- Mean PSD: We calculated the mean PSD as simple running mean and store it for later normalization:
train0 = train[train.target==0].reset_index(drop=True) DET = None for idx, (id, target, path) in tqdm(train0.iterrows(), total=len(train0)): ts = np.load(path) ts = ts_window(ts) ts = ts_whiten(ts) ts = torch.tensor(ts) fs = torch.fft.fft(ts) if DET == None: DET = fs.abs() else: DET = (fs.abs() + idx * DET) / (idx+1)
- Data whitening : you can use any whitening you want. This is the one of many solutions we used.
WINDOW=signal.tukey(4096, 1/4)[None,:] def ts_window(ts): return ts * WINDOW def ts_whiten(ts, lf=24, hf=364, order=4): sos = signal.butter(order, [lf, hf], btype="bandpass", output="sos", fs=2048) normalization = np.sqrt((hf - lf) / (2048 / 2)) return signal.sosfiltfilt(sos, ts) / normalization
- After loading the data we Normalize the signal as follows:
ts = ts_window(ts) ts = ts_whiten(ts) ts = torch.fft.ifft(fs).real fs = fs / DET ts = torch.fft.ifft(fs).real (you can also reuse the window here)
- Random channel shuffle
- Random rolling (time shift)
Used stratified 5-fold training strategy. We had some ideas which gave a little boost to its native counterparts. The approaches were:
- 3 Channel (native) - stacked the detectors channel wise.
- 6 Permutations - We horizontally stacked the 3 detectors with different permutations. Then stacked these 6 permutations channel wise.
- CQT+CWT - We took 3 channels(for 3 detectors) from CQT transformation and 3 from CWT transformation and stacked them.
- Double CWT - created two parallel CWT transformations with different parameters, with the idea of better frequency resolution by one and better time resolution by another.
NOTE : Parallel keyword denotes a modified architecture where we trained two CNN backbones simultaneously and concatenated their GAP’s output followed by two FC layers.
We trained backbones of different complexities which may use a specific approach or a combination of them. The models also varied with image sizes and frequency range.
- We had around 50 models at the end with our best model scoring 0.8808.
- With weighted averaging, we were able to achieve around 0.8823 public LB ( 0.88047 private).
- Switching to Stacking Ensembling with sklearn’s MLP classifier significantly boosted our public LB to 0.8830 ( 0.8813 private).
- Also tried stacking with different classifiers like LGB, logistic etc and different model selections like top 10, top 20 etc, but they performed relatively poorer in both public and private LB.