Type-safe Rust bindings for the Turnkey API, providing wallet creation and management across multiple blockchain networks.
Multi-Chain Support
- Ethereum (Secp256k1)
- Bitcoin (P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, P2WSH, P2TR)
- Solana (Ed25519)
Type-Safe Wallet Creation
- Chain-specific address validation
- BIP32/44 derivation path standards
- Configurable wallet parameters
├── functions/ # High-level API functions
│ ├── create_wallet.rs # Wallet creation implementations
│ └── mod.rs
├── utils/ # Utility functions and helpers
│ ├── wallet.rs # Wallet-specific utilities
│ └── mod.rs
├── client.rs # Turnkey client implementation
├── errors.rs # Error types and handling
└── lib.rs # Library entry point
use turnkey_rs::{Turnkey, functions::create_wallet::{
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let client = Turnkey::new(
// Create Ethereum wallet with default config
let eth_config = EthereumWalletConfig::default();
let eth_wallet = client.create_ethereum_wallet(Some(eth_config)).await?;
println!("Ethereum wallet created: {}", eth_wallet.address);
// Create Bitcoin SegWit wallet with custom config
let btc_config = BitcoinP2wpkhWalletConfig {
wallet_name: Some("My Bitcoin Wallet".to_string()),
path_index: Some(0),
mnemonic_length: Some(24),
let btc_wallet = client.create_bitcoin_p2wpkh_wallet(Some(btc_config)).await?;
println!("Bitcoin wallet created: {}", btc_wallet.address);
use {
models::{CreateWalletIntent, CreateWalletRequest, create_wallet_request::Type::ActivityTypeCreateWallet},
turnkey_rs::{Turnkey, utils},
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let client = Turnkey::new(
// Create wallet request
let create_wallet_body = CreateWalletRequest {
r#type: ActivityTypeCreateWallet,
timestamp_ms: Utc::now().timestamp_millis().to_string(),
organization_id: client.organization_id.clone(),
parameters: Box::new(CreateWalletIntent {
wallet_name: "My Wallet".to_string(),
mnemonic_length: Some(24),
accounts: vec![utils::wallet::default_ethereum_account()],
// Sign request
let body = serde_json::to_string(&create_wallet_body)?;
let x_stamp = client.stamp(&body)?;
// Create request with stamp
let mut config = (*client.config).clone();
config.client = reqwest::Client::builder()
let mut headers = reqwest::header::HeaderMap::new();
headers.insert("X-Stamp", x_stamp.parse().unwrap());
// Send request
let response = wallets_api::create_wallet(&Arc::new(config), create_wallet_body).await?;
println!("Created wallet: {:?}", response);
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