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Ideas For Development

Tristan Hume edited this page Dec 2, 2011 · 1 revision

Here are some ideas where sympy could be effectively used. All of those are things that can be done in Maple/Mathematica, but it is much more convenient and easier to have it in Python.

All the things which are written as Mathematica or Maple modules. As an example, why Sympy is a better approach than Maple, look into, page 131, there is a code for computing symbolic limits in the Maple language. Then look into, which does the same thing (I used the Maple code as a reference). Sympy code is shorter and cleaner.

  • for a real world example, look at the sources of for doing quantum field theory (QFT) calculations, it's a larger library, written in a comletely messy Mathematica language. Another thing is, that even though feyncalc is opensource, it depends on Mathematica, which is a very expensive product. To have some feeling what kind of equations need to be solved in QFT, look here: or

  • port [ GRTensorII] to !SymPy

  • port [ xTensor] to !SymPy

  • port all of this:

  • anything, where the calculation is standard, but tedious. Examples:

    • computing an area of a surface that is given parametrically
    • finding solutions to partial differential equations in the form of series
    • deriving the Einstein equations in general relativity from the metric tensor

There are many areas, where a symbolic manipulation library can be used. But it must be much easier to use it (and extend it) than Maple or Mathematica is.

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