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CuteGIF is a simple and easy-to-use video to GIF tool for Android.
Latest version: 2024.3
- Video to GIF, simple and easy-to-use
- Video editing: crop, trim, speed up, add text & remove background
- Custom GIF resolution, clarity, color quality, frame rate & more
- Preview the effect before exporting
- GIF split and GIF to Video supported
- Motion Photo to GIF
(The text in this image was translated from Simplified Chinese by AI.)
Please download APK file at GitHub Releases.
Furthermore, if you use WeChat, please consider following my official account 光光可爱小仙女
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versions of CuteGIF are available.
沈科光 (tasy5kg@qq.com). 2022-2024.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.