Android client for Swing Music
This project is currently in its early development stages as the Swing Music team is diligently working to deliver a beta version as soon as possible.
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init: {
'theme': 'dark'
graph LR
subgraph :feature
:feature:home --> :auth
:feature:home --> :core
:feature:home --> :network
:feature:home --> :uicomponent
:feature:artist --> :auth
:feature:artist --> :core
:feature:artist --> :network
:feature:artist --> :uicomponent
:feature:artist --> :feature:player
:feature:artist --> :feature:common
:uicomponent --> :core
:feature:player --> :auth
:feature:player --> :core
:feature:player --> :database
:feature:player --> :network
:feature:player --> :uicomponent
:auth --> :database
:auth --> :core
:auth --> :uicomponent
:feature:folder --> :auth
:feature:folder --> :core
:feature:folder --> :network
:feature:folder --> :uicomponent
:feature:folder --> :feature:player
:feature:folder --> :feature:album
:network --> :auth
:network --> :core
:network --> :database
:app --> :auth
:app --> :core
:app --> :network
:app --> :uicomponent
:app --> :feature:home
:app --> :feature:folder
:app --> :feature:player
:app --> :feature:artist
:app --> :feature:album
:app --> :feature:common
:database --> :core
:feature:album --> :auth
:feature:album --> :core
:feature:album --> :network
:feature:album --> :uicomponent
:feature:album --> :feature:player
:feature:album --> :feature:artist
classDef android-library fill:#3BD482,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff;
classDef android-application fill:#2C4162,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff;
class :feature:home android-library
class :auth android-library
class :core android-library
class :network android-library
class :uicomponent android-library
class :feature:artist android-library
class :feature:player android-library
class :feature:common android-library
class :database android-library
class :feature:folder android-library
class :feature:album android-library
class :app android-application