You need to make a decision:
Are you a user who wants only to make music with the app, a curator who wants to run it as an interactive installtion for the public, or a developer who might want to change the app?
The instructions are different, depending...
- get online
- go to
- go offline if you want. The site should have already installed itself as an offline app, and will work even if you disconnect the internet or restart your computer.
Want to run your own copy of synestizer? No problem!
The sourcecode is on github.
Download and unzip that code.
All currently recognized version at at the github releases page
You might be interested in, for example,
- violet, a recent edition, online at
- indigo, an old version, online at
(Advanced users and coders who might want
to change the software should use git
Now you need to run a node.js,
which pre-processes the javascript and also
provides a web server to access the app.
First test basic mode.
Open up the terminal on your platform and run the following two commands:
npm install
npm run serve
This should build a version of the app suitable for you to take on stage, at
Gallery mode disables sensitive controls for the general public, and prevents them from leaving the website.
A reasonable approximation to to this can be got on OSX by running the Chrome browser locked down:
npm install
npm run galleryserve
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --kiosk --app=http://localhost:8080/index.html --host-rules="MAP * localhost:8080"
If you are not performing but developing, we recommend different commands.
You might have trouble switching cameras in Android tablets. This is because of an incompatibility between the window.mediaDevices.getUserMedia
Promise-based API, and the no-autoplay gesture-required-for-media-playback setting of Chrome.
If this sounds exciting to you, you can read the argument which has been raging for about 4 years.
There will be no fix any time soon, but you might be able to avoid the problem if you try
the workaround suggested there - disabling the setting. However, in our tests, this removes the error, but does not fix the video switching.
The setting can be found at chrome://flags/#disable-gesture-requirement-for-media-playback