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PJSIP cordova plugin

This plugin is based on PJSIP library version 2.5.5. PJSIP is an open source multimedia communication library writte in C language that supports many protocols including VoIP communications. The current implementation has used SIP, SDP, RTP protocols for VoIP telephony.

How to use

The PJSIP javascript object has four prototypes methods that can be overriden for the four states of the device, i.e. Call Out, Call In, Call End and Call established.

  • PJSIP.stateCallOut(arg0): Event triggered after calling PJSIP.makeCall(CallingNumber). arg0 is the calling number.
  • PJSIP.stateCallEstablished(): Event triggered after establishing the call.
  • PJSIP.stateCallEnd(): Event triggered when a call has ended.
  • PJSIP.stateCallIn(arg0): Event triggered when there is an incoming call. arg0 is the number of the device that calls.
  • PJSIP.requestPermission(arg0): Event triggered only in Android devices with SDK>=23, as callback to accepting or denying RECORD_AUDIO permission.
  • PJSIP.stateRegRegistered(): Event triggered when the device has successfully logged in.
  • PJSIP.stateRegTimeout(): Event triggered after an unsuccessful registration

These methods can be used for changing the layout of the application.

Further functions have been implemented in www/PJSIP.js, each of which is responsible for different actions in VoIP communications. This include:

  • PJSIP.isSupported: If PJSIP is supported
  • PJSIP.connect(arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3): User arg0 with password ar1 connects to system with IP arg2 and Proxy IP arg3. arg3 most of the times is not necessary and '' can be used.
  • PJSIP.disconnect: Unregistering from the system.
  • PJSIP.makeCall(arg0): Making a call to device arg0.
  • PJSIP.endCall: Ending a call.
  • PJSIP.muteCall: Muting a call.
  • PSJIP.activateSpeaker: Activating the speaker.
  • PJSIP.dtmfCall(arg0): Sending dtmf number arg0.
  • PJSIP.declineCall: Declining an incoming call.
  • PJSIP.acceptCall: Accepting an incoming call.
  • PJSIP.muteMicrophone(arg0): Muting (arg0=true) or Unmuting (arg0=false) the microphone.
  • PJSIP.checkArchitecture: returns the current architecture of the device.
  • PJSIP.checkClientIP: return the device current IP address.
  • PJSP.checkPBXConnectivity: used in combination with PJSIP.stateRegRegistered and PJSIP.stateRegTimeout to check the connectivity with the PBX system.
  • PJSIP.checkAudio: check if the microphone and loudspeaker works properly.
  • PJSIP.getWifiSSID: used in diagnostic tests to find the wifi ssid.


  • This project has been tested in Android devices with armabi architecture and iPhone devices with arm64 and armv7 architecture.
  • After installation you need to add manually in Build settings the following configurations a. Apple LLVM 8.1 Preprocessing->Preprocessor Macros->(both debug/release) PJ_AUTOCONF=1 b. Search paths->Header Search Paths -> (both debug/release in cordova plugin) i. fulllocation/pjsua/pjmedia ii. fulllocation/pjsua/pjnath iii. fulllocation/pjsua/pjlib-util iv. fulllocation/pjsua/pjlib v. fulllocation/pjsua/pjsip

Known issues

You might encounter some issues after the installation.

  • All wav files used for the phone calls have been installed in res/raw folder. There might be necessary to correct in the corresponding import library (import com.ionicframework.infinity4uandroidv2841245.R;).
  • All configuration in build settings in iOS need to be done manually.
  • For x86 Android devices although there is registration there are error in make call. This has been tested only on emulators.


The development of this plugin has been sponsored by Navarino.