DojoBuilder is a tool to automate the build of Dojo Toolkit based projects in Golang.
Make sur you have a working Go environment.
To install DojoBuilder, run:
$ go get
To run DojoBuilder, simply call dojoBuilder.Run(c *Config, names[]string, reset bool).
This method needs :
- c: dojoBuilder.Config which contains all the needed information to run the build or install files for non-built mode (see code for more details).
- names: optional array of build name to execute (for build mode). If nil, all the build configs will be executed.
- reset: if true the destination folder will be emptied. (The destination folder has to be emptied when switching between non-built and build mode)
An example is provided in the example folder.
To test the example, simply run the which will download dojo in the client folder. Then run:
$ go build main.go
To execute the example in non-built mode, simply run:
$ ./main
To execute the example in build mode, simply run:
$ ./main --buildMode
See the result going to