This document outlines the key design decisions and architectural choices made in the Memex project.
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
- Content organized as nodes in a DAG
- Nodes connected by typed, directional links
- Supports versioning and relationships
- Prevents cycles in relationships
Content-Addressable Chunked Storage
- Content split into chunks for efficient storage
- Each chunk identified by SHA-256 hash
- Reference counting for chunk management
- Enables deduplication and sharing between files
- Similar content detection through shared chunks
Single File Storage
- All data contained in one .mx file
- Keeps implementation simple and reliable
- Easy to backup and manage # Single file containing all data
The .mx file format:
- Fixed-size header with metadata
- Content chunks (content-addressable)
- Node data (DAG nodes)
- Edge data (DAG edges)
- Index for efficient lookup
- Unique ID
- Type (file/note)
- Metadata
- Content hash
- Chunk references
- Version history
- Links to other nodes
Edges (Links)
- Source node ID
- Target node ID
- Link type
- Optional metadata
- Directional relationships
- Content hash
- Chunk references
- Creation time
- Version metadata
- Content split into chunks:
- Small content (≤1024 bytes): Word-based chunks
- Large content (>1024 bytes): Fixed-size chunks
- Each chunk identified by SHA-256 hash
- Reference counting for chunk management
- Automatic content deduplication
- Similar content detection through shared chunks
- Version tracking per node
- Provides command-line interface
- Commands:
- init: Create new repository
- add: Add files to DAG
- status: Show DAG state
- link: Create edges between nodes
- links: Show node connections
- delete: Remove nodes
- Provides web interface
- Features:
- View DAG structure
- Upload files as nodes
- Create relationships
- Search graph
- Visualize connections
- MXStore: Main storage implementation
- Header management
- Node operations
- Edge operations
- Chunk storage with reference counting
- Index management
// Node in the DAG
type Node struct {
ID string
Type string
Meta map[string]any
Created time.Time
Modified time.Time
Versions []Version
Links []Link
Current string
// Edge in the DAG
type Link struct {
Source string
Target string
Type string
Meta map[string]any
SourceChunk string
TargetChunk string
// Version history
type Version struct {
Hash string
Chunks []string
Created time.Time
Meta map[string]any
Available bool
// DAG root
type Root struct {
Hash string
Modified time.Time
Nodes []string
- Magic number for identification
- Version number for format changes
- Fixed-size header with counts and offsets
- Content chunks with reference counting
- Node and edge data with metadata
- Index for efficient lookup
- Add nodes (files/notes)
- Create edges (links)
- Traverse relationships
- Track versions
- Maintain acyclic property
- Delete nodes and edges
- Manage chunk references
- Split large DAGs
- Efficient graph traversal
- Improved indexing
- Optimized chunk sizes
Extended Features
- Advanced graph queries
- Relationship types
- Graph visualization
- Export/import
- Similarity detection tuning
Performance Optimizations
- Caching frequently accessed chunks
- Batch operations
- Compression
- Smarter chunking algorithms
- Decision: DAG with typed edges
- Rationale: Flexible relationships, version tracking
- Trade-offs: More complex than tree structure
- Decision: Single .mx file with sections
- Rationale: Simple to manage and backup
- Trade-offs: Need to handle file size
- Decision: Content-addressable chunks with reference counting
- Rationale: Deduplication, sharing, similarity detection
- Trade-offs: More complex chunk management
- Benefits:
- Space efficiency through shared chunks
- Natural similarity detection
- Flexible content reconstruction