AUTHOR: Tamara Cvjetković
CapyTravel: website for tourist agencies.
NAME: Tamara Cvjetković
STUDENT INDEX: sv48-2022
FACULTY: Faculty of Technical Science, Novi Sad
STUDIES: Software Engineering and Information Technologies
ACADEMIC DEGREE: Bachelor with Honours in Software Engineering
PHONE: +38165 4468 114 (Serbia) || +38766 868 639 (BiH)
Project from subject named "Web Design" FTN SIIT, 2nd semester, Novi Sad, 2023.
CapyTravel is a website for tourist agencies. The goal of the project was to apply the acquired knowledge in web design and create a website with an aesthetically acceptable design, which provides a professional look and functionality, with implemented CRUD operations on system users, travel agencies and their destinations.
- Javascript
The website offers the display and search of travel agencies and their destinations, supporting user registration functionality as well as the ability to add, edit, and delete agencies, destinations, and users. The site also supports searching for agencies on the main page by name and destinations, as well as searching for destinations within each agency based on name, type, or transportation.
After downloading the "wd-sv-48-2022" folder from Git, double-click on the index.html file located at the following path: wd-sv-48-2022\PROJECT - TRAVEL AGENCIES\html\index.html' The choice of the browser is left to the user.
REGISTRATION - users can register by entering correct informations. LOGIN - users can log into the website by entering their username and corresponding password (login functionality is not implemented - all users have the same website display and access to the Admin panel). SEARCH - users can search for agencies by name and destinations, as well as destinations by name, type, or transportation. ADMIN PANEL - users can display, add, edit, or delete individual agencies, destinations, or users.