | plic:ExtentOfOccurrence | plic:Fecundity | plic:Immigration | plic:LegislationName | plic:LegislationRead | plic:MortalityRate | plic:NumberIndividualsPerObservation | plic:PatternDistribution | plic:PopulationGrowthRate | plic:PopulationTrend | plic:ProportionIndividualsPerStageLife | plic:ProtectionLegalStatus | plic:Recruitment | plic:SexRatio | plic:Size | plic:ThreatCategory | plic:demographyAndThreatUnstructured | plic:directThreatUnstructured | plic:legalNorm | plic:legislationStatus | plic:legislationType | plic:legislationUnstructured | plic:populationBiologyUnstructured | plic:territoryUnstructured | plic:threatStatusUnstructured
Uses Management And Conservation
plic:Actions | plic:ActionsType | plic:Conservation-ExplotationData | plic:Economics | plic:HumanAndEnvironmentalrelevance | plic:ManagementAndConservationUnstructured | plic:ManagementPlan | plic:MeansOfApplication-Administration | plic:Objectives | plic:Organisms | plic:PartUsed | plic:Potential | plic:ProductionDetails | plic:Properties | plic:RatingPopularity | plic:SeasonOfAvailability-Use | plic:SourceOfInformationText | plic:Use-Value | plic:UseNotes | plic:UseType | plic:Users | plic:UsesManagementAndConservationUnstructured | plic:UsesUnstructured | plic:VernacularNameUseAnnotations
Associated Party
Ancillary Data
(See also 3.1 Index By Term Name)
Dataset Metadata
Dataset ID | References | resourceLogoUrl
Record Metadata
Abstract | Audience | Date issued | Global Unique Identifier | Major | Minor | Modifier | Preferred flag | Revision | Taxon Record id | Unstructured Audiences
Nomenclature And Classification
Atomized Detail | Common Name | Detail Unstructured | Nomenclature and Classification Unstructured | Synonym name | Synonym status | Taxon value | Used By | unstructured common names | unstructured synonyms
Taxonomic Description
Atomized Full Description | Brief Description | Keys | Unstructured Full Description | unstructured taxonomic description
Life Form
Atomized Life Form | Unstructured Life Form
Life Cycle
Atomized Life Cycle | Unstructured Life Cycle
atomized reproduction | unstructured reproduction
Annual Cycles
End Time Interval | Event | Start Time Interval | Unstructured Annual Cycle
Feeding Type | Trophic Strategy | Trophic Strategy Remarks | Unstructured Feeding
Dispersal Means | Distance | Purpose | Structure Dispersed | Unstructured Dispersal
Atomized Behavior | Unstructured Behavior
Species Interaction | Species Interaction Type | Unstructured Interaction
Molecular Data
RelatedTo | atomized molecular data | unstructured molecular data
Causes | Patterns | Routes | Season | unstructured migratory
Ecological Significance
Atomized Ecological Significance | Unstructured Ecological Significance
Environmental Envelope
Atomized Environmental Envelope | Unstructured Environmental Envelope
Natural History
Impact Mechanism | Impact Target | Route | Unstructured Invasiveness | Vector | What Impact
Habitat And Distribution
Atomized Habitat | Distribution Scope | Endemic In | Endemic To | Geographic Entity | Temporal Coverage | Unstructured Distribution | Unstructured Endemic | Unstructured Habitat | Unstructured Habitat And Distribution
Demography And Threat
AbundanceData | Area of occupancy | Atomized Direct Threat | Authority | Average density | Birth rate | Carrying capacity | DensityData | Description life stages | Emigration | Extent of occurrence | Fecundity | Immigration | Legal Norm | Legislation Name | Legislation Read | Legislation Status | Legislation Type | Mortality rate | Number individuals per observation | Pattern distribution | Population growth rate | Population trend | ProportionIndividuals per stage life | Protection Legal Status | Recruitment | SexRatio | Size | Threat category | Unstructured Demography And Threat | Unstructured Direct Threat | Unstructured Legislation | unstructured population biology | unstructured territory | unstructured threat status
Uses Management And Conservation
Actions | Actions Type | Conservation-Explotation Data | Economics | Human and Environmental Relevance | Management Plan | Management and Conservation Unstructured | Means of Application-Administration | Objectives | Organisms | Part Used | Potential | Production Details | Properties | Rating Popularity | Season of Availability-Use | Source of information text | Unstructured Uses | Use Notes | Use Type | Use-Value | Users | Uses Management and Conservation Unstructured | Vernacular Name Use Annotations
Associated Party
Ancillary Data
Information about the collections of records.
Term Name plic:Dataset_ID | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Dataset_ID |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Dataset_ID-2023-11-29 |
Label | Dataset ID |
Definition | An identifier for the dataset. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/DatasetMetadata/Dataset_ID |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:References | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/References |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/References-2023-11-29 |
Label | References |
Definition | It represents the references that an element could have, in one or more of the different format and schemas: BICI, CODEN,DOI, EISSN, HANDLE, ISBN, ISSN, LSID, OCLC, SICI, URL, URN |
Notes | Definition borrowed from eol: referenceType. |
Equivalent XPath |
Show all 10 XPaths/Dataset/DatasetMetadata/References/Dataset/TaxonRecord/References /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/SourceOfInformation/References /DatasetMetadata/References /References /TaxonRecord/References /TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/SourceOfInformation/References /Uses/UsesAtomized/SourceOfInformation/References /UsesAtomized/SourceOfInformation/References /UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/SourceOfInformation/References |
Type | Class |
Term Name plic:resourceLogoUrl | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/resourceLogoUrl |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/resourceLogoUrl-2023-11-29 |
Label | resourceLogoUrl |
Definition | The URI of an icon/logo symbolizing the project. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/DatasetMetadata/resourceLogoUrl |
Type | Property |
Information about the Version, Revision, the language and target audiences of the Taxon Record.
Term Name plic:Audience | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Audience |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Audience-2023-11-29 |
Label | Audience |
Definition | Repetitive concept where the target audiences are written one by one. |
Notes | Predetermined list: 01. Expert (High). 02. Knowledgeable (Medium). 03. General (Low). |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/RecordMetadata/TargetAudiences/Audience |
Type | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme |
Term Name plic:DateIssued | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/DateIssued |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/DateIssued-2023-11-29 |
Label | Date issued |
Definition | dc: issued. Source for Dublin-Core standard element Date.Issued: Citable 'publication date' of the current version (comp. Revision_Data/Date_Created and Date_Modified for version- independent dates). This date should be missing if the current version is not yet published!. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/RecordMetadata/Version/DateIssued |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:GlobalUniqueIdentifier | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/GlobalUniqueIdentifier |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/GlobalUniqueIdentifier-2023-11-29 |
Label | Global Unique Identifier |
Definition | According to Darwin Core: An Uniform Resource Name (URN) used as an unique identifier of the taxon record. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/BaseElements/GlobalUniqueIdentifier |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Major | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Major |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Major-2023-11-29 |
Label | Major |
Definition | The major version number ('1' in 1.2) as defined by the content creators. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/RecordMetadata/Version/Major |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Minor | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Minor |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Minor-2023-11-29 |
Label | Minor |
Definition | An optional minor version number ('2' in 1.2) |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/RecordMetadata/Version/Minor |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Modifier | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Modifier |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Modifier-2023-11-29 |
Label | Modifier |
Definition | Unconstrained text specifying status + optional number. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/RecordMetadata/Version/Modifier |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:PreferredFlag | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/PreferredFlag |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/PreferredFlag-2023-11-29 |
Label | Preferred flag |
Definition | TRUE to indicate current version when providers serve more than one record per taxon. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/RecordMetadata/Version/PreferredFlag |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Revision | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Revision |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Revision-2023-11-29 |
Label | Revision |
Definition | Creators, revision status and dates of the record. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/RecordMetadata/Revision |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:abstract | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/abstract |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/abstract-2023-11-29 |
Label | Abstract |
Definition | A brief summary of the most relevant or attractive features of this taxon to the general public. Could point to any kind of information. |
Notes | Example: Blue whale is the largest mammal in the world. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/Metadata/dataset/abstract /Dataset/TaxonRecord/BaseElements/Abstract |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:audiencesUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/audiencesUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/audiencesUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Audiences |
Definition | List audience codes separated by means of comma or /. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/RecordMetadata/TargetAudiences/AudiencesUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:taxonRecordID | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/taxonRecordID |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/taxonRecordID-2023-11-29 |
Label | Taxon Record id |
Definition | Unique identifier of the record within the database. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/BaseElements/TaxonRecordID /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/Hierarchy/ParentTaxon/TaxonRecordID |
Type | Property |
Information on the taxon's name, synomyms, nomenclatural status, common names, and taxonomic hierarchy; plus misc. details and ancillary data
Term Name plic:CommonName | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/CommonName |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/CommonName-2023-11-29 |
Label | Common Name |
Definition | The name of the common name. |
Notes | From GBIF EML profile |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/CommonNames/CommonNamesAtomized/CommonName |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:NomenclatureAndClassificationUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/NomenclatureAndClassificationUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/NomenclatureAndClassificationUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Nomenclature and Classification Unstructured |
Definition | Information on the taxon name, synonyms, nomenclatural status, common names, and taxonomic hierarchy; plus misc. details and ancillary data. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/NomenclatureAndClassificationUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:SynonymName | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/SynonymName |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/SynonymName-2023-11-29 |
Label | Synonym name |
Definition | Scientific name of the synonym. |
Notes | Definition borrowed from tcs: ScientificName. An object that represents a single scientific biological name that either is, or appears to be, governed by one of the biological codes of nomenclature. These are not taxa. Taxa, whether accepted or not, are represented by TaxonConcept objects. Vernacular names are also dealt with under taxon concepts |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/Synonyms/SynonymsAtomized/SynonymName |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:SynonymStatus | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/SynonymStatus |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/SynonymStatus-2023-11-29 |
Label | Synonym status |
Definition | Nomenclatural Status |
Notes | corresponds to dwc:nomenclaturalStatus. http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/index.htm#nomenclaturalStatus |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/Synonyms/SynonymsAtomized/SynonymStatus |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:UsedBy | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/UsedBy |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/UsedBy-2023-11-29 |
Label | Used By |
Definition | Sometimes names used by one group of people are adopted by another. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/CommonNames/CommonNamesAtomized/UsedBy |
Type | http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property |
Term Name plic:commonNamesUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/commonNamesUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/commonNamesUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | unstructured common names |
Definition | CommonNames element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/CommonNames/CommonNamesUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:detailAtomized | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/detailAtomized |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/detailAtomized-2023-11-29 |
Label | Atomized Detail |
Definition | MiscDetail element in structured format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/MiscDetails/DetailAtomized /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/MiscDetails/DetailAtomized |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:detailUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/detailUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/detailUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Detail Unstructured |
Definition | MiscDetail element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/MiscDetails/DetailUnstructured /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/MiscDetails/DetailUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:synonymsUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/synonymsUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/synonymsUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | unstructured synonyms |
Definition | list of synonyms elements in a text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/Synonyms/SynonymsUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:taxonValue | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/taxonValue |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/taxonValue-2023-11-29 |
Label | Taxon value |
Definition | The taxon name |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/Hierarchy/ParentTaxon/taxonValue |
Type | Property |
Description of Taxon: Brief description, Full description, Identification keys and Ancillary Data
Term Name plic:briefDescription | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/briefDescription |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/briefDescription-2023-11-29 |
Label | Brief Description |
Definition | Brief description which reflect only the diagnostic characters, i.e. those that distinguish a taxon from other related or close taxa. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/TaxonomicDescription/BriefDescription |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:fullDescriptionAtomized | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/fullDescriptionAtomized |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/fullDescriptionAtomized-2023-11-29 |
Label | Atomized Full Description |
Definition | fullDescription element in structured format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/TaxonomicDescription/FullDescription/FullDescriptionAtomized |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:fullDescriptionUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/fullDescriptionUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/fullDescriptionUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Full Description |
Definition | fullDescription element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/TaxonomicDescription/FullDescription/FullDescriptionUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:keys | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/keys |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/keys-2023-11-29 |
Label | Keys |
Definition | Dichotomic or multientrance keys. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/TaxonomicDescription/IdentificationKeys/Keys |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:taxonomicDescriptionUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/taxonomicDescriptionUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/taxonomicDescriptionUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | unstructured taxonomic description |
Definition | TaxonomicDescription element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/TaxonomicDescription/TaxonomicDescriptionUnstructured |
Type | Property |
General appearance. Characteristic mode of growth or occurrence associated to the environment, particularly for plants. Comprising the size, shape, texture and orientation
Term Name plic:lifeFormAtomized | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/lifeFormAtomized |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/lifeFormAtomized-2023-11-29 |
Label | Atomized Life Form |
Definition | lifeCycleForm element in structured format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/LifeForm/LifeFormAtomized |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:lifeFormUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/lifeFormUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/lifeFormUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Life Form |
Definition | lifeCycleForm element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/LifeForm/LifeFormUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Life history of a living organism: The course of developmental changes in an organism from fertilized zygote to maturity or stages through which an organism passes.
Term Name plic:lifeCycleAtomized | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/lifeCycleAtomized |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/lifeCycleAtomized-2023-11-29 |
Label | Atomized Life Cycle |
Definition | lifeCycle element in structured format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/LifeCycle/LifeCycleAtomized |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:lifeCycleUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/lifeCycleUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/lifeCycleUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Life Cycle |
Definition | lifeCycle element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/LifeCycle/LifeCycleUnstructured |
Type | Property |
All data related to the generation of offspring
Term Name plic:reproductionAtomized | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/reproductionAtomized |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/reproductionAtomized-2023-11-29 |
Label | atomized reproduction |
Definition | Reproduction element in structured format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Reproduction/ReproductionAtomized |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:reproductionUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/reproductionUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/reproductionUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | unstructured reproduction |
Definition | Reproduction element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Reproduction/ReproductionUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Set of changes or events that recurrently take place at the same time of year and are influenced by seasonal and interannual climate variations. For example: reproduction, flowering, fruiting, emergence of insects, etc. Also called phenology, mainly in plants. In the case of migration, it only makes reference to the timing; other data about this are gathered in MigratoryData.
Term Name plic:AnnualCycleUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/AnnualCycleUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/AnnualCycleUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Annual Cycle |
Definition | AnnualCyles element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/AnnualCycles/AnnualCycleUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:EndTimeInterval | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/EndTimeInterval |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/EndTimeInterval-2023-11-29 |
Label | End Time Interval |
Definition | The date-time or interval at which an event ends. Recommended best practice is to use an encoding scheme, such as ISO 8601:2004(E). A controlled vocabulary is recommended. |
Notes | e.g. "1963-03-08T14:07-0600" is 8 Mar 1963 2:07pm in the time zone six hours earlier than UTC, "2009-02-20T08:40Z" is 20 Feb 2009 8:40am UTC, "1809-02-12" is 12 Feb 1809, "1906-06" is Jun 1906, "1971" is just that year, "2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z" is the interval between 1 Mar 2007 1pm UTC and 11 May 2008 3:30pm UTC, "2007-11-13/15" is the interval between 13 Nov 2007 and 15 Nov 2007. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/AnnualCycles/AnnualCycleAtomized/endTimeInterval |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Event | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Event |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Event-2023-11-29 |
Label | Event |
Definition | An action that occurs at some location during some time. A controlled vocabulary is recommended. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/AnnualCycles/AnnualCycleAtomized/Event |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:StartTimeInterval | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/StartTimeInterval |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/StartTimeInterval-2023-11-29 |
Label | Start Time Interval |
Definition | The date-time or interval at which an event starts. Recommended best practice is to use an encoding scheme, such as ISO 8601:2004(E). A controlled vocabulary is recommended. |
Usage | |
Notes | e.g. "1963-03-08T14:07-0600" is 8 Mar 1963 2:07pm in the time zone six hours earlier than UTC, "2009-02-20T08:40Z" is 20 Feb 2009 8:40am UTC, "1809-02-12" is 12 Feb 1809, "1906-06" is Jun 1906, "1971" is just that year, "2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z" is the interval between 1 Mar 2007 1pm UTC and 11 May 2008 3:30pm UTC, "2007-11-13/15" is the interval between 13 Nov 2007 and 15 Nov 2007. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/AnnualCycles/AnnualCycleAtomized/startTimeInterval |
Type | Property |
Information related to the food supply for the development and sustenance of the individual and/or its offspring
Term Name plic:FeedingType | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/FeedingType |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/FeedingType-2023-11-29 |
Label | Feeding Type |
Definition | Primary diet source. A controlled vocabulary is recommended. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Feeding/FeedingAtomized/FeedingType |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:TrophicStrategy | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/TrophicStrategy |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/TrophicStrategy-2023-11-29 |
Label | Trophic Strategy |
Definition | Tactic used to obtain energy or nutrients. A controlled vocabulary is recommended. e.g. Chemosynthetic organisms, Photosynthetic organisms, Parasites, Decomposers, Suspension feeders, Substrate feeders, Grazers, Fluid-feeders, Predators... |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Feeding/FeedingAtomized/Thropic/TrophicStrategy |
Type | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme |
Term Name plic:TrophicStrategyRemarks | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/TrophicStrategyRemarks |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/TrophicStrategyRemarks-2023-11-29 |
Label | Trophic Strategy Remarks |
Definition | Information notes about specific feeding strategies. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Feeding/FeedingAtomized/Thropic/TrophicStrategyRemarks |
Type | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme |
Term Name plic:feedingUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/feedingUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/feedingUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Feeding |
Definition | feeding element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Feeding/FeedingUnstructured |
Type | Property |
The permanent spreading of individuals away from each other not including return. Dispersal determines the range over which genetic mixing occurs, and thus, the degree of homogeneity and inbreeding in a population.
Term Name plic:DispersalMeans | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/DispersalMeans |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/DispersalMeans-2023-11-29 |
Label | Dispersal Means |
Definition | VCR. Zoochory, Anemochory, Hydrochory, Barochory, Autochory. |
Notes | Type of dispersal, a controlled vocabulary is recommended. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Dispersal/DispersalAtomized/DispersalMeans |
Type | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme |
Term Name plic:DispersalUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/DispersalUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/DispersalUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Dispersal |
Definition | Dispersal element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Dispersal/DispersalUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Distance | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Distance |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Distance-2023-11-29 |
Label | Distance |
Definition | The distance reached by the structured dispersed. |
Notes | It includes elements of type MeasurementOrFact |
Examples | Dispersal distance. e.g. 450 m. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Dispersal/DispersalAtomized/Distance |
Type | http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property |
Term Name plic:Purpose | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Purpose |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Purpose-2023-11-29 |
Label | Purpose |
Definition | Makes reference to any data being measured. |
Notes | It includes elements of type MeasurementOrFact |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/Metadata/dataset/purpose /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Dispersal/DispersalAtomized/Purpose |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:StructureDispersed | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/StructureDispersed |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/StructureDispersed-2023-11-29 |
Label | Structure Dispersed |
Definition | VCR: Seed, Fruit, Vegetative structure, Spores, Gametes, Eggs, Offspring and Individuals. |
Notes | Structured that is dispersed for a given biologial propose, a controlled vocabulary is recommended. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Dispersal/DispersalAtomized/StructureDispersed |
Type | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme |
Responses, reactions or movements made by an organism in a particular situation
Term Name plic:behaviorAtomized | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/behaviorAtomized |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/behaviorAtomized-2023-11-29 |
Label | Atomized Behavior |
Definition | Responses, reactions or movements made by an organism in a particular situation. |
Examples | 0 |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Behavior/BehaviorAtomized |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:behaviorUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/behaviorUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/behaviorUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Behavior |
Definition | Responses, reactions or movements made by an organism in a particular situation. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Behavior/BehaviorUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Mutual or reciprocal actions or influences. For example, predation, parasitism, mutualism, etc. Relations with products grown and stored by man (plagues) are also included.
Term Name plic:SpeciesInteraction | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/SpeciesInteraction |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/SpeciesInteraction-2023-11-29 |
Label | Species Interaction |
Definition | Information category concerning relations between resources (instances or records, such as Occurrences, Taxa, Locations, Events,...). |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Interactions/InteractionAtomized/SpeciesInteraction |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:SpeciesInteractionType | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/SpeciesInteractionType |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/SpeciesInteractionType-2023-11-29 |
Label | Species Interaction Type |
Definition | String with the type of interaction. Each element is separated by comma and each list of elements by. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Interactions/InteractionAtomized/SpeciesInteractionType |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:interactionUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/interactionUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/interactionUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Interaction |
Definition | interaction element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Interactions/InteractionUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Information on the chemical structures and biological processes at the molecular level: DNA and proteins sequences, protein structures, expression profiles of genes protein domains, families of genes, mutations, polymorphisms, involvement in disease, ... Placeholder for connecting with standards developed by specialists, e.g. Standards for Data Exchange and Management from Scalalife (http://www.scalalife.eu/content/data.html).
Term Name plic:MolecularDataAtomized | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/MolecularDataAtomized |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/MolecularDataAtomized-2023-11-29 |
Label | atomized molecular data |
Definition | MolecularData element in structured format. |
Notes | It includes elements of type MeasurementOrFact |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/MolecularData/MolecularDataAtomized |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:MolecularDataUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/MolecularDataUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/MolecularDataUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | unstructured molecular data |
Definition | MolecularData as a text block. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/MolecularData/MolecularDataUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:RelatedTo | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/RelatedTo |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/RelatedTo-2023-11-29 |
Label | RelatedTo |
Definition | Specifies to which PlinianCore term the information contained under MolecularDataAtomized refers to. The controlled vocabulary is list of content-bearing PlinianCore elements. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Dispersal/DispersalAtomized/Distance/RelatedTo /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Dispersal/DispersalAtomized/Purpose/RelatedTo /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/MolecularData/MolecularDataAtomized/RelatedTo |
Type | Property |
The regular, usually seasonal, movement of all or part of an animal population to and from a given area, which can occur in variable periods of time and even involve more than one generation.
Term Name plic:Causes | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Causes |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Causes-2023-11-29 |
Label | Causes |
Definition | Reasons for the species to move from one place to another in a specific lap. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Migratory/MigratoryAtomized/Causes |
Type | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme |
Term Name plic:Patterns | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Patterns |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Patterns-2023-11-29 |
Label | Patterns |
Definition | Displacement of the species in space. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Migratory/MigratoryAtomized/Patterns |
Type | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme |
Term Name plic:Routes | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Routes |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Routes-2023-11-29 |
Label | Routes |
Definition | Trajectory followed by the species. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Migratory/MigratoryAtomized/Routes |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Season | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Season |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Season-2023-11-29 |
Label | Season |
Definition | Time of year in which a species migrates. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Migratory/MigratoryAtomized/Season |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:migratoryUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/migratoryUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/migratoryUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | unstructured migratory |
Definition | The regular, usually seasonal, movement of all or part of an animal population to and from a given area, which can occur in variable periods of time and even involve more than one generation as text block. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Migratory/MigratoryUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Ecological importance of the taxon
Term Name plic:ecologicalSignificanceAtomized | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/ecologicalSignificanceAtomized |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/ecologicalSignificanceAtomized-2023-11-29 |
Label | Atomized Ecological Significance |
Definition | Ecological Significance element in structured format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/EcologicalSignificance/EcologicalSignificanceAtomized |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:ecologicalSignificanceUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/ecologicalSignificanceUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/ecologicalSignificanceUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Ecological Significance |
Definition | Ecological Significance element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/EcologicalSignificance/EcologicalSignificanceUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Set of environmental conditions within which it is believed that the species can persist; i.e. where its environmental requirements can be satisfied.
Term Name plic:environmentalEnvelopeAtomized | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/environmentalEnvelopeAtomized |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/environmentalEnvelopeAtomized-2023-11-29 |
Label | Atomized Environmental Envelope |
Definition | Environmental envelope of a species expressed as an enumeration of measures and parameters. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/EnvironmentalEnvelope/EnvironmentalEnvelopeAtomized |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:environmentalEnvelopeUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/environmentalEnvelopeUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/environmentalEnvelopeUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Environmental Envelope |
Definition | environmentalEnvelope as a text block. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/EnvironmentalEnvelope/EnvironmentalEnvelopeUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Relevant descriptive information about the species: Life Form, Life Cycle, Reproduction, Annual Cycles, Feeding, Dispersal, Behavior, Interactions, Molecular Data, Migratory, Ecological Significance, Miscellaneous Details, Environmental Envelope and Ancillary Data.
Term Name plic:NaturalHistoryUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/NaturalHistoryUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/NaturalHistoryUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Natural History Unstructured |
Definition | NaturalHistory element in text block format. This term is an unstructured alternative that may fit in an structured way in terms under the following categories: TaxonomicDescription, LifeForm, LifeCycle, Reproduction, AnnualCycles, Feeding, Dispersal, Behavior, Interactions, MolecularData, Migratory, EcologicalSignificance, MiscDetails, EnvironmentalEnvelope. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/NaturalHistoryUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Information about invasive exotic species that could threaten ecosystems, habitats and species
Term Name plic:Route | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Route |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Route-2023-11-29 |
Label | Route |
Definition | This is equivalent and probably replaceable by gisin:route. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/Invasiveness/InvasivenessAtomized/Route |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:WhatImpact | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/WhatImpact |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/WhatImpact-2023-11-29 |
Label | What Impact |
Definition | An indication of the actual impact as a free text string. e.g. destroys riparian vegetation, destroys irrigation systems, displaces Arvicola sapidus. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/Invasiveness/InvasivenessAtomized/WhatImpact |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:impactMechanism | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/impactMechanism |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/impactMechanism-2023-11-29 |
Label | Impact Mechanism |
Definition | Mechanism of introduction or impact to a new location. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/Invasiveness/InvasivenessAtomized/impactMechanism |
Type | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme |
Term Name plic:impactTarget | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/impactTarget |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/impactTarget-2023-11-29 |
Label | Impact Target |
Definition | This is equivalent and probably replaceable by gisin:impactTarget. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/Invasiveness/InvasivenessAtomized/impactTarget |
Type | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme |
Term Name plic:invasivenessUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/invasivenessUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/invasivenessUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Invasiveness |
Definition | invasiveness element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/Invasiveness/InvasivenessUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:vector | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/vector |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/vector-2023-11-29 |
Label | Vector |
Definition | By which means a species occupies a new territory. e.g. fishing boats; dirty boots, cars (Aedes albopictus). |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/Invasiveness/InvasivenessAtomized/vector |
Type | Property |
Habitat and Distribution of the species
Term Name plic:DistributionScope | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/DistributionScope |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/DistributionScope-2023-11-29 |
Label | Distribution Scope |
Definition | List of regions structured and categorized. |
Usage | |
Notes | A controlled vocabulary is recommended. e.g. Historical, Current, Restricted and Wide. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/AppliesTo/DistributionScope /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/ThreatStatus/ThreatStatusAtomized/AppliesTo/DistributionScope /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Distribution/DistributionScope /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/CommonNames/CommonNamesAtomized/UsedIn/DistributionScope |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:DistributionUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/DistributionUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/DistributionUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Distribution |
Definition | Distribution element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/AppliesTo/DistributionUnstructured /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/ThreatStatus/ThreatStatusAtomized/AppliesTo/DistributionUnstructured /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Distribution/DistributionUnstructured /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/CommonNames/CommonNamesAtomized/UsedIn/DistributionUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:EndemicIn | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/EndemicIn |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/EndemicIn-2023-11-29 |
Label | Endemic In |
Definition | The area that works as a context for specifying endemic areas of a species. A controlled vocabulary is recommended. The term may go from local to above-country levels. |
Notes | If not specified, the Earth as a whole is assumed as the geographical context. Examples: Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna Molina, 1782) endemic to the Andean region **in South America**. Manzanilla Real (Artemisia granatensis Boiss.) endemic in the peaks of Sierra Nevada (**in Spain**). |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Endemic/EndemicAtomized/EndemicIn |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:EndemicTo | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/EndemicTo |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/EndemicTo-2023-11-29 |
Label | Endemic To |
Definition | A territory in which an endemic species appear. A controlled vocabulary is recommended. The term may go from local to above-country levels. |
Notes | Examples: Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca (David, 1869) endemic to China. Quetzal Resplendent (Pharomachrus mocinno de la Llave, 1832) endemic to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Endemic/EndemicAtomized/EndemicTo |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:GeographicEntity | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/GeographicEntity |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/GeographicEntity-2023-11-29 |
Label | Geographic Entity |
Definition | Name of the geographic entity. |
Notes | A controlled vocabulary --as specified in the Catalogue element-- is recommended. e.g. Spain; Aguascalientas; Alabama; Ambon |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/AppliesTo/Distribution/DistributionAtomized/GeographicEntity /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/ThreatStatus/ThreatStatusAtomized/AppliesTo/Distribution/DistributionAtomized/GeographicEntity /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/CommonNames/CommonNamesAtomized/UsedIn/DistributionAtomized/GeographicEntity /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Distribution/DistributionAtomized/GeographicEntity |
Type | http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property |
Term Name plic:TemporalCoverage | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/TemporalCoverage |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/TemporalCoverage-2023-11-29 |
Label | Temporal Coverage |
Definition | This field specifies temporal coverage of the distribution, and allows coverages to be a single point in time, multiple points in time, or a range of dates. |
Notes | From GBIF EML profile |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/AppliesTo/temporalCoverage /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/ThreatStatus/ThreatStatusAtomized/AppliesTo/temporalCoverage /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Distribution/temporalCoverage /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/CommonNames/CommonNamesAtomized/UsedIn/temporalCoverage |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:endemicUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/endemicUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/endemicUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Endemic |
Definition | Information on the endemicity of a species as a text block. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Endemic/EndemicUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:habitatAndDistributionUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/habitatAndDistributionUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/habitatAndDistributionUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Habitat And Distribution |
Definition | habitatAndDistribution element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/HabitatAndDistributionUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:habitatAtomized | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/habitatAtomized |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/habitatAtomized-2023-11-29 |
Label | Atomized Habitat |
Definition | habitatAndDistribution element in structured format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Habitats/HabitatAtomized |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:habitatUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/habitatUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/habitatUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Habitat |
Definition | habitat element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Habitats/HabitatUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Information concerning the demographic aspects of the species: Territory, Population Biology, Threat Status, Direct Threats, Legislation and Ancillary Data
Term Name plic:AbundanceData | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/AbundanceData |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/AbundanceData-2023-11-29 |
Label | AbundanceData |
Definition | The relative representation of a species population in relation to other species or multiple species in a particular territory. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/AbundanceData |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:AreaOfOccupancy | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/AreaOfOccupancy |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/AreaOfOccupancy-2023-11-29 |
Label | Area of occupancy |
Definition | Area within its 'extent of occurrence' (see EOO) which is occupied by a taxon, excluding cases of vagrancy. The measure reflects the fact that a taxon will not usually occur throughout the area of its extent of occurrence, which may contain unsuitable or unoccupied habitats. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Territory/TerritoryAtomized/AreaOfOccupancy |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Authority | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Authority |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Authority-2023-11-29 |
Label | Authority |
Definition | Organism or institution that assess the status. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/ThreatStatus/ThreatStatusAtomized/Authority |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:AverageDensity | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/AverageDensity |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/AverageDensity-2023-11-29 |
Label | Average density |
Definition | Average of the densities obtained for a population. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/AverageDensity |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:BirthRate | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/BirthRate |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/BirthRate-2023-11-29 |
Label | Birth rate |
Definition | Ratio of births to the total number of individuals in a population in a time period. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/BirthRate |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:CarryingCapacity | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/CarryingCapacity |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/CarryingCapacity-2023-11-29 |
Label | Carrying capacity |
Definition | Maximum population density possible as limited by the resources available for the population in the absence of predators and parasites. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/CarryingCapacity |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:DensityData | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/DensityData |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/DensityData-2023-11-29 |
Label | DensityData |
Definition | Population size in relation to a defined space unit. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/DensityData |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:DescriptionLifeStages | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/DescriptionLifeStages |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/DescriptionLifeStages-2023-11-29 |
Label | Description life stages |
Definition | Sex/age categories or life stages of a species; can be size in the case of plants. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/DescriptionLifeStages |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:DirectThreatAtomized | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/DirectThreatAtomized |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/DirectThreatAtomized-2023-11-29 |
Label | Atomized Direct Threat |
Definition | directThreats element in structured format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/DirectThreats/DirectThreatAtomized |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Emigration | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Emigration |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Emigration-2023-11-29 |
Label | Emigration |
Definition | Information on individuals leaving a population. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/Emigration |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:ExtentOfOccurrence | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/ExtentOfOccurrence |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/ExtentOfOccurrence-2023-11-29 |
Label | Extent of occurrence |
Definition | Area contained within the shortest continuous imaginary boundary which can be drawn to encompass all the known, inferred or projected sites of present occurrence of a taxon, excluding cases of vagrancy. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Territory/TerritoryAtomized/ExtentOfOccurrence |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Fecundity | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Fecundity |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Fecundity-2023-11-29 |
Label | Fecundity |
Definition | In the context of a population, is the combined maximum potential of its individuals to produce offspring. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/Fecundity |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Immigration | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Immigration |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Immigration-2023-11-29 |
Label | Immigration |
Definition | Information on individuals entering a population. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/Immigration |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:LegislationName | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/LegislationName |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/LegislationName-2023-11-29 |
Label | Legislation Name |
Definition | Word or phrase to designate the law or group of laws. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/LegislationName |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:LegislationRead | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/LegislationRead |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/LegislationRead-2023-11-29 |
Label | Legislation Read |
Definition | The oficial document in which the user can read the legislation. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/LegislationRead |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:MortalityRate | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/MortalityRate |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/MortalityRate-2023-11-29 |
Label | Mortality rate |
Definition | Probability of dying; the ratio between the number of deaths in a given time interval to the number of subjects alive at the start of this interval. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/MortalityRate |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:NumberIndividualsPerObservation | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/NumberIndividualsPerObservation |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/NumberIndividualsPerObservation-2023-11-29 |
Label | Number individuals per observation |
Definition | Mean number of individuals per observation event or unit. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/NumberIndividualsPerObservation |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:PatternDistribution | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/PatternDistribution |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/PatternDistribution-2023-11-29 |
Label | Pattern distribution |
Definition | The spatial arrangement of the individuals of a population in the territory it occupies. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/PatternDistribution |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:PopulationGrowthRate | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/PopulationGrowthRate |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/PopulationGrowthRate-2023-11-29 |
Label | Population growth rate |
Definition | Growth rate of a population in a given time period, based on births, deaths, emigration and immigration. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/PopulationGrowthRate |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:PopulationTrend | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/PopulationTrend |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/PopulationTrend-2023-11-29 |
Label | Population trend |
Definition | Changes of a population over time and can include changes in distribution, biogeography (e.g., size of population), life-history (e.g., birth and death rates), etc. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/PopulationTrend |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:ProportionIndividualsPerStageLife | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/ProportionIndividualsPerStageLife |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/ProportionIndividualsPerStageLife-2023-11-29 |
Label | ProportionIndividuals per stage life |
Definition | Percentage of individuals that belong to each life stage in a population. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/ProportionIndividualsPerStageLife |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:ProtectionLegalStatus | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/ProtectionLegalStatus |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/ProtectionLegalStatus-2023-11-29 |
Label | Protection Legal Status |
Definition | Description of the legal status. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/ProtectionLegalStatus |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Recruitment | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Recruitment |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Recruitment-2023-11-29 |
Label | Recruitment |
Definition | Information on the process by which young individuals (e.g., seedlings, larvae, propagules) become part of the adult population. It can be rate, scale, a description, etc. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/Recruitment |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:SexRatio | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/SexRatio |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/SexRatio-2023-11-29 |
Label | SexRatio |
Definition | Relative number of males to females in a population. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/SexRatio |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Size | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Size |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Size-2023-11-29 |
Label | Size |
Definition | Number of individual organisms in a population. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/Size |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:ThreatCategory | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/ThreatCategory |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/ThreatCategory-2023-11-29 |
Label | Threat category |
Definition | Description of the conservation status. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/ThreatStatus/ThreatStatusAtomized/ThreatCategory |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:demographyAndThreatUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/demographyAndThreatUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/demographyAndThreatUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Demography And Threat |
Definition | demographyAndThreat element in unstructured format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/DemographyAndThreatUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:directThreatUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/directThreatUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/directThreatUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Direct Threat |
Definition | directThreats element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/DirectThreats/DirectThreatUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:legalNorm | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/legalNorm |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/legalNorm-2023-11-29 |
Label | Legal Norm |
Definition | Norms are general legal principles that are widely accepted. This acceptance is evidenced in a number of ways, such as international agreements, national legislation, domestic and international judicial decisions, and scholarly writings. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/LegalNorm |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:legislationStatus | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/legislationStatus |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/legislationStatus-2023-11-29 |
Label | Legislation Status |
Definition | Whether a piece of legislation is in force, or superseded, etc. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/LegislationStatus |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:legislationType | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/legislationType |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/legislationType-2023-11-29 |
Label | Legislation Type |
Definition | Category of the piece of legislation. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/LegislationType |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:legislationUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/legislationUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/legislationUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Legislation |
Definition | legislation element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:populationBiologyUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/populationBiologyUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/populationBiologyUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | unstructured population biology |
Definition | Population biology data as a text block. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:territoryUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/territoryUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/territoryUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | unstructured territory |
Definition | Information associated mostly to vertebrates, referring to the territorial extension of the individual or group in terms of its activities (feeding, mating, etc.). As a text block. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Territory/TerritoryUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:threatStatusUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/threatStatusUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/threatStatusUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | unstructured threat status |
Definition | Information about the status of the taxon.As a text block. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/ThreatStatus/ThreatStatusUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Uses: Ways in which species are utilized by people, including Folklore. Management: actions aimed at conserving or recovering species. Conservation status
Term Name plic:Actions | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Actions |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Actions-2023-11-29 |
Label | Actions |
Definition | Individual tasks in which a management project can be atomized. Each action must be separated by ; |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservationAtomized/Actions |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:ActionsType | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/ActionsType |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/ActionsType-2023-11-29 |
Label | Actions Type |
Definition | Each action must have one type. In the case that one action doesn't have type then put blank. |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Conservation-ExplotationData | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Conservation-ExplotationData |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Conservation-ExplotationData-2023-11-29 |
Label | Conservation-Explotation Data |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. Frequency record of plants, details of regeneration, sustainability or over-exploitation and any locally imposed bans on felling or harvesting. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/Conservation-ExplotationData |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Economics | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Economics |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Economics-2023-11-29 |
Label | Economics |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. Real or potential existence of trade in live plants, plant parts or derivatives and, if so, the trade scale. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/Economics |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:HumanAndEnvironmentalrelevance | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/HumanAndEnvironmentalrelevance |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/HumanAndEnvironmentalrelevance-2023-11-29 |
Label | Human and Environmental Relevance |
Definition | Impact or value an species has either on the environment or on humans, and that justify management measures. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservationAtomized/HumanAndEnvironmentalRelevance |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:ManagementAndConservationUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/ManagementAndConservationUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/ManagementAndConservationUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Management and Conservation Unstructured |
Definition | Management: actions directed at conserving or restoring species / Conservation: interventions undertaken designed to preserve species as a text block. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservationUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:ManagementPlan | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/ManagementPlan |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/ManagementPlan-2023-11-29 |
Label | Management Plan |
Definition | plan guiding the overall management project. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservationAtomized/ManagementPlan |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:MeansOfApplication-Administration | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/MeansOfApplication-Administration |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/MeansOfApplication-Administration-2023-11-29 |
Label | Means of Application-Administration |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. This is specific relevant for medicines, poisons . |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/MeansOfApplication-Administration |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Objectives | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Objectives |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Objectives-2023-11-29 |
Label | Objectives |
Definition | Specific purposes of the management actions. Each objective must be separated by ; |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservationAtomized/Objectives |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Organisms | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Organisms |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Organisms-2023-11-29 |
Label | Organisms |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. Organisms which use the plant/plant parts. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/Organisms |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:PartUsed | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/PartUsed |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/PartUsed-2023-11-29 |
Label | Part Used |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. Which plant parts are used, or have any negative values. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/PartUsed |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Potential | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Potential |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Potential-2023-11-29 |
Label | Potential |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. Could the use, cultivation, manufacture of products etc. be increased and /or introduced to other areas or social groups? |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/Potential |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:ProductionDetails | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/ProductionDetails |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/ProductionDetails-2023-11-29 |
Label | Production Details |
Definition | Definition: Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. (where relevant). Give details of protection, cultivation, harvesting, yields, processing and storage methods used and take note of special tools, timing etc. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/ProductionDetails |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Properties | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Properties |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Properties-2023-11-29 |
Label | Properties |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. Details of properties which influence its value for a specified purpose. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/Properties |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:RatingPopularity | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/RatingPopularity |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/RatingPopularity-2023-11-29 |
Label | Rating Popularity |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. Assessment of the plant for its use and possible preference to other species, pointing out, in this case, which species are they. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/RatingPopularity |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:SeasonOfAvailability-Use | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/SeasonOfAvailability-Use |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/SeasonOfAvailability-Use-2023-11-29 |
Label | Season of Availability-Use |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. The season in which the plant is available/is used and, if relevant, the time of day. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/SeasonOfAvailability-Use |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:SourceOfInformationText | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/SourceOfInformationText |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/SourceOfInformationText-2023-11-29 |
Label | Source of information text |
Definition | Where does the observation come from? Where appropriate, voucher specimen details should be provided (collector, number, date, herbarium) as well as details of the recorded informant (name, gender, approximate age, occupation, ethnic identity, locality and spoken language). |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/SourceOfInformation/SourceOfInformationText |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Use-Value | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Use-Value |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Use-Value-2023-11-29 |
Label | Use-Value |
Definition | What is the plant used for, or what negative values does it have. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/Use-Value |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:UseNotes | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/UseNotes |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/UseNotes-2023-11-29 |
Label | Use Notes |
Definition | Notes about how species are utilized by people. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/UseNotes |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:UseType | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/UseType |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/UseType-2023-11-29 |
Label | Use Type |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. Type of use: traditional, modern, industrial or just a possible use. |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:Users | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/Users |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/Users-2023-11-29 |
Label | Users |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. The user group who recognizes the value and/or use of the plant. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/Users |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:UsesManagementAndConservationUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/UsesManagementAndConservationUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/UsesManagementAndConservationUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Uses Management and Conservation Unstructured |
Definition | UsesManagementAndConservation element in text block format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/UsesManagementAndConservationUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:UsesUnstructured | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/UsesUnstructured |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/UsesUnstructured-2023-11-29 |
Label | Unstructured Uses |
Definition | Uses in a unstructured format. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesUnstructured |
Type | Property |
Term Name plic:VernacularNameUseAnnotations | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/VernacularNameUseAnnotations |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/VernacularNameUseAnnotations-2023-11-29 |
Label | Vernacular Name Use Annotations |
Definition | Acc. TDWG Economic Botany. The name of the taxon must be distinguished from the name of the plant parts, the names of any processing stages, and the final product name. Names used in trade should be identified. It should also be mentioned if any vernacular name refers to more than one taxon. The use of some names may be restricted to a time of year or occasion, or have sacred connotations. The language or dialect to which the names belong should be stated along with details of the ethnic group. Care should be taken with transliteration into the Roman alphabet; if a standard system exists, use it and note which one it is. |
Equivalent XPath | /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/VernacularNameUseAnnotations |
Type | Property |
A party associated with the resource. Parties have particular role. (EML-RESOURCE)
The AncillaryData element contains information that could be an image, an audio, a list of references, a list of agents, rights, licenses...related with the element it belongs. Its definition is borrowed from the dataObjectBaseType element of the EOL scheme.
Term Name plic:AncillaryData | |
Term IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/AncillaryData |
Modified | 2023-11-29 |
Term version IRI | http://rs.tdwg.org/plic/terms/version/AncillaryData-2023-11-29 |
Label | Ancillary Data |
Definition | Term borrowed from EOL. The AncillaryData element contains information that could be an image, an audio, a list of references, a list of agents, rights, licenses...related with the element it belongs. |
Usage | AncillaryData should be information related with the element it belongs |
Notes | eol:dataObjectBaseType |
Equivalent XPath |
Show all 88 XPaths/Dataset/AncillaryData/Dataset/TaxonRecord/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/DirectThreats/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/DirectThreats/DirectThreatAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Legislation/LegislationAtomized/AppliesTo/DistributionScope/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/AbundanceData/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/AverageDensity/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/BirthRate/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/CarryingCapacity/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/DensityData/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/DescriptionLifeStages/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/Emigration/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/Fecundity/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/Immigration/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/MortalityRate/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/NumberIndividualsPerObservation/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/PatternDistribution/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/PopulationGrowthRate/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/PopulationTrend/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/ProportionIndividualsPerStageLife/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/Recruitment/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/SexRatio/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/PopulationBiology/PopulationBiologyAtomized/Size/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Territory/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Territory/TerritoryAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Territory/TerritoryAtomized/AreaOfOccupancy/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/Territory/TerritoryAtomized/ExtentOfOccurrence/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/ThreatStatus/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/DemographyAndThreat/ThreatStatus/ThreatStatusAtomized/AppliesTo/DistributionScope/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Distribution/DistributionScope/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Endemic/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Endemic/EndemicAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Habitats/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/HabitatAndDistribution/Habitats/HabitatAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/Invasiveness/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/Invasiveness/InvasivenessAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/AnnualCycles/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/AnnualCycles/AnnualCycleAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Behavior/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Behavior/BehaviorAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Dispersal/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Dispersal/DispersalAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/EcologicalSignificance/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/EcologicalSignificance/EcologicalSignificanceAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/EnvironmentalEnvelope/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/EnvironmentalEnvelope/EnvironmentalEnvelopeAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Feeding/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Feeding/FeedingAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Interactions/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Interactions/InteractionAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/LifeCycle/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/LifeCycle/LifeCycleAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/LifeForm/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/LifeForm/LifeFormAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Migratory/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Migratory/MigratoryAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/MiscDetails/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/MiscDetails/DetailAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/MolecularData/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/MolecularData/MolecularDataAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Reproduction/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NaturalHistory/Reproduction/ReproductionAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/CommonNames/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/CommonNames/CommonNamesAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/CommonNames/CommonNamesAtomized/UsedIn/DistributionScope/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/Hierarchy/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/MiscDetails/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/MiscDetails/DetailAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/Synonyms/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/Synonyms/SynonymsAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/NomenclatureAndClassification/TaxonRecordName/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/TaxonomicDescription/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/TaxonomicDescription/FullDescription/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/TaxonomicDescription/FullDescription/FullDescriptionAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/TaxonomicDescription/IdentificationKeys/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservation/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservation/ManagementAndConservationAtomized/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/AncillaryData /Dataset/TaxonRecord/UsesManagementAndConservation/Uses/UsesAtomized/AncillaryData |
Type | Class |