This is implementation of homography decomposition to rotation(s), translation(s) and plane normals. The implementation is based on the paper by Ezio Malis, "Deeper understanding of the homography decomposition for vision-based control". 2007
Usage: Create HomographyDecomp object and call the method
void decomposeHomography(const cv::Matx33d& H, const cv::Matx33d& K,
std::vector<CameraMotion>& camMotions);
H - Homography matrix between two images (3x3 )
K - Intrinsic camera matrix. (3x3)
camMotions - Array of {R, t, n}. R-rotation matrix, t-translation vector, n-plane normal vector
This implementation is integrated with OpenCV library. See the documenation in OpenCV - decomposeHomographyMat()