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<h2 class="mbr-section-subtitle mbr-fonts-style mbr-white display-2 mbr-pb-3">Michael Jordan history </h2>
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<h1 class="mbr-section-title mbr-fonts-style mbr-white mbr-pb-3 display-5">his youth
<div>Jordan was born in the Brooklyn borough of New York. His father, James Jordan, worked as an equipment supervisor, and his mother, Dolores Jordan, worked in banking. Jordan is the fourth of the couple's five children. At the age of seven, his family moved to Wilmington, North Carolina. While studying in high school, Jordan was interested in playing basketball, baseball and football, and although he was kicked out of the high school basketball team at the age of 16, he managed to make the team a year later, and improved significantly until he was considered one of the top players in the high school basketball league.<br><br>In 1981, Jordan won a scholarship to study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, known for its strong men's basketball team. Already at the beginning of his career, Jordan stood out for his special talent, he excelled in the team under the guidance of coach Dean Smith, and at the end of his first year he was chosen as the freshman (first year player) season of the college league. In a notable event from that period in 1982, he scored the winning basket against Georgetown University in the finals of the college basketball championship tournament. Several years later, Jordan claimed that this basket shot was a decisive turning point in his career.<br><br>In 1984, Jordan won the title of the outstanding player of the college league, after in all his years with the team he scored an average of 17.7 points per game, 54% from the field, and collected an average of five rebounds per game. Shortly after, with one year left to graduate, Jordan left the team and the university. That year he participated in the NBA draft, and was selected by the Chicago Bulls team in the third pick. This fact secured him a contract with the team. It wasn't until 1986 that Jordan returned to university following an injury that prevented him from playing and graduated.<br><br>Even before he started playing in the league, he participated in the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984 as part of the United States basketball team, under coach Bob Knight, and led it, alongside Patrick Ewing, Sam Perkins, Chris Mullin, Steve Alford and Wyman Tisdale, to winning the gold medal. Jordan's participation in the Olympics was possible even though the NBA at that time prohibited professional players, such as NBA players, from taking part in the competition. The ban did not apply to Jordan, who officially moved to the NBA only a few months later, and therefore has not yet Considered a professional. In the final game, the team defeated the Spanish basketball team 91-65, and Jordan led the team in scoring with 20 points. After the game, the coach of the Spanish team, Antonio Dias-Miguel, said that "the gravity of the earth is probably not working on Michael Jordan".<br><br><span style="font-weight: normal;"><em>Career as a professional basketball player
<br></em></span><br></div><div>The first years in the NBA
</div><div>Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls NBA team in the 1984/1985 season. He surprised many by becoming a key player in the team already in his first season, leading in points, rebounds, assists and steals. In a short time he became one of the most popular players in the league, and even fans of rival teams would cheer him on. One month after the start of the season, a cover photo of Jordan was published in the weekly "Sports Illustrated" under the title "A star is born". He was chosen to play in the starting five in the All-Star game due to his high ability and his great popularity. Some veteran players, such as Isaiah Thomas, expressed their displeasure that in his first year in the league, Jordan received so much attention, and avoided handing him the ball during the game. Thomas denied that the act was intentional, and as a result, a fierce controversy broke out in the league that was widely covered by the media. This affair faded in a short time, and in the end Jordan was even chosen as Rookie of the Year. The Bulls managed to qualify for the first round of the playoffs, but lost to the Milwaukee Bucks and were eliminated. Jordan finished the season with an average of 28.2 points per game and 51.5% shooting from the field.<br><br>At the beginning of the second season, Jordan broke his leg and had to miss most of the league games. Despite his lack, the Bulls managed to advance to the playoffs and were drawn to play against the Boston Celtics. During the injury, Jordan convinced Bulls management to let him return and study at the University of North Carolina, where he dropped out when he started playing for the Bulls. After receiving the approval, he played basketball at the university without the approval or knowledge of the Bulls management. After returning from university, the medical staff did not allow Jordan to return to participating in the games, due to the fear of a repeat injury that could end his career, although Jordan was willing to take the risk. The fight reached the media and after public pressure it was agreed that he would return to play every 7 and a half minutes exactly until the start of the playoffs, and only then was he allowed to return fully and without time limit. In that playoff he scored an average of 43.7 points per game. His second game in the series was his best, and Jordan set a league record that still stands today for scoring by a single player in a playoff game with 63 points. After the game, Celtics star Larry Bird said, "I think we saw God dressed as Michael Jordan today." Despite this, the Bulls lost all games to the Celtics' more experienced players and were eliminated from the playoffs. The Celtics went on to the next level and eventually won the championship.<br><br>At the beginning of the 1986/1987 season, Jordan finished the recovery process from his injury, and reached many achievements that have not yet been recreated by any other player in the NBA. He averaged 37.1 points per game shooting 48.2% from the field, and was the second player in league history to score over 3,000 points in a season. In addition to his high shooting ability, he also excelled in the defensive game, and became the first player in league history to record 200 steals and 100 blocks in one season. Despite these successes, it was Magic Johnson who received the title of MVP of the regular season. The Bulls qualified for the playoffs for the third time in a row, but were eliminated once again by the Celtics.<br><br>In the next three seasons, Jordan continued to be the league's leading scorer with an average of 33.7 points per game. In the 1987/1988 season he won his first MVP title, and even won the defensive player of the season title. The Bulls qualified for the second round of the playoffs, but lost to the Detroit Pistons, who adopted a tactic that included a stiff physical game. Also in the following season, the Bulls qualified for the playoffs, and in the first round they faced the Cleveland Cavaliers in a series of five games. In the fifth game, when the series was tied at 2-2, one of the most famous moments in Jordan's career occurred; He scored the winning basket at the final whistle of the decisive game against Craig Ilo, and the Bulls qualified for the next round. The game itself is considered a classic, and the image of Jordan scoring the winning basket - which was nicknamed "the shot" is considered one of the most famous images in NBA history. The East against the Pistons. A win in this series would have advanced them to the series for the league championship, but the Bulls lost to the Pistons for the second time in a row, after they put a double and triple guard on Jordan. In the 1989/1990 season, Phil Jackson was appointed coach of the Bulls in place of Doug Collins. Under his guidance, the team became more cohesive, and qualified for the second consecutive Eastern Conference Finals, but was also eliminated by the Pistons. In this season, alongside Jordan, the young players Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant also stood out, who played with him in the following seasons as well.<br><br>The first retirement</div><div>Jordan was at his peak at the age of 30, after winning three consecutive NBA championships with his team, but in 1993 a trauma occurred in his personal life. On July 23, his father, James Jordan, returned from a long trip and decided to stop for a rest at a station near the town of Lumberton in North Carolina. Two young men who arrived at the scene shot Jordan's father to death and stole his car. The young men were caught in a short time and sentenced to life imprisonment. Jordan and his father were close to each other, and he is deeply shaken by the murder. On October 6, less than three months after the murder, Jordan surprised the basketball world and announced his retirement. He justified his decision by saying that he had lost the will to play, and explained that his father's murder pushed him to make the decision definitively. Commissioner David Stern denied the rumor that the league suspended him due to the gambling problems several times.<br><br>Jordan's surprising announcement caused echoes around the world. The surprise increased when he signed a contract with the Chicago White Sox baseball team. Jordan was added to the minor league team of the club, in a league that is two levels below the major league. Jordan claimed that one of his late father's dreams was to see him play baseball in the Major League, and he decided to try and make his father's dream come true. He reported to the team's workouts and registered as a major league baseball player on March 31, 1994. The owner of the White Sox was Jerry Reinsdorf, who also owned the Bulls. Reinsdorf continued to honor Jordan's contract with the Bulls even during his retirement. Jordan ended his baseball career in early 1995 after deciding to return to the NBA and the Bulls, announcing this on March 18 in a message that included only the words "I'm back".<br><br>Return to the NBA</div><div>The Bulls players struggled to win in the 1993/1994 season when Jordan played baseball, and were eliminated in the second round of the playoffs by the Knicks. At the beginning of the following season they did not play well either, but with the return of Jordan they returned to winning. In the period after his return, Jordan faced mediocre physical and professional fitness as a result of the year and a half absence from the basketball courts, and his first appearance was against the Indiana Pacers on March 19, the day after he announced his return. He came up to play with jersey number 45, although previously he played with number 23. He claimed that he was aiming to start a new era, and that the previous number belonged to another era. Jordan managed to score 19 points in more than 40 minutes of play, and after overtime Indiana won. The game received high viewing percentages according to the Nielsen index.<br><br>In his next games it was evident that he is gradually returning to his normal playing form, and in his fourth game after returning, against the Atlanta Hawks, he scored the winning basket and 32 points in total. On March 29, four days later, he scored 55 points in the road game against the Knicks. He led Chicago to the playoffs, and in the second round against the Orlando Magic, he had one of his biggest failures. A few seconds before the end of the game, Jordan lost the ball to Nick Anderson, who managed to score a winning basket in favor of the Magic. He then missed a chance to tie the game with a three-point shot. After the game, Anderson said that "Jordan doesn't look like the old Jordan." After the game, Jordan decided to go back and wear jersey number 23, hoping that this would change his luck for the better. However, this did not help and Jordan and Chicago lost the series 2-4.<br><br>Before the start of the next season, Jordan did a lot of training, and managed to get back to full playing form. Together with Dennis Rodman, who was signed as a reinforcement player at the beginning of the season, he led the Bulls to a record balance of 72 wins against 10 losses. Jordan was the best guard in the league with an average of 30.4 points per game, and won the title of MVP of the regular season for the fourth time in his career. Chicago didn't have a hard time in the playoffs either, and until the final series against the Seattle SuperSonics, they lost only one game. Jordan led the Bulls to a 4-2 victory in the series and winning another championship. After the win, he sat for a while in his team's dressing room crying, and said that his excitement stems from the fact that this is the first win in the championship after the death of his father, combined with the fact that the win happened on Father's Day.<br><br>The Bulls and Jordan continued to win many games in the 1996/1997 season with a record of 69 - 13. Also in this season, Jordan demonstrated a high level of play, but it was Carl Mellon who received the title of MVP. In the final series, Jordan and Chicago faced the Utah Jazz and Carl Mellon. This final series is best remembered for two events. The first occurred in Game 1, when Jordan scored the winning basket for the Bulls at the final whistle. The second moment was in the fifth game, when Jordan had to overcome the flu. He played despite the advice of his doctors, and participated in most of the game while suffering from weakness and high fever. Despite all this, he managed to score 38 points in the game, including a crucial three-pointer in the last minute, thanks to which Chicago won by two points. At the end of the game, Jordan collapsed from exhaustion, and fell into the arms of his teammate, Scottie Pippen. The game is now known as the "flu game". The Bulls eventually won the series, and won the league championship for the second time in a row. Jordan himself once again won the MVP title of the final series.<br><br>The following season, Jordan was the leading scorer in the league, finishing the regular season with an average of 28.7 points per game. He was named the regular season MVP for the fifth time in his career. Jordan was named to the top five of the season for the tenth time in his career, and to the top five defense of the season for the ninth time. The Bulls won the Eastern Conference Finals after a seven-game series against the Reggie Miller-led Indiana Pacers. In the general finals series, Chicago once again faced the Utah Jazz, and after five games the result of the series was 3 - 2 in favor of Chicago. In the sixth game, held on June 14, 1998, the score was 86 - 83 in favor of Utah with 40 seconds left. Jordan was able to score a basket as he passed several Utah players. Then it was Utah's turn to drive toward the Chicago basket, and the ball was handed to Carl Mellon. Jordan emerged behind him, grabbed the ball, and 10 seconds before the end managed to beat Brian Russell who was guarding him, and score a winning basket.<br><br>In the years after the game, the basket shooting was broadcast many times on television networks. The Bulls won the game, and won the sixth league championship in their history. Jordan was named Finals MVP after averaging 33.5 points per game, and 45 points in the decisive Game 6. Jordan's sixth win of this title is a record that has not yet been broken (as of 2022). This season's Finals broke records by drawing more viewers than any other Finals series in league history, with Game 6 still holding the record for the highest viewership of any other NBA game in history.<br><br>The second retirement</div><div>The 1998/1999 season was one of the most notable in NBA history, and many events took place in it. At the beginning of the season, the league was shut down for 191 days, and as a result, it was decided to shorten the season to only 50 games. The season began on February 5, 1999, but Jordan no longer took part in the games. With the end of Bulls coach Phil Jackson's contract, and with the departure of key players in the team such as Scotty Pippen and Dennis Rodman, Jordan decided to retire again. He officially announced it on January 13, just five days before the NBA Players Association signed with league management the collective agreement that ended the shutdown.</div><div><br></div><div>On January 19, 2000, Jordan returned to the NBA as the professional manager of the Washington Wizards team. Jordan's role was comprehensive, and he had a touch on almost all aspects of the team including decisions on player signings. Opinions regarding Jordan's level as a professional coach are divided. On the one hand, he managed to bring about the release from the team of a number of expensive and unpopular players such as Javan Howard and Rod Strickland, and on the other hand, he appointed Doug Collins (former Bulls coach) as coach who was unable to bring the team to achievements. Jordan also failed with the first pick in the 2001 draft. He selected Kwami Brown who failed to live up to the high expectations of him, showed mediocre ability, and was traded to another team after four seasons.</div><div><br></div><div>Jordan's disappointment with the results achieved by the team, in addition to his inability to actively influence the games, led him to consider another return to the game as an active player, although upon his previous retirement he claimed that the chances of him returning to play were slim. After being inspired and strengthened by the return to the NHL of Mario Lemia, the well-known ice hockey player and his friend, in the winter of 2000, Jordan began vigorous training that lasted most of the spring and summer months of 2001, in preparation for his return to the league in the Wizards' uniform.<br><br>Back in the Wizards uniform</div><div>On September 25, 2001, Jordan officially announced that he was returning to active play for the Wizards. He explained that he is returning due to his love for the game, and said that he will donate his entire salary to relief efforts for the victims of the September 11 attacks that occurred two weeks earlier. In the 2001/2002 season, there were many injuries in the Wizards, but despite this, Jordan managed to lead the team, for part of the season, with an average of 22.9 points per game. However, he suffered a serious injury to his right knee and ended the season after 60 games. The Wizards finished the season with 37 wins compared to 45 losses, a result that was not enough for them to advance to the playoffs. Even so, it was an improvement over the previous season when they had 18 fewer wins.</div><div>In the following season, Jordan was the only player who participated in all 82 league games of his team, and in 67 of them he was even in the starting five. Although Jordan celebrated his 40th birthday during the season, he managed to maintain his excellent playing form, averaging 20 points per game on 45% shooting from the field. Jordan was the oldest player in league history to score over 40 points in a game, when he scored 43 points in a game against the New Jersey Nets. During the time he played with the Wizards, it was the second team in the league in terms of the number of spectators, and in all its home games all the tickets were sold. Despite this, the team failed in its attempt to qualify for the playoffs, and Jordan expressed dissatisfaction with the level of play of the other players on his team. On several occasions he even publicly criticized some of his team's players, especially Kwame Brown.<br><br>In February 2003, Jordan participated in the All-Star Game for the 14th and last time of his career. After not being selected by the public vote for the starting five of the game, Jordan rejected the offer of players Tracy McGrady and Allen Iverson to accept their place in the five. However, player Vince Carter was finally convinced to give up his place in the starting five in favor of Jordan. Jordan scored 20 points in the game, thus becoming the "King of the Baskets" of the All-Star Games in place of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.</div><div><br></div><div>At the end of the 2002/2003 season, it became clear that Jordan was going to retire from basketball for good, and because of this, he received vigorous applause wherever he played. His last official game in the NBA was against Philadelphia '76. Jordan went to the bench in the third quarter of the game, but after the crowd began to roar "we want Mike" he returned to play for several more minutes. At the end of the game, Jordan received applause from the crowd, his teammates and the opposing team. Jordan's last game was an exhibition game at the United Center in Chicago against his former team, the Chicago Bulls. At the end of the game, Jordan received a special farewell ceremony, and the crowd cheered for him for over four minutes. On April 1, the Miami Heat announced that as a mark of respect for Jordan, none of its players would wear jersey number 23, even though he never played for that team.<br><br><br></div></h1>
<p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style mbr-white mbr-pb-5 display-5">The end of Michael Jordan history </p>
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