This is a simple application that registers students for technical elective courses based on their token distribution written by using Java Stream API.
- Java 8 or higher
git clone
javac *.java
java Tatec <courses_file> <studentIds_file> <studentTokens_file> <unhappiness_coefficient_number>
- A file that contains the courses and their capacities. Each line of the file contains a course name and its capacity separated by a comma. The file should be in the following format:course1,capacity1 course2,capacity2 . . . courseN,capacityN
- A file that contains the student ids. Each line of the file contains a student id. The file should be in the following format:studentId1 studentId2 . . . studentIdM
- A file that contains the students token distribution for each course seperated by a comma. Each line of the file contains corresponding tokens of a student with the same index in thestudentIds_file
. The file should be in the following format:s1Token1,s1Token2,...,s1TokenN s2Token1,s2Token2,...,s2TokenN . . . sMToken1,sMToken2,...,sMTokenN
- A number that is used to calculate the unhappiness of a student. The unhappiness of a student for each course is calculated as follows:if student does not enrolled to a course he/she spent a token on unhappiness = (-100/unhappiness_coefficient_number) * ln(1-token_spent_for_course/100) unhappiness = min(unhappiness, 100) if student is not enrolled to any course he/she spent a token on: unhappiness = unhappiness * unhappiness
Average unhappiness of all students is calculated as follows: .mapToDouble(student -> student.calculateUnhappiness(coefficient, isRandom)) .sum() / allStudents.size();
- A boolean value that indicates whether the students should be assigned to courses randomly or not. If it istrue
, the students will be assigned to courses randomly according to the courses they spent token on. If it isfalse
, the students will be assigned to courses based on their token distribution in descending order.
- A file that contains the courses and the students enrolled to them. Each line of the file contains a course name and the students enrolled to it seperated by a comma. The file should be in the following format:course1,enrolledStudentId1,enrolledStudentId2,...,enrolledStudentIdX course2,enrolledStudentId1,enrolledStudentId2,...,enrolledStudentIdY . . . courseN,enrolledStudentId1,enrolledStudentId2,...,enrolledStudentIdZ
Normally, each course should be filled up to its capacity. Nevertheless, if there are students who spent the same amount of token on a course with the last student enrolled to the course, they all will be enrolled to the course as well. For example, if the capacity of a course is 10 and the last student enrolled to the course spent 5 tokens on the course, the students who spent 5 tokens on the course will be enrolled to the course as well independent of the capacity of the course.
- A file that contains the average unhappiness of all students and unhappiness of each student as separated lines. The file should be in the following format:averageUnhappiness student1Unhappiness student2Unhappiness . . . studentMUnhappiness