🎼 Fetch data easily from ProgArchives.com - using this npm package.
Unfortunately, ProgArchives.com does not provide an API for developers.
However, with this npm package, you can easily fetch data and use it in your own program. 😁
- 🔎 Name correction
- 💾 Information about an album
- ✅ Tested
- ⛏ Maintained
$ npm i --save progarchives-client
$ yarn add progarchives-client
Note: This function is an async
Returns information about an album - including artist name, album name, average rating, number of ratings and distribution of ratings.
Type: string
Note: You do not need to enter the name correctly, the search engine will try to correct it.
const ProgArchivesClient = require('progarchives-client');
(async () => {
const albumInfo = await ProgArchivesClient.getAlbumInfo('King Crimson - In The Court');
// {
// artistName: 'King Crimson',
// albumName: 'In The Court Of The Crimson King',
// fullAlbumName: 'King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King',
// avgRating: '4.63',
// ratings: 4133,
// distribution: [ '78%', '16%', '4%', '1%', '0%' ]
// }
MIT © Milan Szekely