This library simplifies reading, transforming, and requiring environment variables across runtimes like Node.js, Deno, Bun.js, Browser, and more.
Table of Contents
npm install envix --save
The write method makes it possible to set an environment variable retrospectively for later accesses.
import { write } from 'envix';
write('foo', 'bar');
The read method accepts the key of the environment variable as the first argument and an alternative value as the second argument, which is returned if the variable does not exist. If no argument is passed, an object with all environment variables is returned.
import { read, write } from 'envix';
write('foo', 'bar');
read('foo'); // string | undefined
// bar
read('bar', 'baz'); // string
// baz
The readArray method makes it possible to read an environment variable as a string array. A fallback value can be defined as the second argument.
import { readArray, write } from 'envix';
write('foo', 'bar,baz');
readArray('foo'); // string[] | undefined
// ['bar', 'baz']
readArray('bar', ['foo']); // string[]
// ['foo']
The readBool method makes it possible to read an environment variable as a boolean. A fallback value can be defined as the second argument.
import { readBool, write } from 'envix';
write('foo', 'true');
readBool('foo'); // boolean | undefined
// true
readBool('bar', false); // boolean
// false
The readFloat method makes it possible to read an environment variable as a float. A fallback value can be defined as the second argument.
import { readFloat, write } from 'envix';
write('foo', '1');
readFloat('foo'); // number | undefined
// 1.0
readFloat('bar', 2.0); // number
// 2.0
The readInt method makes it possible to read an environment variable as a integer. A fallback value can be defined as the second argument.
import { readInt, write } from 'envix';
write('foo', '1.0');
readInt('foo'); // number | undefined
// 1
readInt('bar', 2); // number
// 2
The readNumber method makes it possible to read an environment variable as a number. A fallback value can be defined as the second argument.
import { readNumber, write } from 'envix';
write('foo', '1.0');
readNumber('foo'); // number | undefined
// 1.0
readNumber('bar', 2.0); // number
// 2.0
The readNumberArray method makes it possible to read an environment variable as a number array. A fallback value can be defined as the second argument.
import { readNumberArray, write } from 'envix';
write('foo', '1.0,2.1');
readNumberArray('foo'); // number[] | undefined
// [1.0,2.1]
readNumberArray('bar', [2,3]); // number[]
// [2,3]
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Published under MIT License.