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Learn Java Log System

Project Structure

├─java-log-impl           # Java some log implementations(jul、log4j、log4j2、logback)
├─java-log-api-jcl        # commons logging
├─java-log-api-slf4j      # slf4j
└─log4j2-vulnerabilities  # log4j2 CVE recurrence

Log4j2 CVE-2021-44228 recurrence step

  1. cd log4j2-vulnerabilities
  2. run com.itplh.log4j2.RmiServer
  3. run com.itplh.log4j2.TestLog4j2UseJndi

Java Log System Implementation plan

  • Interface

    • JCL(Apache Commons Logging)
    • Slf4j
  • Implementation

    • JUL(java.util.logging)
    • log4j
    • log4j2
    • logback

JCL(Apache Commons Logging, alias Jakarta Commons Logging)

  1. cd java-log-api-jcl
  2. Run com.itplh.jcl.TestCommonsLogging, then observe console output
  3. Adjust org.apache.commons.logging.Log's value in, then rerun program and observe console output


Load implement class who org.apache.commons.logging.Log, the bind log framework used it, invoke stack as follows:

Log log = LogFactory.getLog("jcl");
    |- getLog:669, LogFactory (org.apache.commons.logging)
        |- getInstance:292, LogFactoryImpl (org.apache.commons.logging.impl)
            |- newInstance:541, LogFactoryImpl (org.apache.commons.logging.impl)
                |- discoverLogImplementation:790, LogFactoryImpl (org.apache.commons.logging.impl)
                    |- createLogFromClass:960, LogFactoryImpl (org.apache.commons.logging.impl)

The whole process that commons-logging get Logger, details and summary as follows:

Get current thread of classloader, then classloader get LogFactroy from cache, that cache is WeakHashTable; if the cache exists it, return it, otherwise into next step;
Load that under classpath, judge use_tccl attribute, if it exists, then judge its value, if value is false, set baseClassLoader as current class classLoader;
Then get LogFactory, and has four ways: 
    (1)in system property find “org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory” of value, then generate LogFactory;
    (2)in resource “META-INF/services/org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory” of value, then generate LogFactory;
    (3)get “org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory” of value from, then generate LogFactory;
    (4)if none of the above successful, create default log factory:org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl

After get log factory is successfly, according to class name  get Log instance;

The main logic is in discoverLogImplementation method:
    (1)Check is exists “org.apache.commons.logging.Log” key in, create Log's implement class if this key exists, otherwise execute next logic;
    (2)Traverse classesToDiscover array, this array saved Log's implement class full name and it contains four elements:org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger、org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger、org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk13LumberjackLogger、org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog;
    (3)Accroding to these full class name, load class file in order, then instantiates, final return Log's implementation.(Log's default implement class is Jdk14Logger.)

Slf4j Adaptor Solution

  1. cd java-log-api-slf4j
  2. Run com.itplh.slf4j.TestSlf4j, then observe console output
  3. Change slf4j's adaptor dependence relation where pom.xml, then rerun program and observe console out put


Load org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder from slf4j adaptor jar package, then bind log framework used it, invoke stack as follows:

Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("slf4j");
    |- getLogger:362, LoggerFactory (org.slf4j)
        |- getILoggerFactory:417, LoggerFactory (org.slf4j)
            |- performInitialization:124, LoggerFactory (org.slf4j)
                |- bind:146, LoggerFactory (org.slf4j)
                    |- findPossibleStaticLoggerBinderPathSet:301, LoggerFactory (org.slf4j)

If has multiple org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder where classpath, final load one of these what depend on JVM class load mechanism.

Slf4j Bridge Solution

Spring Log Solution Action


Apache Log4j

Apache Log4j 2


Apache Commons Logging

Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J)


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