**WARNING: This application uses xml launch files which is only supported in ROS Eloquent, make sure to have installed **
apt install ros-eloquent-launch-xml
Prior to running you must've build the ROS1 driver and ROS bridge as described in ../ROS1_BRIDGE_BUILD_INSTRUCTIONS.md
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash cd ~/crs_ros1_ws/ source devel/setup.bash roslaunch crs_support_ros1 crs_startup.launch
You should see the UR teach pendant showing "Running" under the program tab
- Open another terminal window and navigate to ROS Bridge workspace
and run the following lines in the terminal
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash source /opt/ros/eloquent/setup.bash cd ~/crs_ros_bridge_ws/ source install/local_setup.bash ros2 launch crs_bridge_support combined_bridge.launch.py
- Open a third terminal window and navigate to ROS2 workspace and run the following lines in the terminal
This last command will launch the RVIZ application where you should be able to see the robot in the mockup cell along with the user interface to control the application.
source /opt/ros/eloquent/setup.bash cd ~/crs_ws source install/local_setup.bash ros2 launch crs_application crs.launch.xml sim:=false
Source the workspace
source /opt/ros/eloquent/setup.bash cd ~/crs_ws source install/local_setup.bash
Start Run the crs.launch.xml launch file
ros2 launch crs_application crs.launch.xml
This last command will launch the RVIZ application where you should be able to see the robot in the mockup cell along with the user interface to control the application. It will start the SM and all of the required nodes. When initialization is complete the application will go into the
- Select the part to be processed in the "Load Part" Screen
- On the right panel of the "Load Part" Screen select the toolpath configuration file
- Press "Load Selected Part" button and wait for the part to load in RVIZ
- Once loaded hit "Approve" button to move to next state load part->registration->planning->execution
Query the current state Open a new terminal and run the following:
ros2 topic echo /crs/current_state
You should see the current state id printed on the terminal repeateadly
Query available actions in the current state From another terminal run the following
ros2 service call /crs/get_available_actions crs_msgs/srv/GetAvailableActions 'search_pattern: "user"'
The response may look as follows:
response: crs_msgs.srv.GetAvailableActions_Response(action_ids=['user_done', 'user_approves'], succeeded=False, err_msg='')
This means the the actions "user_done" and "user_approves" are valid and can be executed.
Execute an action In a new terminal run the following:
ros2 service call /crs/execute_action crs_msgs/srv/ExecuteAction 'action_id: user_approves'
If the current state allows that action then you should see the SM transition to another state