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An adventure into password cracking on the CPU with Python


  • Multi-processing to speed up benchmark test
  • Add option to input thread number (processes)
  • Create visualisation of single thread vs multi-thread


Find the approximate crack time of a password by performing a brute force attack and outputting the results to a .csv file for visualisation.

Step 1 - Get guess rate of CPU

Perform a brute force attack on a randomly generated 10-character password. Once the benchmark guess limit has been reached, a guesses per second rate is calculated.

Step 2 - Calculate total permutations

Sample space is calculated based on characters contained in the password.

  • alphabet lowercase (a-z) = 26
  • alphabet uppercase (A-Z) = 26
  • numerics (0-9) = 10
  • non-alphanumerics (!?£$%^ etc) = 33


g!thu8 contains characters from lowercase, numerics and non-alphanumerics.

sample space = 26 + 10 + 33 = 69

permutations = sample space ^ length of password = 69^6

permutations = 107918163081

Step 3 - Calculate approximate crack time

Using the guess rate per second and total number of permutations, the crack time is calculated.

crack time = permutations / guess rate = 107918163081 / 6552832

crack time = 16468.93 seconds or 274.48 minutes or 4.57 hours.

Step 4 - Output results

Once all passwords in the file have been analysed, a .csv file is created containing the following information:

  • Password
  • Crack time (hours)
  • Crack time (days)
  • Permutations in short form Eg. 69^6


Seaborn - Used for data visualisation

Install Seaborn and its dependencies with the following command:

pip install seaborn


Recommended usage is as follows:

python -i file.txt -o results.csv 

-i - .txt file containing a list of passwords to analyse - required

-o - .csv file to output the results to.

-b - Perform a new benchmark test using this number of threads. (default = 4) - optional

-h - For when you get stuck :)

Note: For the best results, perform a benchmark with as few processes running as possible.




Thanks to ScottSmudger for the regex help!

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