This tutorial walks through the set up of kubernetes on Bare Metal using the projects from the opensource and the CNCF. but first, let's try to define what a telco CaaS is:
- provide the features to run network functions (data plane acceleration SR-IOV/DPDK...)
- based on the industry standards (LinuxFoundation/CNCF, CNTT, ETSI, ONAP, opensource,..) and API driven
- provide tools to operate the CaaS and NFs (lifecycle management)
- provide tools to mesure the CaaS and NFs (telemetry, monitoring, alerting)
- provide tools to secure the CaaS and NFs (business continuity, runtime, vault, SIEM)
- provide tools to operate the NFs (Service Mesh, autoscaling ...)
Anyone planning to support a Kubernetes in production. Could be system engineer, devops engineer, kubernetes operators.
For Bare metal, I'm using HPE Synergy Composable infrastructure with HPE OneView API and HPE 3PAR for strorage (block and persistent volume) Further investigation with redfish is in progress.
install centos7.6. I m using
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Linux 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Nov 8 23:39:32 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
cd /tmp/
curl -O
source ~/.bashrc
conda info
to update anaconda: conda update conda
to delete anaconda: rm -rf ~/anaconda3
pip install jmespath (to capture ip address of oneview server profile)
conda create --name k8s python=3.6
conda activate k8s
add oneview-sdk
pip install hpOneView
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/github
git clone
cd oneview-ansible
pip install -r requirements.txt
add 3par-sdk
pip install hpe3par-sdk
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/github
git clone
Add oneview and 3par/primera to the ansible.cfg
vi /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
library = /home/tdovan/workspace/github/oneview-ansible/library:/home/tdovan/workspace/github/hpe3par_ansible_module
module_utils = /home/tdovan/workspace/github/oneview-ansible/library/module_utils:/root/anaconda3/envs/tf-3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages:/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages
conda activate python36
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/github/kubespray
ansible-playbook -i inventory/orange/inventory.ini reset.yml -b
conda activate python36
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/github/ansible-synergy-3par
ansible-playbook -i inventory/synergy-inventory tasks/ov-poweroff-delete-serverprofile.yaml --limit az1,az2,az3
ansible-playbook -e "ansible_python_interpreter=/home/tdovan/anaconda3/envs/python36/bin/python" -i inventory/synergy-inventory tasks/infra-deregister-dns.yml --limit az1,az2,az3
Useful when using Synergy beta unit. It clears alarm of the server otherwise oneview will not allow to re-provision without clearing the faults
curl | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft.repo
sudo yum makecache
sudo yum install powershell
PS /root> Install-Module hponeview.500
PS /root> $az1=Connect-HPOVMgmt -Appliance -UserName $username -Password $password
PS /root> $az2=Connect-HPOVMgmt -Appliance -UserName $username -Password $password
PS /root> $az3=Connect-HPOVMgmt -Appliance -UserName $username -Password $password
PS /root> Get-HPOVServer -ApplianceConnection $az1 | Get-HPOVAlert -State active | Set-HPOVAlert -Cleared
PS /root> Get-HPOVServer -ApplianceConnection $az2 | Get-HPOVAlert -State active | Set-HPOVAlert -Cleared
PS /root> Get-HPOVServer -ApplianceConnection $az3 | Get-HPOVAlert -State active | Set-HPOVAlert -Cleared
PS /root> Disconnect-HPOVMgmt -Appliance
> Clear alarm for a dedicated server hardware
Get-HPOVServer -name "Encl1, bay 1*" -ApplianceConnection $az1 | Get-HPOVAlert -State active | Set-HPOVAlert -Cleared
conda activate python36
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/github/ansible-synergy-3par
ansible-playbook -e "ansible_python_interpreter=/home/tdovan/anaconda3/envs/python36/bin/python" -i inventory/synergy-inventory 1-deploy-bfs-az-all.yaml --limit az1,az2,az3 --forks 20
ansible-playbook -i inventory/synergy-inventory 2-configure-kubespray-nodes.yaml --limit az1,az2,az3
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/github/kubespray
ansible-playbook -i inventory/orange/inventory.ini --become --become-user=root cluster.yml --flush-cache
ansible-playbook -i inventory/synergy-inventory 3-merge-kubeconfig.yaml --limit localhost
ktx kubernetes-admin@cluster.local
k get nodes
this is the helm v3 chart but the operator is also available
helm repo add hpe
helm repo update
helm repo ls
helm install hpe-csi hpe-storage/hpe-csi-driver --namespace kube-system -f conf/csi-driver/hpe-3par-csi-values.yaml
k get pods --selector 'app in (primera3par-csp,hpe-csi-node,hpe-csi-controller)' -n kube-system
ssh 3paradm@$ip
showvv *pvc*
helm uninstall hpe-csi --namespace kube-system
to use minio as with 3PAR CSI to expose S3/object storage
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
helm install --set persistence.existingClaim=pvc-minio orange bitnami/minio
MinIO can be accessed via port 9000 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:
To get your credentials run:
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default orange-minio -o jsonpath="{.data.access-key}" | base64 --decode)
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default orange-minio -o jsonpath="{.data.secret-key}" | base64 --decode)
To connect to your MinIO server using a client:
- Run a MinIO Client pod and append the desired command (e.g. 'admin info server'):
kubectl run --namespace default orange-minio-client \
--rm --tty -i --restart='Never' \
--env MINIO_SERVER_HOST=orange-minio \
--image -- admin info server minio
To access the MinIO web UI:
- Get the MinIO URL:
echo "MinIO web URL:"
kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/orange-minio 9000:9000
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/github/co-deployments/helm/values/csi-driver/v1.2.0
kns kube-system
k delete sc hpe-standard
k apply -f 3par-sc.yaml
k apply -f hpe-csi-pvc.yaml
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
helm search repo bitnami/wordpress
helm install my-wordpress bitnami/wordpress --version 9.2.1 --set service.type=ClusterIP,wordpressUsername=admin,wordpressPassword=adminpassword,mariadb.mariadbRootPassword=secretpassword,persistence.existingClaim=pvc-testtan-1,allowEmptyPassword=false
k delete pods --selector 'app in (primera3par-csp,hpe-csi-node,hpe-csi-controller)'
k get pods --selector 'app in (primera3par-csp,hpe-csi-node,hpe-csi-controller)'
k apply -f hpe-csi-pvc.yaml
helm uninstall hpe-csi --namespace kube-system
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/k8s-apps/metallb
k apply -f namespace.yaml
k apply -f metallb.yaml
k apply -f configmap-130-139.yaml
k get svc
k patch svc kubernetes-dashboard -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
k get svc
k create serviceaccount dashboard-admin-sa
k create clusterrolebinding dashboard-admin-sa --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:dashboard-admin-sa
k describe secret kubernetes-dashboard-token-zcklt
Access k8s dashboard (with chrome, type: 'thisisunsafe' to skip ssl)
--> TODO: ok when NOT using RBAC
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/github/ansible-synergy-3par
ansible-playbook -i inventory/synergy-inventory 3-configure-multus.yml --limit az1,az2,az3
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/k8s-apps/multus-cni
cat ./images/multus-daemonset.yml | kubectl apply -f -
k get pods --selector 'app in (multus)'
k apply -f hpe_networkattachment-macvlan-conf-1.yaml
k apply -f hpe_networkattachment-macvlan-conf-2.yaml
k apply -f hpe_pod-multus-1macvlan.yaml
k exec -it pod-multus-1 -- ip a
k apply -f hpe_pod-multus-2macvlan.yaml
k exec -it pod-multus-2 -- ip a
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/k8s-apps/istio/
kubectl create namespace istio-system
istioctl manifest apply --set profile=demo
kns istio-system
kubectl patch svc kiali -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
go to kiali dashbaord: (admin/admin)
kns default
k label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
cd /home/tdovan/workspace/k8s-apps/istio/istio-1.5.1
k apply -f samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml
k exec -it $(kubectl get pod -l app=ratings -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -c ratings -- curl productpage:9080/productpage | grep -o "<title>.*</title>"
k apply -f samples/bookinfo/networking/bookinfo-gateway.yaml
kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].port}')
export SECURE_INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("https")].port}')
echo $GATEWAY_URL (refresh page to round robin through services)
go to kiali dashbaord: (admin/admin)
## In Synergy Server Profile Template, enale virtual function (auto) at the Server Profile (Template) for Connections
yum install pciutils
## check if SR-IOV is enable
ethtool -i ens3f0
lspci -vvv -s 0000:0c:00.0
c:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM57840 NetXtreme II Ethernet Multi Function (rev 11)
Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company 3820C 10/20Gb Converged Network Adapter (NPAR 1.5)
Physical Slot: 3
Capabilities: [1c0 v1] Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV)
IOVCap: Migration-, Interrupt Message Number: 000
IOVCtl: Enable- Migration- Interrupt- MSE- ARIHierarchy+
IOVSta: Migration-
Initial VFs: 64, Total VFs: 64, Number of VFs: 0, Function Dependency Link: 00
VF offset: 8, stride: 1, Device ID: 16ad
Supported Page Size: 000005ff, System Page Size: 00000001
Region 0: Memory at 0000039fffc00000 (64-bit, prefetchable)
Region 4: Memory at 0000039fffe80000 (64-bit, prefetchable)
VF Migration: offset: 00000000, BIR: 0
Capabilities: [220 v1] #15
Capabilities: [300 v1] #19
Kernel driver in use: bnx2x
Kernel modules: bnx2x
## check the number of active SR-IOV VF
lspci | grep Broadcom
0c:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM57840 NetXtreme II Ethernet Multi Function (rev 11)
0c:00.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM57840 NetXtreme II Ethernet Multi Function (rev 11)
## check the max nb of VF supported:
cat /sys/class/net/ens3f0/device/sriov_totalvfs
## Change the number of VFs reset the number to 0 :
for ens3f0
echo 0 > /sys/class/net/ens3f0/device/sriov_numvfs
echo 4 > /sys/class/net/ens3f0/device/sriov_numvfs
for ens3f1
echo 0 > /sys/class/net/ens3f1/device/sriov_numvfs
echo 4 > /sys/class/net/ens3f1/device/sriov_numvfs
## check the VF created
lspci | grep Broadcom
0c:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM57840 NetXtreme II Ethernet Multi Function (rev 11)
0c:00.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM57840 NetXtreme II Ethernet Multi Function (rev 11)
0c:01.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries NetXtreme II BCM57840 10/20 Gigabit Ethernet Virtual Function --> VF1 on ens3f0
0c:01.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries NetXtreme II BCM57840 10/20 Gigabit Ethernet Virtual Function --> VF2 on ens3f0
0c:01.2 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries NetXtreme II BCM57840 10/20 Gigabit Ethernet Virtual Function --> VF3 on ens3f0
0c:01.3 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries NetXtreme II BCM57840 10/20 Gigabit Ethernet Virtual Function --> VF4 on ens3f0
0c:09.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries NetXtreme II BCM57840 10/20 Gigabit Ethernet Virtual Function --> VF1 on ens3f1
0c:09.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries NetXtreme II BCM57840 10/20 Gigabit Ethernet Virtual Function --> VF2 on ens3f1
0c:09.2 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries NetXtreme II BCM57840 10/20 Gigabit Ethernet Virtual Function --> VF3 on ens3f1
0c:09.3 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries NetXtreme II BCM57840 10/20 Gigabit Ethernet Virtual Function --> VF4 on ens3f1
## congrats! You now have 4 VF per interfaces !
## check the VF
ip link show ens3f0
2: ens3f0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
link/ether 62:91:90:b0:02:e5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
vf 0 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, tx rate 10000 (Mbps), max_tx_rate 10000Mbps, spoof checking on, link-state auto
vf 1 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, tx rate 10000 (Mbps), max_tx_rate 10000Mbps, spoof checking on, link-state auto
vf 2 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, tx rate 10000 (Mbps), max_tx_rate 10000Mbps, spoof checking on, link-state auto
vf 3 MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00, tx rate 10000 (Mbps), max_tx_rate 10000Mbps, spoof checking on, link-state auto
## Configure the VF
> note the value: spoof checking on --> The SR-IOV MAC address anti-spoofing (a.k.a MAC spoofcheck) feature protects from malicious VM MAC address spoofing. This feature can be voluntary enable or disable
to enable|disable : ip link set ens3f0 vf 3 spoofchk on|off
or echo "ON" > /sys/class/net/ens3f0/device/sriov/0/spoofcheck
$ kubectl config use-context hcp-cluster-1
$ git clone
$ cd /home/tdovan/workspace/k8s-apps/sysdig-cloud-scripts/agent_deploy/kubernetes/
$ kubectl create ns sysdig-agent
$ kubectl create secret generic sysdig-agent --from-literal=access-key=ba02b324-98b8-478f-b6a4-3645f82fa0c7 -n sysdig-agent
$ kubectl apply -f sysdig-agent-clusterrole.yaml -n sysdig-agent
$ kubectl create serviceaccount sysdig-agent -n sysdig-agent
$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding sysdig-agent --clusterrole=sysdig-agent --serviceaccount=sysdig-agent:sysdig-agent
$ kubectl apply -f sysdig-agent-configmap.yaml -n sysdig-agent
$ kubectl apply -f sysdig-agent-daemonset-v2.yaml -n sysdig-agent
go to
fly -t tutorial login -c -u test -p test
calico bgp:
- download:
- conf:
set int ethernet eth1 address
Network : multus macvlan (ens3f1) + Calico (ens3f0)
> activate interface ens3f1
> install multus
> enable macvlan on ens3f1
> start pod
> install trex
I have break down each steps: