StreamDeck to Lightroom connection.
This is a project that allows a Stream Deck keyboard/controller to communicate with Adobe Lightroom Classic. It consists of
- a plugin for Lightroom: streamdeck.lrplugin
- a plugin for Stream Deck:
- Stream Deck plugin written in C++
- Lightroom plugin written in lua script
- TCP port changeable by user.
- Currently Windows only.
- Limited set of commands.
The Lightroom plugin opens a TCP server socket, bound to a user defined port. The Stream Deck plugin creates a client socket that constantly tries to connects to Lightroom. When connected, every button press sends the plain text message value of the button to Lightroom.
The Lightroom plugin accepts the following zoom messages:
- ZoomToggle
- ZoomOut
- ZoomIn
- ZoomOutSome
- ZoomInSome
- Zoom50% or Zoom1:2
- ZoomOne or Zoom1:1
...and the following edit parameters:
- Temperature
- Tint
- Exposure
- Contrast
- Highlights
- Shadows
- Whites
- Blacks
- Clarity
- Vibrance
- Saturation
...using the syntax:
<parameter> = +
to increment the parameter a bit.
<parameter> = -
to decrement the parameter a bit.
<parameter> = reset
to reset the parameter to the default (middle) value.
<parameter> = decimal_number
to set the parameter to an exact value.
Exposure = +
Highlights = -0.5
Temperature = reset
In Lightroom, open the Plugin Manager and browse to the project_folder\Lightroom\streamdeck.lrplugin
folder to install.
For Stream Deck, copy the
folder to %APPDATA%\Elgato\StreamDeck\Plugins
- Common: some helpers created by Elgato
- Vendor: some extra libraries
- streamdeck.plugin: the Lightroom scripts
In the windows folder is a Visual Studio solution file (.sln). In any case, include these folders in the include-path: * ../Vendor/asio/include * ../Vendor/websocketpp
- Make macOS version (or OS-agnostic NodeJS version)
- Add TCP port to user interface of both plugins or use broadcast (Lightroom is the server, Stream Deck the client)
This is a personal project and the features are limited to what I need. I offer no support, but other contributors are welcome and you may copy/clone this project for your own needs and adjustments.
The Stream Deck plugin is compiled (lr.exe) and thus both plugins can be used as is. If the lr.exe complains about a missing MSVC____D.dll (and others), it means I accidently uploaded the debug version of lr.exe. Just submit an issue in github and I'll replace it.