Under the name "Swiss Laravel Association" there exists an association pursuant to Article 60 et seqq. Swiss Law Civil Code with headquartered in 8152 Glattpark. It is politically independent and denominationally neutral.
The main purpose of the association is to develop and encourage the use of the Laravel framework and some other specific programming languages in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Other goals are:
- Organization in Switzerland of regular meetings around the Laravel programming framework.
- Improve the coding skills of the members.
- Promote exchanges between members, create professional and collaboration opportunities.
- Encourage an eco-responsible, entrepreneurial spirit among members (encourage public transport to meetings, sensibilization of impacts of IT activity on the environment, etc.)
- Set up other general events or conferences, building a strong community.
- Promote members, encourage their professional commitment.
- Promote exchanges with other communities that use specific programming languages or frameworks, facilitate participation in worldwide meetings, etc.).
The association is exclusively non-profit and does not pursue any profit-making or self-help purposes. Its bodies act in a voluntary capacity.
The association has the following resources at its disposal for the pursuit of its objectives:
- member subscriptions
- income generated from the association’s own events
- subsidies
- donations, sponsorings and grants of all kinds.
Fees for member subscriptions are set annually by the general meeting. Active members pay a higher membership fee than passive members. Honorary members and members of the executive committee that are holding office are exempt from the duty to pay subscriptions.
The financial year is identical to the calendar year.
Membership is open to natural persons and legal entities who are concerned about the purpose of the association.
Active members are natural persons who use the services and facilities of the association. They have voting rights.
Passive members may be natural persons who support the association non-materially and financially. They have no voting rights.
Persons who have made a special contribution to the association may be awarded honorary membership by the general meeting on the proposal of the executive committee. They have no voting rights.
Patron members pay an annual contribution that is at least equal to that paid by active members. They have no voting rights.
Admission to the association may be made at any time. Applications for admission will be addressed to the executive committee, the final decision on admission will be taken by the executive committee.
Membership terminates or expires in the case of:
- natural persons by resignation, exclusion or death.
- legal entities, by resignation, exclusion or dissolution of the legal entity.
Resignation from the association is possible at any time by notifying the executive committee.
The full membership subscription must be paid for the year in question.
The decision to exclude a member is taken by the executive committee; the member may appeal against the decision to exclude to the next general meeting within 30 days. Membership rights will be suspended until the final decision.
If members fail to pay the member subscription in spite of a reminder, they may be excluded by the executive committee immediately.
The bodies that make up the association are:
- the general meeting
- the executive committee
- the auditors
The supreme body of the association is the general meeting. The general meeting convenes annually, held in the first half of the year.
The executive committee can decide on the form, how the general meeting convenes. This can be either in person, in digital form or both.
The executive committee may, in justified exceptional cases, allow resolutions to be passed by means of an electronic voting platform or in writing or by email.
The members are invited to the general meeting at least 20 days in advance in writing, and the invitation must include the items of the agenda. Invitations sent by email are valid.
Motions from members for additional business brought before the general meeting must be submitted by email to the executive committee no later than 2 weeks stating the reasons for the motion.
The executive committee or one-fifth of the members may at any time request that an extraordinary general meeting be convened, stating the purpose of the meeting. Such a meeting must be held no later than 2 months after receipt of the request.
The general meeting has the following inalienable duties and powers:
- Approval of the minutes of the last general meeting
- Approval of the annual report of the executive committee
- Acceptance of the auditors’ report and approval of the annual accounts
- Discharge of the executive committee
- Election of the chairperson, the other members of the executive committee and the auditors
- Determination of member subscriptions
- Approval of annual budget
- Acknowledgement of the programme of activities
- Resolutions on motions of the executive committee and members
- Amendment of the statutes of association
- Decision on exclusion appeals
- Resolutions on the dissolution of the association and the use of the liquidation proceeds.
Any duly convened general meeting constitutes a quorum irrespective of the number of members present.
The members pass resolutions by a simple majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tie, the chairperson has the deciding vote.
Amendments to the statutes of association require the approval of proportional number of votes of two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote.
At least minutes of resolutions must be kept of the resolutions passed.
The executive committee is responsible for managing the day-to-day business and representing the association externally.
It issues regulations.
It may set up work groups (groups of specialists).
It may employ or commission persons against appropriate remuneration (in accordance with labor law) to achieve the objectives of the association.
The executive committee has all powers to delegate to another body by law or under these statutes of association.
The executive committee consists of at least 3 persons.
The term of office is 1 year. Reelection is allowed.
The following units are represented on the executive committee:
- Chair
- Treasurer
- Actuary
- Others
Several offices may be held at the same time. An office can be held by multiple persons.
The executive committee constitutes itself with the exception of the chairperson.
The executive committee meets as often as business requires. Any member of the executive committee may request a meeting, stating the reasons.
Unless a member of the executive committee requests oral deliberation, resolutions may be passed by circular letter (including e-mail).
In general, the members of the executive committee work in a voluntary capacity and are not paid. They are, however, entitled to reimbursement of effective expenses. For special services, individual executive committee members can be given an appropriate remuneration.
The general meeting elects 2 auditors or a legal entity to audit the accounts and conduct random checks at least once a year.
The auditors report to the executive committee for the attention of the general meeting.
Their term of office is 2 years. Reelection is allowed.
The association is bound by the collective signature of at least one person of the chair together with another member of the executive committee.
Only the assets of the association are liable for the debts of the association. Personal liability of the members is excluded.
The association exclusively gathers the personal data of the members required to fulfill the purpose of the association. The executive committee ensures data security appropriate to that of the risk.
The member data will not be disclosed to other members, unless a legal provision applies.
Member data is processed in accordance with the provisions of Swiss data protection legislation and the privacy policy on the association’s website.
The association may be dissolved by resolution of the general meeting or an extraordinary general meeting by a majority of votes of qualified majority (66%) of the members present if at least 50% of the members are present.
If fewer than 50% of all members attend the meeting, a second meeting will have to be convened within one month. At such meetings the association may be dissolved by a simple majority even if fewer than 50% of the members are present.
In the event that the association is dissolved, the assets of the association will be transferred to a tax-exempt organization in Switzerland that pursues the same or a similar purpose. The distribution of the association’s assets among the members is excluded.
These statutes of association were adopted by the constitutive meeting on 2024-09-26 and entered into force with effect from such date.
They replace all previous versions for existing association.
Date, place: 2024-09-26, Zürich, Switzerland
The chairmanship:
Philipp Lauwiner
Stefan Zweifel
The minute taker:
Sandro Gehri