OpenStack virtual hosts distribution across hypervisors
data visualization
We provide this page 👈 for testing purposes
Its simple. Get it done in the way like this piece of code below:
$ REPO="lvs-vms" \
&& git clone "${REPO}" \
&& cd ${REPO} ;
Scope | Role | Name | Version | Description |
Front | Framework | Bootstrap | 3.0.3 | HTML, CSS, and JS framework |
Front | Library | jQuery | 1.10.2 | JavaScript Library |
Front | Library | Underscore | 1.5.2 | A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras. |
See the Changelog for the history of project changes and improvements.
This product is MIT Licensed
- GitHub / Basic writing and formatting syntax
- BitBucket Markdown Howto
- Creating an Automated Build
- Linking containers
- Cross-host linking containers
- Linking containers
Developed in 2014