An attempt at making a planck-compatible pcb with bluetooth
I've received and built this version and it works fine but i made the mistake of wiring up the GND and VBUS pins on the ESD chip incorrectly.
Thankfully those are the middle pins and simply desoldering and turning the chip around solves the problem.
Update: Finally had time to test the load sharing circuitry and i had the pinout of the mosfet setup incorrectly which requires bodge wires to fix.
If you are looking to get boards made from this revision you need to be aware of this but my recommendation would be to wait for the next one.
This should address all the issues in A0 while also adding some features that were not previously present such as:
- Leds for charge and bootloader status.
- Voltage divider for charge monitoring.
- SMD USB port so it can be mounted by JLC.
Boards have been ordered but not yet received so production is still not recommended.
The project is licensed under CERN-OHL-S (see LICENSE file) with the exceptions of:
- The MX_Alps_Hybrid directory which is licensed under the MIT License and is made by ai03.
- The USB4085-GF-A_REVA directory which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and comes from SnapEDA.
- The PTS525SM15SMTR2LFS directory which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and comes from SnapEDA.
- The SM02B-SRSS-TB_LF__SN_ directory which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and comes from SnapEDA.
- The ul_SI2301CDST1GE3 directory which is licensed under the terms provided in the Terms and Conditions on Ultra Librarian
Huge shoutout to 4pplet for tons of advice and help.