Doctor Appointment App
Name: Tasin Mohammad
ID: 20341021
Section: 7
User Account Management:
- Create Account
- Profile Management
- Appointment history
- Secure password management
Doctor Directory:
- Search and filter options
- Doctor profile information
- Patient reviews and ratings
- Bookmark favorite doctors
Admin Management:
- Patient and appointment management
- Doctor and clinic management
- Admin can view Appointment Details, Transactions, Invoices and Reviews
- Revenue and Payment tracking
Appointment Scheduling:
- Available doctor and time slot selection
- Confirmation and reminders
- Rescheduling and cancellation options
- Online payment for appointments
Doctor’s Dashboard:
- Doctors can view the patients details (Patient’s Name, Appointment Date, Fees)
- Once patient booked an appointment, Doctors can accept or cancel the booking.
- Profile: Doctors can update/edit their profile
- Doctors can write prescriptions online
- Communication with Doctor:
- Secure messaging
- Video consultation
- Prescription management
- Ability to upload and view reports