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Task definition language

The given parameters able to write down the universal form of sequencing problems. The library able to phrase .xml, .json task definitions and .seq / .txt well-readable text format. The result of the tasks also available in these formats. Example and Skeletons directory of the repository contains the complete list of parameters.

The following sections define the own .seq format parameters; these are also used in the standard formats (JSON, XML) with their own specificity. The input file interpreted line by line, within the lines separated by : and ; characters. Floating-point number separators: . and ,. Full line comment: #. The order of parameters is commutable, not sensitive for whitespace and not case sensitive.

Notations: ~ Optional, ! Default, * Needed


Option Values Description
*Task General For sequencing configurations and motions. One motion/configuration selected for execution in a task. The tasks have a strict sequence in an alternative. Finally, one alternative selected in a process while the processes are ordered.
Validate True / False If true, the task is validated before execution, it can be time-consuming.
*Cyclic True / False The cyclic sequence has the same start and finishes in the solution. In the case of a cyclic task, the StartDepot have to be given.
StartDepot ConfigID/MotionID Start depot is the first position of the circles or walks based on Cyclic. It is going to ignore all alternatives and task elements of the given element. The StartDepot have to be defined in the ProcessHierarchy.
FinishDepot ConfigID/MotionID Finish depot is the last position of the path if Cyclic = False. It is going to ignore all alternatives and task elements of the given position.
ConfigList ConfigID ; Position ; ~Name ; ~ResourceID Used when DistanceFunction is not Matrix. List of records, that defines all possible configurations of the task. These configurations can be used for motion definition (MotionList) at any times. Also used in the ProcessHierarchy section but only once. Order constraints can be defined in the MotionPrecedence section.
ConfigMatrix ConfigID[ ]
Double[ ][ ]
~Name[ ]
~ResourceID [ ]
Used in case of DistanceFunction: Matrix excludes the use of ConfigList. Cost matrix with id header, optional name and resource id footer. The matrix should contain the cost of every pair of positions. These configurations can be used for motion definition (MotionList) at any times. Also used in the ProcessHierarchy section but only once. Order constraints can be defined in the MotionPrecedence section.
ProcessHierarchy ProcessID ; AlternativeID ; TaskID ; MotionID ;ConfigID;; ~Bidirectional ; ~Name List of ProcessID ; AlternativeID ; TaskID ; MotionID ; ConfigID; Bidirectional; Name. Every defined configuration (from ConfigList / ConfigMatrix) can be part of motions, and every motion need to be used and settled in a Task, Alternative and Process. The motions can be used as a single configuration or with multiple ones as a complex movement. The bidirectional and name property refers to the motion.
ProcessPrecedence ProcessID ; ProcessID List of ProcessID ; ProcessID records. The positions in the process with the first ProcessID must be before the positions in the process with the second ProcessID in the solution. The definition must be a directed acyclic graph, and not defined processes are free. Process of StartDepot and FinishDepot can not be used.
MotionPrecedence MotionID ; MotionID The position or motion with the first id must be before the second id of position or motion in the solution if both positions selected. This representation of constraints does not have to be DAG. Configuration or motion of StartDepot and FinishDepot can not be used.
OverrideCost ConfigIDA ; ConfigIDB ; Cost ; ~Bidirectional The list of records that directly define the cost of A, B positions, overrides the result of DistanceFunctions. Bidirectional is false by default (applied only on A->B), else cost override also used for B->A. Different type of resource methods able to modify this overridden value.
*DistanceFunction The distance function defines the basic way of cost computation. Assign cost value to configuration pairs, the motions for the VRP matrix. It can be overwritten by OverrideCost, ResourceChangeover or IdlePenalty.
Euclidian Simple euclidian distance of configurations. (
Max Greatest absolute difference of configuration elements.
Trapezoid Trapezoid Time based on maximum acceleration & speed of dimensions.
TrapezoidTimeWithTieBreaker Trapezoid Time based on maximum acceleration & speed of dimensions.
Manhattan Also known as taxicab metric.
Matrix Manual distance/cost, given by distance matrix of configurations.
TrapezoidAcceleration Double [] In case we choose TrapezoidTimeWithTieBreaker or TrapezoidTime need to be define maximal acceleration in n dimensions.
TrapezoidSpeed Double [] In case we choose TrapezoidTimeWithTieBreaker or TrapezoidTime need to be define maximal speed in n dimensions.
IdlePenalty Double This value-added to the costs if the following positions/motions are not in contact, and the tool path or motion has to be interrupted.
BidirectionMotionDefault True / False If True, extra motion generated and added to the hierarchy with the _Reverse postfix and swapped end configurations in case of movements. If False, only the given direction added. At the end of MotionList records can be overwritten one by one.
AddMotionLengthToCost True / False If true: The length of the motion (computed between ConfigA, ConfigB with DistanceFunction or OverrideCost) need to be used in cost computation.
ResourceChangeover ! Off Resources not used in the task.
Constant Resources are used, and the changeover cost given by a constant (ChangeoverConstant).
Matrix Resources are used, and the changeover cost given by a matrix (ChangeoverMatrix) for every resource pair.
ResourceChangeoverFunction !Add Function for handle connection of computed edge weight and resource cost. w = w + r
Max Function for handle connection of computed edge weight and resource cost. w = Max(w,r)
ChangeoverConstant Double Constant cost of resource change. The resources are defined in the ConfigList/ConfigMatrix section.
ChangeoverMatrix Resource changeover cost, for every pair of resources. Also contains a ResourceID header. The matrix should contain the distance/cost of every resource change. The resources are defined in the ConfigList/ConfigMatrix section.
LocalSearchStrategy Google OR-Tools VRP solver metaheuristics. Reference
Automatic Default value. Lets the solver select the metaheuristic.
GreedyDescent AAccepts improving (cost-reducing) local search neighbours until a local minimum is reached.
GuidedLocalSearch Uses guided local search to escape local minima (cf.; this is generally the most efficient metaheuristic for vehicle routing.
SimulatedAnnealing Uses simulated annealing to escape local minima (cf.
TabuSearch Uses tabu search to escape local minima (cf.
ObjectiveTabuSearch Uses tabu search on the objective value of the solution to escape local minima
TimeLimit Int The time limit for the VRP solver in [ms]. It has an effect only for the VRP solver, not the full runtime. Read, phrase, process, initial MIP solver not included. It can stop earlier with a solution or without through timeout.
UseShortcutInAlternatives True / False In the case of long sequences of alternatives, find the shortest paths and replace the original alternative with a virtual one can be remuneratory. It contains only one task and a virtual single config representation of shortcuts. After the execution of sequencing, the original hierarchy is restored. Reduce complexity, the number of nodes and constraints at build time.
UseMIPprecedenceSolver True / False



For sequencing configurations and motions. One motion/configuration selected for execution in a task. The tasks have a strict sequence in an alternative. Finally, one alternative was chosen in a process while the processes are ordered.

Value Include Exclude Optional
General Cyclic, DistanceFunction, ProcessHierarchy Validate,StartDepot, FinishDepot, LocalSearchStrategy, TimeLimit, UseShortcutInAlternatives, TrapezoidAcceleration, TrapezoidSpeed, IdlePenalty, BidirectionMotionDefault, AddMotionLengthToCost, ResourceChangeover, ResourceChangeoverFunction, ChangeoverConstant, ChangeoverMatrix, ConfigList, ConfigMatrix, MotionList, ProcessPrecedence, MotionPrecedence, OverrideCost
Task: General

"TaskType": "General"


GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();


If true, the task is validated before execution; it can be time-consuming.

Validate: True
Validate: False

    "Validate": true,
    "Validate": false,


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.Validate = true;
    t.Validate = false;


The cyclic sequence has the same start and finishes in the solution. In the case of a cyclic task, the StartDepot have to be given.

Value Include Exclude Optional
True StartDepot FinishDepot -
False - - StartDepot, FinishDepot
    Cyclic: True
    Cyclic: False

    "Cyclic": true,
    "Cyclic": false,


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.Cyclic = true;
    t.Cyclic = false;


Start depot is the first configuration of the circles or walks based on Cyclic. The selected configuration wrapped automatically in a virtual motion, alternative, process struct with ID: 9999999. The StartDepot have to be defined in the ConfigList or ConfigMatrix.

Param Rule
Int Must be part of ConfigList or ConfigMatrix as ConfigID.
    StartDepot: 0

    "StartDepot": 0,


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.StartDepotConfig  = new Config() { ID = 0, Name = "Start",  Configuration = new List<double>() {0, 0} }; 


Finish depot is the last position of the path if Cyclic = False. The selected configuration wrapped automatically in a virtual motion, alternative, process struct with ID: 888888. The FinishDepot have to be defined in the ConfigList or ConfigMatrix.

Param Rule
Int Must be part of ConfigList or ConfigMatrix as ConfigID.
    FinishDepot: 1

    "FinishDepot": 1,


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.FinishDepotConfig = new Config() { ID = 1, Name = "Finish", Configuration = new List<double>() {10, 10} };



The distance function defines the basic way of cost computation. Assign cost values to motion pairs (between last configuration $x$ of motion one, and first configuration $y$ of motion two), for the GTSP matrix. It can be overwritten by OverrideCost, ResourceChangeover or IdlePenalty.

Value Include Exclude
Euclidian ConfigList TrapezoidAcceleration, TrapezoidSpeed, ConfigMatrix
Max ConfigList TrapezoidAcceleration, TrapezoidSpeed, ConfigMatrix
Trapezoid ConfigList, TrapezoidAcceleration, TrapezoidSpeed ConfigMatrix
TrapezoidTimeWithTieBreaker ConfigList, TrapezoidAcceleration, TrapezoidSpeed ConfigMatrix
Manhattan `ConfigList TrapezoidAcceleration, TrapezoidSpeed, ConfigMatrix
Matrix `ConfigMatrix TrapezoidAcceleration, TrapezoidSpeed, ConfigList

$x = [x_1, x_2, ..., x_n]$
$y = [y_1, y_2, ..., y_n]$

Function Implementation
Euclidian $\sqrt{(x_1-y_1)^2+(x_2-y_2)^2+...+(x_n-y_n)^2}$
Max $max(\vert x_1-y_1 \vert, \vert x_2-y_2 \vert,..., \vert x_n-y_n \vert)$
TrapezoidTime $max(time( \vert x_1-y_1 \vert), time( \vert x_2-y_2 \vert) ,..., time( \vert x_n-y_n \vert))$
TrapezoidTimeWithTieBreaker $TrapezoidTime + 0.01 * (sumTime / n)$
$sumTime = time(x_1-y_1) + time(x_2-y_2) + time(x_n-y_n) $
Manhattan $\sum_{i=1}^n{\vert a_i-b_i \vert}$
Matrix $G = \begin{pmatrix} 0 &amp; x \rightarrow y \\ y \rightarrow x &amp; 0 \end{pmatrix}$
DistanceFunction: Euclidian
DistanceFunction: Max       
DistanceFunction: Trapezoid 
DistanceFunction: TrapezoidTimeWithTieBreaker
DistanceFunction: Manhattan 
DistanceFunction: Matrix

"DistanceFunction": {
    "Function": "Euclidian",
    "DistanceMatrix": null,
    "TrapezoidAcceleration": null,
    "TrapezoidSpeed": null

"DistanceFunction": {
    "Function": "Max",
    "DistanceMatrix": null,
    "TrapezoidAcceleration": null,
    "TrapezoidSpeed": null

"DistanceFunction": {
    "Function": "Manhattan",
    "DistanceMatrix": null,
    "TrapezoidAcceleration": null,
    "TrapezoidSpeed": null

"DistanceFunction": {
    "Function": "Trapezoid",
    "DistanceMatrix": null,
    "TrapezoidAcceleration": [1,1,1],
    "TrapezoidSpeed": [1,1,1]

"DistanceFunction": {
    "Function": "TrapezoidTimeWithTieBreaker",
    "DistanceMatrix": null,
    "TrapezoidAcceleration": [1,1,1],
    "TrapezoidSpeed": [1,1,1]

"DistanceFunction": {
        "Function": "Matrix",
        "DistanceMatrix": {
            "IDHeader": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
            "DistanceMatrix": [
            "NameFooter": ["@","S","Z","T","A","K","I","_","E","M","I"],
            "ResourceFooter": [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2],
            "ConfigList": null
        "TrapezoidAcceleration": null,
        "TrapezoidSpeed": null







GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
t.CostManager.DistanceFunction = new EuclidianDistanceFunction();
t.CostManager.DistanceFunction = new MaxDistanceFunction();
t.CostManager.DistanceFunction = new ManhattanDistanceFunction();
t.CostManager.DistanceFunction = new TrapezoidTimeDistanceFunction(new double[] { }, new double[] { });
t.CostManager.DistanceFunction = new TrapezoidTimeWithTimeBreakerDistanceFunction(new double[] { }, new double[] { });
t.CostManager.DistanceFunction = new MatrixDistanceFunction(new List<List<double>>(), new List<int>());


Type Rule
Double[ ] DistanceFunction must be Trapezoid / TrapezoidTimeWithTieBreaker and the dimension must fit the dimension of configuration vectors.
TrapezoidAcceleration: [9.1;8.7;5.5]



    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
            t.CostManager.DistanceFunction = new TrapezoidTimeDistanceFunction(new double[] { }, new double[] { });
            t.CostManager.DistanceFunction = new TrapezoidTimeWithTimeBreakerDistanceFunction(new double[] { }, new double[] { });


Type Rule
Double[ ] DistanceFunction must be Trapezoid / TrapezoidTimeWithTieBreaker and the dimension must fit the dimension of configuration vectors.
TrapezoidSpeed: [9.1;8.7;5.5]




    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
            t.CostManager.DistanceFunction = new TrapezoidTimeDistanceFunction(new double[] { }, new double[] { });
            t.CostManager.DistanceFunction = new TrapezoidTimeWithTimeBreakerDistanceFunction(new double[] { }, new double[] { });


This value-added to the costs if the following motions are not in contact, and the tool path or motion must be interrupted.

Type Rule
IdlePenalty: 100 

    "IdlePenalty": 100.0,


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.CostManager.IdlePenalty = 100;


If True, extra motion generated and added to the hierarchy with the _Reverse postfix in name, the new motions's ID is the inverse of the original one, and swapped end configurations in case of movements. If False, only the given direction added. At the end of MotionList, records can be overwritten one by one.

Value Rule
False Default.
BidirectionMotionDefault: True      
BidirectionMotionDefault: False

    "BidirectionMotionDefault": false,


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.Hierarchy.BidirectionalMotionDefault = true;


If true: The inner length of the motion (computed between each configuration in the motion) added to the cost of every input edge of the motion.

Value Rule
False Default
AddMotionLengthToCost: True      
AddMotionLengthToCost: False

    "AddMotionLengthToCost": false,


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.CostManager.AddMotionLengthToCost = true;

Sequence task definition


Used when DistanceFunction is not matrix. List of records that defines all possible configurations of the task. These configurations can be used for hierarchy definition (ProcessHierarchy) at any times.

Param Type Rule
ConfigID Int Every new value indicates a new config. Every id must be unique globally.
Configuration Double[n] The length of vectors should be equal in the full configuration list. Used in cost computation as DistanceFunction defines.
~ Name String An optional list of config names. Any value acceptable, only used for identification in the solution or debug.
~ResourceID Int Value is required if ResourceChangeover not Off. Must be part of ResourceChangeover if that is given. Used in cost computation, if resource change needed, more info at ResourceChangeover.

    "ConfigList": [
            "ID": 0,
            "Config": [],
            "Name": "@",
            "ResourceID": 0
            "ID": 10,
            "Config": [],
            "Name": "I",
            "ResourceID": 2

      <Config />
      <Config />

    //Configuration added with the motions to the hierarchy.
    var CA = new Config() { ID = 1, Configuration = new List<double>() { 5, 5 },     Name = "Config A" };
    var CB = new Config() { ID = 2, Configuration = new List<double>() { 2, 2 },     Name = "Config B" };
    var CC = new Config() { ID = 3, Configuration = new List<double>() { 7.5, 7.5 }, Name = "Config C" };

    var MA = new Motion() { ID = 1, Name = "Motion A", Configs = new List<Config>() { CA } };
    var MB = new Motion() { ID = 2, Name = "Motion B", Configs = new List<Config>() { CB } };
    var MC = new Motion() { ID = 3, Name = "Motion C", Configs = new List<Config>() { CC } };

    t.Hierarchy.HierarchyRecords.Add(new HierarchyRecord()
        Process = PA,
        Alternative = AA,
        Task = TA,
        Motion = MA

    t.Hierarchy.HierarchyRecords.Add(new HierarchyRecord()
        Process = PB,
        Alternative = AB,
        Task = TB,
        Motion = MB,

    t.Hierarchy.HierarchyRecords.Add(new HierarchyRecord()
        Process = PC,
        Alternative = AC,
        Task = TC,
        Motion = MC,


Used in case of DistanceFunction: Matrix, excludes the use of ConfigList. Cost matrix with id header, optional name and resource id footer. The matrix should contain the cost of every pair of positions, pointless connections must be 0. These configurations can be used for hierarchy definition (ProcessHierarchy) at any times.

Param Type Rule
Header (ConfigID[ ]) Int[n] Every new value indicates a new config. Every id must be unique in the scope of MotionList and PositionMatrix
Costs (Double[ ][ ]) Double[n][n] Dimension: n x n, n is the number of configs, should be equal to the length of the header. Cost of movement between configs. Resource changeover can be added.
~Name[ ] String[n] An optional list of config names. Any value acceptable, only used for identification in the solution or debug.
~ResourceID[ ] Int[n] An optional list of resource ids should be equal to the length of the header is given. Must be part of ResourceChangeover if that is given. Used in cost computation, if resource change needed, more info at ResourceChangeover.

  See Distance Function
  See Distance Function
  See Distance Function


List of ProcessID ; AlternativeID ; TaskID ; MotionID ; ConfigID; Bidirectional; Name. Every defined configuration (from ConfigList / ConfigMatrix) can be part of motions, and every motion need to be used and settled in a Task, Alternative and Process. The motions can be used as a single configuration or with multiple ones as a complex movement. The bidirectional and name property refers to the motion.

Param Type Rule
ProcessID Int Every new value indicates a new process.
AlternativeID Int Every new value with the same ProcessID indicates a new alternative sequence in the process.
TaskID Int Every new value with the same AlternativeID indicates a new task in the alternative. Tasks have fix order in an alternative order by the given IDs ascendant.
MotionID Int Must be part of ConfigList/ConfigMatrix in case of Config or MotionList in case of motion. Every config and motion must be used once (but configs can be used multiple times in motions).
ConfigID Int Must be part of ConfigList/ConfigMatrix in case of Config or MotionList in case of motion. Every config and motion must be used once (but configs can be used multiple times in motions).
Bidirectionl Bool Must be part of ConfigList/ConfigMatrix in case of Config or MotionList in case of motion. Every config and motion must be used once (but configs can be used multiple times in motions).
Name String Must be part of ConfigList/ConfigMatrix in case of Config or MotionList in case of motion. Every config and motion must be used once (but configs can be used multiple times in motions).

"ProcessHierarchy": [
            "ProcessID": 1,
            "AlternativeID": 0,
            "TaskID": 0,
            "MotionID": 1,
            "ConfigIDs": [
            "Bidirectional": null,
            "Name": null
            "ProcessID": 10,
            "AlternativeID": 0,
            "TaskID": 0,
            "MotionID": 10,
            "ConfigIDs": [
            "Bidirectional": null,
            "Name": null


      <Bidirectional xsi:nil="true" />
      <Bidirectional xsi:nil="true" />

    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    var PA = new Process() { ID = 1, Name = "Process A" };
    var AA  = new Alternative() { ID = 1, Name = "Alternative A" };
    var TA  = new Task() { ID = 1, Name = "Task A" };
    var CA = new Config() { ID = 1, Configuration = new List<double>() { 5, 5 },     Name = "Config A" };
    var MA = new Motion() { ID = 1, Name = "Motion A", Configs = new List<Config>() { CA } };

    t.Hierarchy.HierarchyRecords.Add(new HierarchyRecord()
        Process = PA,
        Alternative = AA,
        Task = TA,
        Motion = MA


List of ProcessID ; ProcessID records. The positions in the process with the first ProcessID must be before the positions in the process with the second ProcessID in the solution. The definition must be a directed acyclic graph, and not defined processes are free. Process of StartDepot and FinishDepot can not be used.

Param Type Rule
Predecessor(ProcessID) Int Must be part of ProcessHierarchy as ProcessID. The Predecessor process items need to be before the successor process's items in the solution. The process of StartDepot, FinishDepot can not be used.
Successor (ProcessID) Int Must be part of ProcessHierarchy as ProcessID The Successor needs to be after the predecessor item in the solution if each selected. The process of StartDepot, FinishDepot` can not be used.

    Precedence: {
         Predecessor: 1,
         Successor: 2
    Precedence: {
         Predecessor: 2,
         Successor: 3

    <ProcessPrecedences />

            GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
            var PA = new Process() { ID = 1, Name = "Process A" };
            var PB = new Process() { ID = 2, Name = "Process B" };
            t.ProcessPrecedences = new List<ProcessPrecedence>();
            t.ProcessPrecedences.Add(new ProcessPrecedence(PA, PB));


The position or motion with the first id must be before the second id of position or motion in the solution if both positions selected. This representation of constraints does not have to be DAG. Configuration or motion of StartDepot and FinishDepot can not be used.

Param Type Rule
Predecessor(MotionID) Int Must be part of ProcessHierarchy as MotionID. The Predecessor needs to be before the successor item in the solution if each selected. The StartDepot, FinishDepot can not be used.
Successor (MotionID) Int Must be part of ProcessHierarchy as MotionID The Successor needs to be after the predecessor item in the solution if each selected. The StartDepot, FinishDepot can not be used.

        Precedence: {
            Predecessor: 1,
            Successor: 2
        Precedence: {
            Predecessor: 2,
            Successor: 3

    <MotionPrecedence />
    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    var CA = new Config() { ID = 1, Configuration = new List<double>() { 5, 5 }, Name = "Config A" };
    var CB = new Config() { ID = 2, Configuration = new List<double>() { 2, 2 }, Name = "Config B" };
    var MA = new Motion() { ID = 1, Name = "Motion A", Configs = new List<Config>() { CA } };
    var MB = new Motion() { ID = 2, Name = "Motion B", Configs = new List<Config>() { CB } };
    t.MotionPrecedences = new List<MotionPrecedence>();
    t.MotionPrecedences.Add(new MotionPrecedence(MA, MB));


The list of records that directly define A, B positions' cost overrides the result of DistanceFunctions. Bidirectional is false by default (applied only on A->B), else cost override also used for B->A. Different type of resource methods able to modify this overridden value.

Param Type Rule
From (ConfigID/MotionID) Int Must be part of ProcessHierarchy as ConfigID / MotionID
To (ConfigID / MotionID) Int Must be part of ProcessHierarchy as ConfigID / MotionID
Cost Double It is override the original, DistanceFunction computed cost. ResourceChangeOver cost can be used additionaly.
Bidirectional Bool Optional value, by default: false. If false, ovverides the cost of From->To. If true overrides cost of From->To and To->From too.

OverrideCosts: [
        From: 1,
        To:   2,
        Cost: 99,
        Bidirection: True
        From: 1,
        To:   2,
        Cost: 99,
        Bidirection: True


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    var CA = new Config() { ID = 1, Configuration = new List<double>() { 5, 5 }, Name = "Config A" };
    var CB = new Config() { ID = 2, Configuration = new List<double>() { 2, 2 }, Name = "Config B" };
    t.CostManager.OverrideCost.Add(new DetailedConfigCost() { A = CA, B = CB, OverrideCost = 2.0, Bidirectional = true });



Value Include Exclude
!Off ResourceChangeoverFunction, ChangeoverConstant, ChangeoverMatrix
Constant ResourceChangeoverFunction, ChangeoverConstant ChangeoverMatrix
Matrix ResourceChangeoverFunction, ChangeoverMatrix ChangeoverConstant
    ResourceChangeover: None
    ResourceChangeover: Constant
    ResourceChangeover: Matrix

    "ResourceFunction": {
        "ResourceDistanceFunction": "Add",
        "ResourceSource": "Constant",
        "ResourceCostConstant": 50.0,
        "ResourceCostMatrix": null


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new NoResourceFunction();
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new ConstantResourceFunction(2, new AddResourceDistanceLinkFunction());
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new ConstantResourceFunction(2, new MaxResourceDistanceLinkFunction());
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new MatrixResourceFunction(resChangeCostMatrix, resourceIDList, new AddResourceDistanceLinkFunction());
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new MatrixResourceFunction(resChangeCostMatrix, resourceIDList, new MaxResourceDistanceLinkFunction());


Param Rule
!Add Every new value indicates a new config. Every id must be unique in the scope of MotionList and PositionMatrix
Max The vector length should be equal to the value given in dimension. Used in cost computation as DistanceFunction defines.
ResourceChangeoverFunction: Add
ResourceChangeoverFunction: Max

    "ResourceFunction": {
        "ResourceDistanceFunction": "Add",
        "ResourceSource": "Constant",
        "ResourceCostConstant": 50.0,
        "ResourceCostMatrix": null


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new NoResourceFunction();
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new ConstantResourceFunction(2, new AddResourceDistanceLinkFunction());
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new ConstantResourceFunction(2, new MaxResourceDistanceLinkFunction());
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new MatrixResourceFunction(resChangeCostMatrix, resourceIDList, new AddResourceDistanceLinkFunction());
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new MatrixResourceFunction(resChangeCostMatrix, resourceIDList, new MaxResourceDistanceLinkFunction());


Constant cost of resource change. The resources are defined in the ConfigList/ConfigMatrix section.

Type Rule
Int No default. Every changeover of resources has this cost.
ChangeoverConstant: 10

    "ResourceFunction": {
        "ResourceDistanceFunction": "Add",
        "ResourceSource": "Constant",
        "ResourceCostConstant": 50.0,
        "ResourceCostMatrix": null


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new NoResourceFunction();
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new ConstantResourceFunction(2, new AddResourceDistanceLinkFunction());
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new ConstantResourceFunction(2, new MaxResourceDistanceLinkFunction());


Resource changeover cost, for every pair of resources. Also contains a ResourceID header. The matrix should contain the distance/cost of every resource change. The resources are defined in the ConfigList/ConfigMatrix section.

Param Type Rule
Header (ResourceID[ ]) Int[n] Every value indicates a resource. Every id must be unique in the scope. These values are usable at ConfigList/ConfigMatrix.
Double[ ][ ] Double[n][n] Dimension: n x n, n is the number of resources, should be equal to the length of the header. Cost of changeover between resources.
5;6;7 #Header
0;9;8 #Matrix

    "ResourceFunction": {
        "ResourceDistanceFunction": "Add",
        "ResourceSource": "Matrix",
        "ResourceCostMatrix": null TODO


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new NoResourceFunction();
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new MatrixResourceFunction(resChangeCostMatrix, resourceIDList, new AddResourceDistanceLinkFunction());
    t.CostManager.ResourceFunction = new MatrixResourceFunction(resChangeCostMatrix, resourceIDList, new MaxResourceDistanceLinkFunction());

Solver parameters


Google OR-Tools VRP solver metaheuristics. Reference

Value Include Exclude Optional
!Automatic - - -
GreedyDescent - - -
GuidedLocalSearch - - -
SimulatedAnnealing - - -
TabuSearch - - -
ObjectiveTabuSearch - - -
LocalSearchStrategy: Automatic
LocalSearchStrategy: GreedyDescent
LocalSearchStrategy: GuidedLocalSearch  
LocalSearchStrategy: SimulatedAnnealing 
LocalSearchStrategy: TabuSearch         
LocalSearchStrategy: ObjectiveTabuSearch

    "LocalSearchStrategy": "Automatic",
    "LocalSearchStrategy": "GreedyDescent",
    "LocalSearchStrategy": "GuidedLocalSearch",
    "LocalSearchStrategy": "SimulatedAnnealing",
    "LocalSearchStrategy": "TabuSearch",
    "LocalSearchStrategy": "ObjectiveTabuSearch",


    t.SolverSettings.Metaheuristics = Metaheuristics.Automatic;
    t.SolverSettings.Metaheuristics = Metaheuristics.GreedyDescent;
    t.SolverSettings.Metaheuristics = Metaheuristics.GuidedLocalSearch;
    t.SolverSettings.Metaheuristics = Metaheuristics.SimulatedAnnealing;
    t.SolverSettings.Metaheuristics = Metaheuristics.TabuSearch;
    t.SolverSettings.Metaheuristics = Metaheuristics.ObjectiveTabuSearch;


The time limit for the VRP solver in [ms]. It has an effect only for the VRP solver, not the full runtime. Read, phrase, process, initial MIP solver not included. It can stop earlier with a solution or without through timeout.

Type Rule
Int Given in milliseconds and must be TimeLimit >=0. If TimeLimit = 0 stop based on VRP solver. If TimeLimit > 0, VRP solver stops after the time limit.
TimeLimit: 0
TimeLimit: 60000

    "TimeLimit": 10000


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.SolverSettings.TimeLimit = 1000;


Creates an initial solution by CBC-MIP solver for tasks with complex precedence constraints.

Param Type Rule
True Bool Runs MIP to create an initial solution for VRP.
False Bool -
UseMIPprecedenceSolver: True
UseMIPprecedenceSolver: False

    "UseMIPprecedenceSolver": false


    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.SolverSettings.UseMIPprecedenceSolver = 1000;


In the case of long sequences of alternatives, finding the shortest paths and replacing the original alternative with a virtual one can be remuneratory. It contains only one task and a virtual single config representation of shortcuts. After the execution of sequencing, the original hierarchy is restored. Thus, reduce complexity, the number of nodes and constraints at build time.

Param Type Rule
True Bool Compute shortest paths for every alternative.
!False Bool -
UseShortcutInAlternatives: True
UseShortcutInAlternatives: False

    "UseShortcutInAlternatives": true,

    GeneralTask t = new GeneralTask();
    t.SolverSettings.UseShortcutInAlternatives = 1000;