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This project simulates a Type ahead feature with an in memory database(using Redis) which is similar to google's auto suggestion feature when typing in a search command. It is a complete standalone project which consists of backend which implements Trie and prefixweb which is used to call backend logic using REST API. --

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This project demonstrates auto completion capability (also known as the look ahead feature) which one sees when one types something in google search bar. To accomplish this Trie data structure is used. The project consists of two modules: trie which contains the trie structure for prefix and prefixweb which is used to connect the backend with the outside world via REST APIs.

The main idea for this project came from the following Youtube video.

Explanation TrieNode


The TrieNode consists of the following components:

Map<Character, TrieNode> children

A recursive list which contains the character and the possible children, which are themselves TrieNodes.Default value is a new Hashmap.


True if we reached the end of the word. Default value is false.


What is the complete phrase in the node chain. Default value is an empty string.


Contains the weight of how often a node is hit in the lookup. Default value is 0.

It is important to note that a node can have EOW=true but isLeaf=false. Check if the node is a leaf or not is done via a predicate. Insertion and searching within the Tree is done via recursion(Depth First Search or DFS).

Explanation DFS

Q) What is DFS?

Depth-first search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures. The algorithm starts at the root node (selecting some arbitrary node as the root node in the case of a graph) and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. DFS is typically used to traverse an entire graph, and takes time O ( | V | + | E | ) where |V| is the number of vertices and |E| the number of edges.

Q) How is DFS used in this project?

In order to understand the DFS(Depth First Search), we will look at code of method public List<String> findMatchingPhrases(String prefix) and analyze it in more detail.

public List<String> findMatchingPhrases(String prefix) {
		TrieNode subTreeRoot = findSubTree(prefix);
		if (subTreeRoot != null) {
			// Recursive DFS
			return findMatchingPhrases(subTreeRoot, new ArrayList<String>());
		} else {
			return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

The above method uses modified depth first search to find all the terminal nodes that represent prefix matched phrases. @param prefix is the input prefix whereas the method returns a list of all possible phrases that contain the prefix.

Inside this method, we first get the subtree for the given prefix. If a subtree exists, we call findMatchingPhrases() with newly found subTree and a new array list. If the subtree is null, we return an empty collection from the method. Due to the reason who the call stack builds up during recursion, all matching phrases are returned. Both findSubTree() and findMatchingPhrases() are explained below:

TrieNode findSubTree(String prefix)

The main purpose of this method is to find the node that begins at the end of the input prefix and it ultimately allows us to search for all words that match the given prefix. More interesting is private method findSubtree(TrieNode currentNode, String prefix, int index) which is called recursively.

private TrieNode findSubTree(String prefix) {
		return findSubtree(root, prefix, INITIAL_WEIGHT);

	private TrieNode findSubtree(TrieNode currentNode, String prefix, int index) {
		// base condition
		if (isPrefixEmpty(prefix) || indexEqualsSizeOfThePrefix(prefix, index)) {
			return currentNode;
		TrieNode tempNode = currentNode.children.get(prefix.charAt(index);
		if (tempNode == null) {
			return null;
		/*recursive call*/
		return findSubtree(tempNode, prefix, index + 1);

Here, our base condition is to check if Prefix is empty or index equals size of the prefix. If yes, we return the current node. If not, we get child which matches the phrase at initial index. If the child is not null, it means that there is still a subtree and it is then recursively called.

List findMatchingPhrases(String prefix)

It consists of modified depth first search to find all the terminal nodes that represent prefix matched phrases. The input @param prefix represents the input prefix whereas @return value is a list of all possible phrases that contain the prefix.

public List<String> findMatchingPhrases(String prefix) {
		TrieNode subTreeRoot = findSubTree(prefix);
		if (subTreeRoot != null) {
			// Recursive DFS
			return findMatchingPhrases(subTreeRoot, new ArrayList<String>());
		} else {
			return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

The idea is find the subTree for the prefix and if it is not null, it will recursively call a private method which will recursively call itself and the resulting call stack will take care of the rest.

private List<String> findMatchingPhrases(TrieNode node, List<String> result) {
		// one base condition
		if (isEndOfWordReached(node)) {
			// another base condition
			if (isCurrentNodeALeafNode(node)) {
				return result;
		/*recursive call*/
		node.children.keySet().stream().forEach(child -> findMatchingPhrases(node.children.get(child), result));
		return result;

Inside this private method, we first check the if end of word is reached for a given node(i.e. node.EOW == true). If yes, we add the phrase to the result set. This , however, is not a terminating condition as a node can have EOW=true but it can still have further leaf nodes. This is checked in the second base condition to verify if current node is a leaf node. If yes, the weight of node is incremented and the result is returned.

Otherwise, if both base conditions as not satisfied, we get a stream of the key set of node's children and for each node in the stream, we call findMatchingPhrases() recursively.

Reference: The source code for the DFS algorithm is present in class.

Explanation System Design


The process flow of the architecture is as follows:


The clients calls prefix which are forwarded to the Application Load Balancer.

Application Load Balancer(ALB)

In this scenario, it consists of two parts: Active and Passive. It is responsible for forwarding requests to nodes.


In this scenario, we have 3 nodes which N1, N2 and N3. They look up the information first in the Cache.


This is a Redis Cache with a Key value pair of <String,String>. It has finite memory and it will use LRU eviction policy. In my implementation, it is a in memory cache or ephemeral. This means that as soon as application stops, the cache also vanishes. The main reason of using cache is that it has O(1) complexity when looking up saved results whereas in Trie, the complexity is O(v+e) i.e. vertices and edges.

Cache miss

In case of a cache miss, the system should contact Zookeeper which will determine, based on Start range, which Ip Address should be lookup for creating TrieNodes.

  • Zookeeper part is currently not implemented.

Prefix (Java Spring)

These are responsible for a range of characters and each of them uses PrefixTrie Data Structure(referenced above) to create the Trie Tree.


The trie structures created via spring boot application are saved in MongoDB.

  • MongoDB part is currently not implemented. The Trie structure is present only till the application runs. As soon as the application terminates, the data is lost.

Data Aggregator

The idea is to fetch the data from MongoDB every 5 minutes, clean the cache and re-populate it with aggregated data. This is needed so that the cache does not become stale.

  • Since the cache is in memory right now and no data is saved in MongoDB, Data Aggregator is currently not implemented.

Explanation Redis Commands

The command used to create a docker instance of redis:

docker run --name trie-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis

where --name is the name of the docker container, -p specifies the port mapping external:internal and -d tells to run it in detached mode.

The following are some commands which are serve as an introduction on how to use Redis from command line. Once the concepts are understood, it is easy to program it in Java.

redis-cli ping

Simple check command. Returns PONG.


Connects to the docker container and takes the use to the command prompt.

set testKey testValue

Sets testKey with corresponding testValue.

keys '*'

Returns all keys.

get testKey

Gets all values for testKey.

zadd sortedSetKey 100 sortedSetValue

Adds to a Sorted set, the key: sortedSetKey, the score 100 and the value sortedSetValue.

type sortedSetKey

Tells the user that this is a sorted set.

zrange sortedSetKey 0 -1

Get all values for the key sortedSetKey.

zrange sortedSetKey 0 100 WITHSCORES

Get all values for sortedSetKey with scores between 0 and 100.

zrevrange sortedSetKey 0 -1 WITHSCORES

Get all values for sortedSetKey with scores between 0 and 100 but in reverse.

del sortedSetKey

Deletes values for key sortedSetKey.

Technologies Used

  • Java 11
  • SpringBoot: Used to create easy stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications.
  • Maven: Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.
  • Redis: Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis provides data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperlogs, geospatial indexes, and streams. Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions, and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.
  • Docker: Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage your infrastructure in the same ways you manage your applications. By taking advantage of Docker’s methodologies for shipping, testing, and deploying code quickly, you can significantly reduce the delay between writing code and running it in production.


To compile and test, please execute

mvn clean install

To run the application, please navigate to the prefixweb folder and then please execute

mvn spring-boot:run


Feature requests, issues, pull requests and questions are welcome. -

Contact Information

How to reach me? At github specific gmail account.


This project simulates a Type ahead feature with an in memory database(using Redis) which is similar to google's auto suggestion feature when typing in a search command. It is a complete standalone project which consists of backend which implements Trie and prefixweb which is used to call backend logic using REST API. --







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