calculate_metrics (da_wmask, rcor_extent=None, outdir=None, section_length=None, min_pool_size=2, img_ext='.tif', export_shp=False, return_da_array=False)
calculate_metrics is the second module of the iRiverMetrics toolkit, designed to compute a range of ecohydrological metrics from binary water masks (generated or not by module 1 - waterdetect_batch). These metrics representt various aspects of surface water dynamics in intermittent rivers, such as morphology, persistence, and fragmentation. For a deeper understanding of the metrics and methodologies, refer to the original paper. For an application example, see this paper.
Here's an example of how to use this module to calculate surface water metrics:
- Parameters:
da_wmask : str or xarray.DataArray Directory path or xarray.DataArray containing binary water masks. Note: Ensure all images have consistent CRS and spatial resolutions, and names include dates in "yyyy-mm-dd" or "yyyy_mm_dd" format.
rcor_extent : str or geopandas.GeoDataFrame, default = None Path to the river corridor extent (river sections) shapefile (.shp) defining the Area of Interest (AOI). Defaults to None - in this case the boundaries of the water mask will be used as the AOI. Note: If rcor_extent is None, outdir must be provided.
outdir : str, optional, default = None Destination directory for results. Defaults to a directory adjacent to the rcor_extent file if not specified.
section_length : float, optional, default = None Length of river sections for metrics calculation in kilometers. If None,
min_pool_size: int, optional, default=2 Minimum size of detectable water pools, specified in pixels. Defaults to 2 pixels.
img_ext : str, optional, default = '.tif' File extension of the water mask images. Not required if using DataArrays.
export_shp : bool, optional, default = False Whether to export detailed shapefiles of the analysed river sections. Shapefiles with wetted length, start/end and mipoints will be exported for each time step.
return_da_array : bool, optional, default=False Whether to return the data array of water masks along with the calculation results. Defaults to False.
- How it works: Run the module to perform the following tasks:
- Validate the input data, ensuring compatibility and consistency.
- Preprocess the data by clipping, filling nodata values, and reprojecting to UTM for consistency.
- Calculate various river metrics, including:
- Section area
- Total wetted area
- Total wetted perimeter
- Wetted length
- Number of pools
- Area-weighted Mean Shape Index (AWMSI)
- Area-weighted Elongation Ratio (AWRe)
- Area-weighted Mean Pixel Area (AWMPA)
- Area-weighted Mean Pool Length (AWMPL)
- Area-weighted Mean Pool Width (AWMPW)
- Wetted Area Percentage of Section (APSEC)
- Wetted Length Percentage of Section (LPSEC)
- Pool fragmentation (PF)
- Pool longitudinal fragmentation (PLF)
- Pixel persistence (PP)
- Refuge area (RA)
- Save the calculated metrics for each section to CSV files.
- Merges metrics from processed polygons and saves them to a CSV file.
- Export a pixel persistence raster for the entire AOI.
- Generates shapefiles for visualization and further geographic analysis if requested.
- Returns:
The module generates a series of metrics for the specified river sections and section length. Metrics include section- and AOI-level values for various metrics and a pixel persistence raster. Results are stored in organised directories within the output folder. If needed, the module can export shapefiles for further analysis or visualisation.
#Add cloned directory to path
import sys
from src.irm_main import calculate_metrics
# Define input parameters
# Path to the directory containing water masks or DataArray
da_wmask = "path/to/water_masks"
# Path to the river corridor extent (sections) shapefile (.shp)
rcor_extent = "path/to/rcor_extent.shp"
# Section length in km
section_length = 0.484 #Adjust as needed
# Define minimum pool size in pixels
min_pool_size=2 #Adjust as needed
# Output directory to store results
outdir = "path/to/output_directory"
# Input images file extension
img_ext = ".tif"
# Export shapefiles (True or False)
export_shp = True
# Whether to return water masks as a DataArray
# Calculate river metrics
calculate_metrics(da_wmask, rcor_extent, section_length, min_pool_size, outdir, img_ext, export_shp, return_da_array)