My .dotfiles and more
# install in ~/
$ git clone ~/take-me-home
folder if needed
Download zip and extract:
# download zip
wget --no-check-certificate -O ~/Downloads/
# extract files
unzip ~/Downloads/
$ source ~/Downloads/take-me-home-master/take-me-home
- Update cdable vars in
to your liking.
Update packages (apt update, upgrade, autoremove)
$ source refresh-distro
Install Node + npm
$ source install-node
$ source install-npm
Git - install & config
$ source install-git
$ source config-git
- Press
twice to clear the input buffer (command line) - Use
to cycle through completion options
- cd- =
'cd -'
cd to last directory - cd.. =
'cd ..'
- .. =
cd ..
- ... =
cd ../../
- .... =
cd ../../../
- ..... =
cd ../../../../
- cls =
- ls =
ls --color=auto -AXF --group-directories-first
- lsl =
ls -1
- ll =
ls -AlF --group-directories-first --human-readable
- lls =
ll | less
- rm =
rm -I --preserve-root
- chown =
chown --preserve-root
- chmod =
chmod --preserve-root
- chgrp =
chgrp --preserve-root
- grep =
grep --color=auto
- debi =
sudo dpkg -i
- upgrade =
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove
- mem =
watch -n 5 free -h -t
- c. =
code .
open current folder in vs-code
= mkdir and cd into itnsh
= create a new shell script with a shebang. For example:
$ nsh qwe # creates ""
= history helper tool to show only last N commands. For example:
$ hs 5 # show last 5 cmds
$ hs git # show all git cmds
$ hs git 5 # show all git cmds from last 5
- l =
git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h - %Cgreen%s %C(cyan)(%ar)' -20
- f =
git fetch
- p =
- pf =
push --force
- pt =
push --tags
- pl =
- plf =
pull --force
- st =
git status
- sts =
git status --short
- sta =
git status --untracked-files
- show all new files inside a new directory - aa =
git add --all
- au =
git add --update
- ch =
git checkout
- ch- =
git checkout -
- chm =
git checkout master
- chd =
git checkout develop
- chs =
git checkout staging
- com =
git commit
- come =
git commit --amend
- coma =
git commit -a
- cae =
git commit -a --amend
- cm =
git commit -m
- cme =
git commit --amend -m
- cam =
git commit -am
- came =
git commit --amend -am
- br =
git branch
- bra =
git branch --all
- show remote branches too - rnbr =
git branch -m
- rename branch - dbr =
git branch -D
- dbrr =
git push origin --delete
- delete remote branch - nbr =
git checkout -b
- brm =
git branch --merged
- brnm =
git branch --no-merge
- ms =
git merge --squash
- hr =
git reset --hard
- df =
git diff
- dfh =
git diff HEAD
- df1 =
git diff HEAD~1
- df2 =
git diff HEAD~2
- df3 =
git diff HEAD~3
- dfw =
git diff --word-diff
- dfwh =
git diff --word-diff HEAD
- save =
git stash save
- list =
git stash list
- restore =
git stash pop
- del =
git stash clear