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First-class Module and ModuleSource

Specification Changes


Provide first-class Module and ModuleSource constructors and extend dynamic import to operate on Module instances.

A ModuleSource represents the result of compiling EcmaScript module source text. A Module instance represents the lifecycle of a EcmaScript module and allows virtual import behavior. Multiple Module instances can share a common ModuleSource.



interface ModuleSource {
  constructor(source: string);

Semantics: A ModuleSource instance gives the holder no powers. It represents a compiled EcmaScript module and does not capture any information beyond what can be inferred from a module's source text. Import specifiers in a module's source text cannot be interpreted without further information.

Note 1: ModuleSource does for modules what eval already does for scripts. We expect content security policies to treat module sources similarly. A ModuleSource instance constructed from text would not have an associated origin. A ModuleSource instance can be constructed from vetted text (W3C Trusted Types) and host-defined import hooks may reveal module sources that were vetted behind the scenes.

Note 2: Multiple Module instances can be constructed from a single ModuleSource, producing one exports namespaces for each imported Module instance.

Note 3: The internal record of a ModuleSource instance is immutable and serializable. This data can be shared without cost between realms of an agent or even agents of an agent cluster.

Module instances

type ImportSpecifier = string;

type ImportHook = (this: ModuleHandler, specifier: ImportSpecifier) =>

type ImportMeta = {
  __proto__: null,
  // ...
  [name: string | symbol | number]: unknown,

type ImportMetaHook = (this: ModuleHandler, importMeta: ImportMeta) => any;

type ModuleHandler = {
  importHook?: ImportHook,
  importMetaHook?: ImportMetaHook,
  // ...
  [name: string | symbol | number]: unknown,

interface Module {
    source: ModuleSource,
    handler: ModuleHandler,

  readonly source?: ModuleSource,

Semantics: A Module instance has an internal Module Record. Importing the module will consistently produce the same Module Namespace Exotic Object.

The module has a lifecycle and fresh instances have not been linked, initialized, or executed.

Invoking dynamic import on a Module instance attempts to advance it and its transitive dependencies to their end state. Consistent with dynamic import for a stringly-named module, dynamic import on a Module instance produces a promise for the corresponding Module Namespace Exotic Object

Dynamic import induces calls to importHook for each unsatisfied dependency of each module instance in separate events, before any dependency advances to the link phase of its lifecycle.

Dynamic import within the evaluation of a Module also invokes the importHook.

Module instances memoize the result of their importHook keyed on the given Import Specifier.

Module constructors, like Function constructors, are bound to a realm and evaluate modules in their particular realm.


Import Kicker

Any dynamic import function is suitable for initializing, linking, and evaluating a module instance. This necessarily implies advancing all of its transitive dependencies to their terminal state or any one into a failed state.

const source = new ModuleSource(``);
const instance = new Module(source);
const namespace = await import(instance);

Module Idempotency

Since the Module has a bound module namespace exotic object, importing the same instance must yield the same result:

const source = new ModuleSource(``);
const instance = new Module(source);
const namespace1 = await import(instance);
const namespace2 = await import(instance);
namespace1 === namespace2; // true

Reusing ModuleSource

Module sources are backed by a shared immutable module source record that can be instantiated multiple times, even locally. Multiple Module instances can share a module source and produce separate module namespaces.

const source = new ModuleSource(``);
const instance1 = new Module(source);
const instance2 = new Module(source);
instance1 === instance2; // false
const namespace1 = await import(instance1);
const namespace2 = await import(instance2);
namespace1 === namespace2; // false

Intersection Semantics with Module Blocks


In relation to module blocks, we can extend the proposal to accommodate both, the concept of a module block instance and module block source:

const instance = module {};
instance instanceof Module;
instance.source instanceof ModuleSource;
const namespace = await import(instance);

Intersection Semantics with deferred execution

The possibility to load the source, and create the instance with the default importHook and the import.meta of the importer, that can be imported at any given time, is sufficient:

// static
import module example from 'example.js';
// or dynamic
const example = await import.module('example.js');

example instanceof Module;
example.source instanceof ModuleSource;
const namespace = await import(example);

If the goal is to also control the importHook and the importMeta of the importer, then the program can use the source property of the unexecuted module and construct a new Module.

import module example from 'example.js';
module.source instanceof ModuleSource;
const instance = new Module(module.source, { importHook });
const namespace = await import(instance);

In these cases, the ModuleSource may benefit from the origin being captured in host data, such that it can be evaluated under a no-unsafe-eval Content-Security-Policy.

Virtual host import behavior

The Module constructor takes an optional second argument to override the host-defined behavior for importing its shallow dependencies. The second argument is a handler object. The Module constructor eagerly captures the relevant methods like importHook and importMetaHook, which are all optional.

class ModuleHandler {
  importHook(specifier) {
    // Defer to the host:
    return import.module(specifier);

    // Or, make a separate instance of the same:
    const dependency = await import.module(specifier);
    return new Module(dependency.source);

    // Or, use a block:
    return module {};

    // Or, make a new Module from whole cloth:
    const response = await fetch(specifier);
    const text = await response.text();
    const source = new ModuleSource(text);
    return new Module(source);

const source = new ModuleSource(`import foo from 'foo'`);
const module = new Module(source, new ModuleHandler());
await import(module);

In this example, the importHook will be called once with "foo" and must return a Module instance by any of the available means.

For an importHook to receive this requires importHook to be defined as a class method, a function declaration, or a concise method and that, unlike a Proxy and perhaps against the grain of expectations, changing the importHook property does not alter the behavior of any Module instance that has already captured the importHook property of the module handler when it was constructed.

Virtual Host relative import behavior

The above example does not account for relative import specifiers. For example, to emulate a Node.js module, an absolute specifier refers either to a nearby package dependency or a built-in module, in order of precedence, but a relative specifier (starting with "./" or "../") gets resolved using path math relative to the physical location of the containing module, the referrer.

The Module instance will call its hooks as methods of the module handler object, so module handlers are free to carry additional metadata. This variation on a ModuleHandler carries an additional url property for import resolution and assumes an appropriate resolve function.

class ModuleHandler {
  async importHook(specifier) {
    const url = resolve(specifier, this.url);
    // Use the host's loader.
    const module = import.module(url);
    // But create separate instances, transitively.
    return new Module(module.source, new ModuleHandler(url));

const { source } = await import.module(entryUrl);
const module = new Module(source, new ModuleHandler(entryUrl));

In this example, import.module uses the host's import behavior, actual or virtual. If the host is a virtual host, that involves the surrounding module's Module instance's importHook.

Virtual host import.meta behavior

A ModuleHandler may implement an importMetaHook that receives an empty object with a null prototype that it may embellish the first time (if at all) a module evaluates an import.meta expression. This example extends the prior handler implementation such that it reveals the module's own URL.

class MetaModuleHandler extends ModuleHandler {
  importMetaHook(importMeta) {
    importMeta.url = this.url;

Virtual host import assertion behavior

Open issue: #37

Intersection Semantics with import.meta.resolve()

Proposal: whatwg/html#5572

class ModuleHandler {
  constructor(url) {
    this.url = url;
  async importHook(specifier) {
    const url = import.meta.resolve(specifier, this.url);
    const response = await fetch(url);
    const sourceText = await response.text();
    const source = new ModuleSource(sourceText);
    return new Module(source, new ModuleHandler(url));
  importMetaHook(importMeta) {
    importMeta.url = this.url;
    importMeta.resolve = (specifier, referrer = this.url) =>
      import.meta.resolve(specifier, referrer);

const source = new ModuleSource(`export foo from './foo.js'`);
const instance = new Module(source, new ModuleHandler(import.meta.url));
const namespace = await import(instance);

In this example, we implement a module handler class that resolves import specifiers from a given URL, using the host-provided resolver, import.meta.resolve. This resolver, in its two-argument form, allows us to resolve specifiers at arbitrary locations.

The first time a guest module uses its own import.meta, the virtualized importMetaHook will create a closure for its own emulation of import.meta.resolve, supporting both one- and two-argument forms. The importMetaHook allows us to avoid this expensive per-module allocation except in modules that absolutely need it.


A Module Source Record is an abstract class for immutable representations of the dependencies, bindings, initialization, and execution behavior of a module.

Host-defined import-hooks may specialize module source records with annotations such that the host can enforce content-security-policies.

A EcmaScript Module Source Record is a concrete Module Source Record for EcmaScript modules.

ModuleSource is a constructor that accepts EcmaScript module source text and produces an object with a [[ModuleSource]] slot referring to an EcmaScript Module Source Record.

ModuleSource instances are handles on the result of compiling a EcmaScript module's source text. A module source has a [[ModuleSource]] internal slot that refers to a Module Source Record. Multiple Module instances can share a common module source.

Module source records only capture information that can be inferred from static analysis of the module's source text.

Multiple ModuleSource instances can share a common Module Source Record since these are immutable and so hosts have the option of sharing them between realms of an agent and even agents of an agent cluster.

The Module constructor accepts a source and
A Module has a 1-1-1-1 relationship with a Module Environment Record, a Module Source Record, and a Module Exports Namespace Exotic Object.

Design Rationales

Should importHook be synchronous or asynchronous?

When a source module imports from a module specifier, you might not have the source at hand to create the corresponding Module to be returned. If importHook is synchronous, then you must have the source ready when the importHook is invoked for each dependency.

Since the importHook is only triggered via the kicker (import(instance)), going async there has no implications whatsoever. In prior iterations of this, the user was responsible for loop thru the dependencies, and prepare the instance before kicking the next phase, that's not longer the case here, where the level of control on the different phases is limited to the invocation of the importHook.

Can cycles be represented?

Yes, importHook can return a Module that was either import() already or was returned by an importHook already.

Idempotency of dynamic imports in ModuleSource

Any import() statement inside a module source will result of a possible importHook invocation on the Module, and the decision on whether or not to call the importHook depends on whether or not the Module has already invoked it for the specifier in question. So, a Module most keep a map for every specifier and its corresponding Module to guarantee the idempotency of those static and dynamic import statements.

User-defined and host-defined import-hooks will likely enforce stronger consistency between import behavior across module instances, but module instances enforce local consistency and some consistency in aggregate by induction of other modules.


Whether ModduleSource instances retain the original source may vary by host and modules should reuse HostHasSourceTextAvailable in deciding whether to reveal their source, as they might with a toString method. The module block proposal may necessitate the retention of text on certain hosts so that hosts can transmit use sources in their serial representation of a module, as could be an extension to structuredClone.

Factoring ECMA-262

This proposal decouples a new Module Source Record and EcmaScript Module Source Record from the existing Module Record class hierarchy and introduces a concrete Virtual Module Record. The hope if not expectation is that this refactoring makes evident that Virtual Module Record, Cyclic Module Record, and the abstract base class Module Record could be refactored into a single concrete record (Module Record) since all meaningful variation can be expressed with implementations of the abstract Module Source Record. But, this proposal does not go so far as to make that refactoring normative.

This proposal does not impose on host-defined import behavior.

Referrer Specifier

The host-defined or virtual-host-defined import hook for a module is responsible for taking "import specifiers", the string expressed in both static and dynamic import statements, and resolving them relative to the logical or physical specifier for the module. Although it is possible to construct a host or virtual-host that only supports absolute or fully-qualified specifiers, nearly every module will have a referrer of one kind or another.

A module will typically have three distinct but often coincident data:

  • This referrer concept, the basis for resolving import specifiers.
  • The import.meta.url, the basis for locating resources adjacent to modules hosted on the web using URL math. The import.meta object should not have a url property unless it is useful for that purpose, and as such should not exist for modules located in bundles or archives, and should not be used in modules that will be bundled or archived, but will often be identical to the referrer when it is present.
  • The origin of the source, the basis for a host deciding whether to allow the module to be evaluated when a Content-Security-Policy is in place. The origin will often be identical to the origin of import.meta.url. The origin will exist in host data of the module source and must not be virtualizable, lest a virtual host be able to escape a same origin policy.

So, although these values are often related, they must be independent features. Virtual host implementations cannot necessarily rely on the import.meta.url to exist and virtual host implementations must be able to virtualize the referrer.

The authors of this proposal vacilated between versions that made the referrer explicit or implicit. All of the authors shared a goal to make the Module and ModuleSource features incrementally explainable. Since it is possible to construct a trivial module system without the concept of a referrer, a graduated tutorial introducing this feature (like this explainer!) should be able to defer or formally ignore referral until it becomes necessary to explain relative module specifier resolution.

To that end, we agreed that the referrer should be optional and appear later in function signatures than other more essential parameters, if at all. We relegated the referrer to at least be a property of the Module constructor's options bag. We then realized that the options bag was more analogous to the Proxy handler object, such that the virtual host could choose to extend the handler with any property of any type to carry the referrer, such that an import hook might resolve a relative specifier using this.referrer (a string with the module's own specifier), this.slot (a number representing the index into an array of pre-computed resolutions for a bundle), or whatever other protocol the virtual host chose to implement.

This was only possible because host-defined resolution behavior and virtual-host-defined resolution behavior do not need to communicate. Host-defined modules resolve import specifiers based on information in the referring module record's host data internal slot. At no point does a host-defined module need to consult the referrer of a virtual-host-defined module.

We additionally elected not to repeat what we believe to be a mistake in the design of Proxy. The Module constructor eagerly captures all the optional methods of the module handler rather than accessing them afresh for each invocation. So, we sacrifice some dynamism but still thread the handler as the target object for all method invocations.

A consequence of this design is that any Module instance will retain a handler, where an options bag would be immediately released to the GC nursery. And, if the handler carries a referrer, every Module instance needs a unique handler instance, even though many module instances can share the same hooks.

Design Variables

Relationship to Content-Security-Policy

On hosts that implement a Content-Security-Policy, the [[Origin]] is host-specific [[HostData]] of a module source. A module source constructed from a trusted types object could also inherit an origin. All of this can occur outside the purview of ECMA-262 and is orthogonal to the Module referrer, which can be different than the origin.

The name of module instances

Module instance and ModuleInstance instance are both contenders for the name of module instances. We are tentatively entertaining Module because it feels likely that we arrive in a world where (module {}) instanceof Module. The naming calculus would shift significantly if module blocks are reified as module source instead of module instance.

We will no doubt arrive in a state of confusion with anything named "module" without qualification. For example, WebAssembly.Module more closely resembles a module source than a module instance. That would suggest module source should also be Module, and consequently ModuleInstance.

Form of the kicker method

A functionally equivalent proposal would add an import method to the Module prototype to get a promise for the module's exports namespace instead of overloading dynamic import. Using dynamic import is consistent with an interpretation of the module blocks proposal where module blocks evaluate to Module instances.

Options bag or flat arguments

The options bag described here for the Module constructor leaves some room open for accounting for import assertions. It also raises questions about the default import hook and import meta, which are answerable but have not yet been fully discussed.