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260 lines (178 loc) · 9.45 KB

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260 lines (178 loc) · 9.45 KB

Version 1.4


* Replace Doxygen by the local simpler tool c++2doc.


* boost mpi is no longer detected by triqs.
  You can either add 2 lines to
  detect it in CMake, or port your apps to triqs::mpi.
  To port an apps using mpi :

  * detect boost mpi lib, and link to it, using e.g. in CMakeLists :

    find_package(Boost ${BOOST_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS mpi serialization system)

  * include "boost/mpi.hpp" if needed.

* The library is installed in C++14 mode.

* New install/build conventions for apps.
  Here are the changes to be made:

  * in
  1) m = module(full_name = 'module_name', app_name='application_a')
      (instead of full_name="pytriqs.applications.application_a.module_name")
  2) m.use_module("gf", "triqs")
      (instead of m.use_module("gf"))
  3) m.add_include(... with path relative to c++ dir (not
  relative to current dir))
     (e.g. add_include(solver_core.hpp) instead of add_include("../c++/solver_core.hpp")

  * in CMakeLists.txt
  4) add line include_directories(c++)

  * in python/CMakeLists.txt
  5) change python_destination: remove pytriqs.applications...
  6) change triqs_python_extension: change to triqs_python_extension_and_install, and remove second argument
  7) change install DESTINATION : replace variable TRIQS_PYTHON_LIB_DEST with PYTHON_LIB_DEST_ROOT

  * in your python scripts:
  8) replace everywhere pytriqs.applications.*** with ***

  A more detailed documentation can be found here:

Many-body operators
  • They are now polymorphic, they can handle complex and real case. many_body_operator is not a template any more. many_body_operator_generic is the general case.

  • The are in triqs::operators namespace (moved from utility).

Green's functions

* Added support for complex G(tau). By default G(tau) is complex.

* Accordingly G(iw) is defined by default on the full (positive and negative) frequency axis.
  Plotting is affected.

* [API break] As a consequence is twice as big. Now[0] refers to the
  smallest negative frequency so older codes using direct data access will break.
  The n^th frequency can be retrieved with G(n) which is the recommended usage as it is
  independent from the storage details.

* Fourier transforms have been updated.

* When writing to HDF5:

  * If the imaginary part of G(tau) is zero, then G(tau) is written as a real array (to gain space)
    otherwise it is written as a complex array
  * If the negative and positive frequencies of G(iw) are all equivalent through G(-iw) = G(iw)*
    then only the positive frequencies are saved (to gain space). Otherwise the full axis is
  * Note that the behavior described above is only followed when writing to the HDF5 file. When
    a G(tau) or a G(iw) is read from the HDF5, it will always be turned into a complex G(tau)
    or a G(iw) on the full frequency axis.


* All c++ tests have been ported to Google test.

* The c++ test tools have been reorganized into ``triqs/test_tools``. The google test sources are there
  as well as two headers ``gfs.hpp`` and ``arrays.hpp`` with macros to easily compare arrays
  and Green's functions within a google test code.

* The test cmake files have been simplified. There are just two macros to run a test:

  * ``add_cpp_test(testname)`` that adds a c++ test.
  * ``add_python_test(testname)`` that adds a python test.
  * From an external project these macros are called ``triqs_add_cpp_test`` and

* For both tests, if there is a file ``testname.ref`` then the output of the test,
  written in a file ``testname.out`` will be compared to ``testname.ref`` and the test
  will fail if they are different.

* It is now up to the user to check a result against a reference archive. As a convention,
  the reference archives end with .ref.h5 and the test generates a file .out.h5. The
  program h5diff is no longer used by the library (h5diff had several limitations). The
  python tests have been changed accordingly.

* The module ``pytriqs.utility.comparison_tests`` has functions that make it easy to
  compare arrays and green's functions in a python script.

* The module ``pytriqs.utility.h5diff`` allows to compare two archives.

Version 1.3


* TRIQS depends on a number of third-party Sphinx extensions to build its documentation.
  These extensions are now installed under `${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/triqs/sphinxext`, in order to let TRIQS-based application to reuse the extensions and to inherit the visual style of the docs.
* Preinstalled Sphinx extension sphinxcontrib-doxylink is not needed anymore to build the documentation.

Green functions

* New Python method `DOS.copy()`.
* New convenience functions in module ``,

  * `inverse()`: compute the inverse of a Green's function;
  * `delta()`: compute Delta_iw from G0_iw;
  * `dyson()`: solve Dyson's equation for given two of G0_iw, G_iw and Sigma_iw to yield the third;
  * `tail_fit()`: fit the tails of Sigma_iw and optionally G_iw;
  * `read_gf_from_txt()`/`write_gf_to_txt()`: read/write a GfReFreq from/to text files.

Many-body operators
  • HDF5 support.

  • Various utilities related to the many-body operators are organized in a separate sub-package pytriqs.operators.util. It includes the following modules,

    • hamiltonian: commonly-used Hamiltonians, Slater, Kanamori, density-density;
    • U_matrix (moved from dft_tools): construction of interaction matrices;
    • observables: operators of commonly used observables (S_z, S^2, L_z, L^2, L*S and so on);
    • op_struct: auxiliary functions to work with spin and orbital indices.

Monte-Carlo tools

* Function `mc_generic::start()` returns different exit codes depending on the way it has been stopped, by receiving a signal or by `stop_callback()`.

Determinant manipulation
  • New functions insert2(), remove2(), change_row() and change_col(), which are combinations of try_* and complete_operation().
  • New functions insert2_at_end(), remove_at_end() and remove2_at_end().
  • Optimized version of change_one_row_and_one_col() and other minor optimizations.


* Support for `unsigned long long`.
* The lists and tuples in Python are now written by hdf_archive with keys as "0", "1", "2", "3", instead of "00000000", "00000001", "0000002", "0000003", ...
  This is necessary for C++ compatibility, where `std::vector<T>` is written in HDF5 as a subgroup with object named by their number, for generic T (i.e. not `int`, `double`, `std::string`).
  This change is backward compatible: old archive can be read by new code, but would break h5diff.

  • Support for rich comparison methods.
  • New C++ attribute ignore_in_python that prevents a class method from wrapping in Python.
  • One can use two special line prefixes, type: and default: when documenting a member of the parameter class. They allow to override the corresponding fields in the generated table.
  • Converters for unsigned int, unsigned long and unsigned long long.
  • Converter for std::tuple (from any Python sequence/to tuple()).
  • std::pair is now converted to tuple().


* The Google Test framework ( has been adopted by the project. Some of C++ test have been ported to it.
* New header file `test_tools.hpp` with convenience functions and additional GTest macros for C++ testing.

  • Added a reference to a Computer Physics Communications paper about TRIQS.
  • Numerous updates to the documentation.

Version 1.2


* New wrapping of boost random generators. No effect on API.
* HDF5 cleaned, now using only C library (not C++) for simpler installation.

  • New wrapper tool to glue C++ and Python. Cython is gone.

Green Functions

* `transpose()` method now returns a NEW green function, like `conjugate()`, etc...
* Suppress the possibility to save/load in HDF5 for a tail alone (must be part of a GF).

Version 1.1

* New constructors for the gf [api change]
* Fix for gf expression templates
* The gf tails now have fixed size to avoid mpi problems
* Fixes in gf expression templates
* New python random generator interface
* Fixes for issues #11, #18, #25

Version 1.0

There have been changes from versions 0.x to 1.0.0 that will most likely have
consequences for your scripts and archives.

Python classes

The number of python classes in the old 0.x releases was increasing with no
clear naming convention. In TRIQS 1.0 we have unified the naming of the classes
following the `PEP naming conventions

* Package and module names: lowercase with underscores
* Class names: CapWords
* Function names: lowercase with underscores
* Function and method arguments: lowercase with underscores


We provide :download:`an update script <scripts/>` which should
help you upgrade your archive. The usage is very simple::

  $ python old_archive new_archive

where ``old_archive`` is your old archive to be upgraded and ``new_archive`` is
the name of the new archive. If you encounter problems please post an
issue with a copy of your archive.