EN | 中文
kong-client is a java sdk for kong ,which is a high performance and extensible microservice API gateway
- Spring 3.2.5+
- JDK 1.7+
- Kong 2.0.1+
- Fast Integration with springMVC:Suitable for all spring web app and work with less config
- Mutiple strategies for service proxy
- Register services automatically
- Service Call API:Generic API for firing request
- Load balancer
- Built-in Monitor: sdk version, server status and metrics etc.
By this strategy, kong-client will scan all services those annotationed by
,and register them to kong server. Note that, these services must be designed to single paramter for request and response,and the parameter must be a java type instance which can be formatted to JSON. An possible service would be like this:@KongServiceMapping(path = "/sayHello") HelloResponse sayHello(HelloRequest request){ }
This strategy is very suitable for existing springMVC projects which are wanted to be integrated to kong,and use spring's
annotation on every service. The strategy will take advantage of all spring features,like intercepters,view resolvers,and complex request handlers etc. kong-client will only be acted as a request proxy and do nothing invasive in request process.
# kong admin url, required
# example:
# unique id for app, required
# hosts can be accessed for services in this app, optional
# proxy strategy, required
# value: kongmapping / springmapping
# healthcheck config, required
# auto resolve ip from net interfaces ,default :on
These config items would be specified if current app want to provide services to kong.
Note that,if a dispatcher were customered in spring context,
the config kong.config.server.proxy.strategy
will be ignored.
# kong nodes for load balancer, required
# format : single node : , multiple nodes: w:200, w:100
# switch of key-auth plugin
# value: on /off , defualt: off
# keyname of key-auth plugin if the plugin enabled,
# default: apikey
These config items would be specifed if current app will call kong's services.
Note that, if the app is only be a consumer of services but not a provider when kong.config.caller.keyauth.enable
is enabled, kong.config.server.admin.url
and kong.config.server.app.identifier
also must be specified in order to register consumers automatically
import maven dependency
<dependency> <groupId>com.taofen8.mid</groupId> <artifactId>kong-client</artifactId> <version>0.2.2-RELEASE</version> </dependency>
setup servlet
Springboot App
Customize a class to extends
@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*", loadOnStartup = 1) public class KongProxyDispatcherServlet extends KongDispatcherServlet { }
and,add annotation
to app entrypoint class:@ServletComponentScan @SpringBootApplication public class KongTestApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(KongTestApplication.class, args); } }
SpringMVC App
, changeorg.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
:<servlet> <servlet-name>kong</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.taofen8.mid.kong.KongDispatcherServlet</servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>kong</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>