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Attribute Mapping to ISO 20022

Common API Admin edited this page Dec 12, 2023 · 6 revisions
Attribute names ISO-20022 Length
MessageID MsgId 35
initiatingPartyId InitgPty 140
requestedExecutionDate ReqdExctnDt 10
debtorAccount DbtrAcct 34
creditorAccount CdtrAcct 34
endToEndId EndToEndId 35
instructedAmount InstdAmt 18
currency Ccy 3
amount Amt 18
statusCode TxSts 4
reasonCode StsRsnInf 4
reasonInformation StsRsnInf ⇾ Rsn ⇾ Prtry 35
paymentCreditor → name Cdtr ⇾ Nm 140
addressLines (2x70) PstlAdr 140
streetName StrtNm 70
buildingNumber BldgNb 16
postCode PstCd 16
townName TwnNm 35
country Ctry 2
type RmtInf ⇾ Strd ⇾ CdtrRefInf ⇾ Tp 35
reference RmtInf ⇾ Strd ⇾ CdtrRefInf ⇾ Ref 35
paymentRemittanceInformation RmtInf ⇾ Ustrd 140
bic (maxLength: 11) CdtrAgt ⇾ FinInstnId ⇾ BIC 10
paymentChargeBearerMethod (enum 4 digits) SvcLvl ⇾ Cd 4
transactionStatus CdtDbtInd 4
paymentBookingInstruction (enum) DbtrAcct ⇾ Tp ⇾ Prtry 21
instructionId InstrId 35
sepaIndicator InstrPrty ⇾ SvcLvl ⇾ Cd n/a
code ClrSysId ⇾ Cd 5
memberId ClrSysId ⇾ MmbId 35