issues Search Results · repo:tastejs/hacker-news-pwas language:HTML
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intastejs/hacker-news-pwas (press backspace or delete to remove)Demos of 4 out of the first 5 applications listed are broken. Links for those and other broken ones need to be updated.
- Opened on Jan 6, 2020
- #195
Why is the API not synced with the original HN? I see a different feed when I call the api and a different feed when I
open HN
- 2
- Opened on Sep 16, 2019
- #190
It looks like literally none of these support logging in. Is it possible for an HN to support logging in, commenting,
and voting?
- Opened on Aug 14, 2019
- #186
Quite a few of the websites on the top did not load when I attempted to view them.
- Opened on Aug 1, 2019
- #185
Svelt HN has been updated to use sapper 0.26 and svelte 3.0. This signficantly changes it anyways, and it also looks
completely different, and has a new URL.
- Opened on May 29, 2019
- #183
I have tried reproducing the test results for which are stated to be 1.3s
emerging and 0.7s faster 3g.
When I test using with the appropriate settings ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 4, 2019
- #172
When we started this project,
[Lighthouse]( run=2) only gave
a score for PWA:
img width= 820 alt= screen shot ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 4, 2018
- #170

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