bedc657 Add Memex Module SDK implementation
868419d Add initial Memex Module SDK implementation
1e71dc8 Change repository implementation to store all data in a single .mx file instead of using a directory structure Fix GetNode method to properly handle both raw and hex-encoded IDs Add proper JSON formatting for node data storage and retrieval Ensure all interface methods are properly implemented Fix import/export functionality to work with the new storage format
9057a50 Fixed the module manager to properly handle module state:
997eb0b HandleCommand handles a module command
2e4ec06 Remove Homebrew for simpler release
d302627 WIP:further work on similarity link
9cd54f8 add --dev flag in internal/memex commands.go
f5ee5a4 add --dev flag in main cmd
049a9e7 add to docs
d3b0271 add cli and registry in sdk
b4bed6c add connect and init commands for repo, reintroduce editor as default memex command
2a41c73 add delete button to web interface
01ba5df add delete command
049c591 add editor timestamp and newline at end of file
a75a1b4 add github link in import packages instead of local path
ef28664 add go.mod and go.sum to repo
756b7dc add go.sum to gitignore
d787394 add init command to create a direcoty for storage, also create config.json
e2825d9 add initial web interface with clean, modern design. Deleted old one. Now It can have basic function
ac420b6 add manager and util to sdk
7f18657 add module docs
67f5743 add module install and config
e7697bb add module interface test units
8138c3f add module package to sdk
4d3b1e3 add module test with core imports
e00a088 add module to pkg files
3fe4e99 add module to the command files, both cmd and internal/memex/commands.go
c2d761c add more test coverage for storage, and further fix some new bugs
af4e911 add new module go package design docs
69582b4 add new pkg/module files and types for go packaging method
83899da add new storage package
3b8f00c add remaining tests, edit editor, make exports work. still having issues with import and link ordering
d93818f add repo in sdk and modify commands internal
4af7a42 add sdk_test.go
907e1df add status command to show file diff
20046cb add the git clone tests and expose parts of module.go
82386e2 add version control
a156a2b add version support and release configuration
d482397 add web and library package interface, empty for now. later to work on it instead of only CLI
b954194 bug fix: store chunks before reconstructing content during import to handle similar files
6baa338 changelog, contributing, and bsd license
9654e8a consolidate trasnaction code into transaction package, delete it from core/
261069e create -h help flag
92eba40 create add file command 'add'
4aeefc2 create logging package internal/memex/logger
b732b1c create module manager in /interna/ expose and simplify pkg/
1c6aaf2 create readme
144436b create sdk docs
a132fe5 create test units and make the file structure look more like traditional go projects
c1f9326 create web interface. still not showing the files, but the server works.
ffef3c6 cross out some features we have done in readme
43bc456 delete adapters.go, no need for type conversion with go packages
dd48b74 delete old test files
f87488a delete older js and css files, and make files for the new graph viz setup
d183976 delete plugin related files
dfae5f6 delete plugin related tests
6b76c04 delete repository.go and binary.go, now dag is the main storage
064d5f8 edit memexd package to be in sync with recent mx and dag fileformat
9d49802 feat: add dev mode support for modules
d24a3a9 feat: add event system
0813e3a feat: add module manager and loader
249d815 feat: implement new module SDK
59d8e57 feat: improve module system
997eeeb first commit, CLI to add notes
439280b fix bugs in link and node files after .mx file upgrade
fec156e fix migration errors
e96b3e5 fix parsing error in readme
7ac81a7 fix some build bugs caused by recent changes
f7d3e8e fix white space added from reconstruction bug
28b9751 fix: code cleanup
581d6dc fix: improve module discovery error handling
b6a830b fix: improve node storage atomicity and simplify similarity link creation
09d0ac5 fix: remove enable/disable from module commands
04e35a7 implement vanilla rabin chunk store
7f6a3f4 improve content chunking with pattern detection and json handling
5cd40d4 init dag implemention
a9f9bcc initial module interface, add module.go and modify core/types.go and repository.go
a270737 initial mx binary file storage, still not mature and needs further testing
99e4632 main cmd now calls pkg/memex instead of internal
90a7d7a major refactor: move core functionality to pkg/memex with clean API
d2c8913 major refactor: replace storage with chunk and hash methods, similar to git repos
389d995 make config.go, remove commands from main to commands.go
3751364 make design docs
940b9cd make editor store notes as files instead of string in memory
8995146 make manager.go install modules without enable or disable
2e649da make manager.go use git clone command
7cc9dae make memex add files from any path
3ad80a5 make memex module install now download from git URLs too
e308fb5 make memex save notes and files as the new .mx file. helps with version control and metadata
d439167 make memex status now show all files and metadate, not just text files.
628a99f make memex store int, still in dir format
e58ddfc make module commands part of the command list regiser
5edbf3b make pkg call /internal/ core
80428a8 make repo order by timestamp
cf4ab95 make some newline edits to remove lint warning
32f40ab make sure repo, pkg/memex.go and pkg/module.go all use types from core. we don't want to create circular dependencies
da8bd9b make transaction module to save changes in graph history
b04a141 make two mock repos, one for testing core and another to test the sdk
be86bb4 make web interface a graph viz
b9fc146 migration feature: add export.go and export command for graph and subgraph
36b23e7 migration feature: add import.go to import exported fx graphs
5bd8ef9 minor test update in reponame filepath
c5daa88 new sdk
66d8819 nuke all module related code. this sucks, but we need to rewrite the entire thing. Ouch!!
14daef0 nuke pkg/sdk
6e17a8d nuke storage, need to start with a more simple implementation without adding complexity in optimal disk saving
75aa189 properly handle binary format and length prefixes in storage operation
4636e9a refactor migration package to work well with new storage package
2a7e331 refactor pkg/memex with last changes of graph_file_store
17565b9 refactor tests
d5158a1 refactor: add SDK tests and fix error handling
b10944a refactor: consolidate transaction handling into core/transaction package
e8df2d3 refactor: migrate to content-addressable storage with linking and metadata support
f63d5e4 refactor: move SDK tests to test directory
8f4bde7 refactor: move types to pkg/types and implement module adapters
1f92771 refactor: separate core domain types from storage implementation details
dfdcd0a refactor: simplify module system by removing enable/disable and adding dev mode
2befcf8 reintroduce memexd web interface with core changes that happened to core memex. minimal work, it just shows a graph in js, nothing fancy or worth it.
2a0acd8 reintroduce module manager, again!
a4d7fbd reintroduce status command
e1b0643 relocate module manager code from /interna/ to pkg/sdk
cc1b961 relocate recently added command logic from main to internal/commands
7d6e3ab remove blob and related functions and refactoring.
9e59580 remove commands from main cmb to pkg/memex
e2e4cfb remove duplicate dir
f5ecd52 remove enable command, code has some other issues regarding module manager that is still work in progress.
589a326 remove lagacy test units
0b62b50 remove module legacy code
7dfdd91 remove module refrences from mock core repo test file
963d434 remove module related docs
c5b15f6 remove old shell test integration file
52da63c remove pkg/types, we now have pkg/module instead
093b727 remove plugsin from /internal/ code, commands.go and repository.go
7b86aa9 remove storage package. time to refactor from start
bf809c0 remove tx package in storage, will just use main transaction package
4719ddd remove version control. new format doesn't need it, it was only done to test things out at first.
03d17e1 rename mx files, delete dag files, make internal commands edits, still needs to be improved by moving commands from main
7a5e057 split dag.go into dag_link.go, dag_root.go, dag_store.go
f7e30ba stable storage for transaction package integration
f71fe1c storage: simplify chunking to fixed-size only, remove word-based similarity
7c40e23 update dag_test
d35b17f update docs after .mx file upgrade
326de9b update docs for go package modules
d69ec66 update docs with dag info
453bd3c update git clone testing files and related code
bd32169 update gitignore
fdf957c update gitignore
b506195 update gitignore with .so
91c7595 update module doc with new --dev flag and approach
0608da6 update readme
643754c update readme and add storage spec docs
1dfc041 update sdk/module with list command
45bfecc update test commands to work with last commit changes
89a4c65 update tests to work along recent changes
5a0d03c update transaction test
75a8983 upgrade test to include more integration
d19e9c4 upgrade web interface to include new dag implementation
e8cdc79 use terminal wide editor when calling memex without arguments, similar to nano text editor
972740f work in progress, tests pass, but still not working as it should. needs cleaner pipeline
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