Starter kit for Django projects. Installs a ready to use Django environment with utility modules and templates, autogenerating a settings file.
- A ready to use Django environnement with a complete set of utilities and templates
- A websockets ready solution with Django Instant
Virtualenv, pip, git and the necessary packages to install Pillow
Note you will need virtualenv, git and a few libs installed on your system before to install, such as the ones required for Pillow.
git clone
# copy django-mogo/djangomogo to a dir where you want your virtual env and the django project to be installed
# do not set a virtualenv: Mogo will do it for you
python3 djangomogo
Tweak the autogenerated
to fit your needs.
The base installer will setup Django with a bunch of modules. The following install options are available
Django only:
python3 djangomogo -django
Do not install and configure Django, just install modules:
python3 djangomogo -modules
Install monitoring tools:
python3 djangomogo -mon
Do not set any virtualenv:
python3 djangomogo -noenv
Install the developement modules: pytest, coverage and the Grunt assets pipeline (npm is required):
python3 djangomogo -dev
This quick start kit installs the following Django modules:
- pillow: standard image processing lib
- easy-thumbnails: generate thumbnails using cache
- django-allauth for authentication with social networks
- django-ckeditor: wysywig text editor
- django-codemirror2: code editor
- django-sfp for pages management
- django-dirtyedit for editing files from the admin
- django-qcf: contact form
- ipython : powerfull python shell integrated with Django
- django-compressor: to compress static assets
- django-reversion for version control
- django-mptt: utility for working with trees
- django-braces: usefull mixins
- django-extensions : usefull tools
- django-mqueue: for logging app events
- django-filebrowser-no-grappelli: files management
- Centrifugo: the websockets server
- django-instant: Centrifugo <-> Django layer
- django-autoreloader for hot reload during development
- django-watchtower: to collect metrics and events
- django-debug-toolbar for apps debug
- pytest-django: test suite
- pytest-cov: coverage for pytest
- coverage: utility for test coverage reporting
- django-autofixture: for generating test data
Batteries are included with a base template set using Bulma for the css
In west african french slang a mogo is a man (and a go is a girl). So it means "django guy"