VisualBasic through C# for Godot4 (tested with Godot4.3 mono win64).
i found several examples for F# through C# (i also made a F#-class for godot )
but not for VisualBasic.
like F# you can use another language without GDExtension!
i made a benchmark and the result is that Visual Basic is 30times faster than gdscript in the mandelbrotbenchmark (see example benchmark)
- use this exampleproject for start or:
- create with Godot4* mono a new project (mono cause we use C#) for example a node2d
- add a C#-script
- open VisualStudio, add a new VisualBasicProject to projectmap (select in the same directory, select .NET 6.0)
- in the first project add the VisualBasicProject as reference
- in the VisualBasicProject add in the references to the packets the packet GodotSharp
- create in your VisualBasicClass methods for _Ready and so on and start them from the C#-methods - now you can continue in VisualBasic...
- 2D, Sprite2D, comparable to the GDExtension-demo,
- 2D, Draw, benchmark drawing mandelbrot,
- 3D, RigidBody3D, falling boxes,
- Added first example 2D, Sprite2D, comparable to the GDExtension-demo
- Added a constructor in VisualBasic class
- Added second example 2D, Draw, benchmark drawing mandelbrot
- Added third example 3D, falling boxes