v1.3.0 / 2014 Mar 30
NB: There are important changes in this release that should be non-breaking in most cases, but that you should take note of!
- IMPORTANT (usually non-breaking): numbers are now returned from DDB as
s (previouslyLong
s) andBigDecimal
s (previouslyDouble
s). This better reflects that way DDB is actually storing numbers internally, and helps preserve number accuracy in some cases. - Fix slow lein builds by replacing the joda-time version range used by aws-java-sdk with an explicit dependency on joda-time 2.3.
- Can now write unfrozen numbers of type:
. In all cases DDB is limited to 38 bits of precision (usefreeze
when you need more precision). - [#28] Add AWSCredentialsProvider support (marcuswr).
[com.taoensso/faraday "1.3.0"]