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Unofficial LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses at the University of Stuttgart, Computer Science.


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Unoffical LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses at the University of Stuttgart, Computer Science.

More information at

It originates from the studiforge server at

Quick start

If you don't want to use git, just download

Recommended LaTeX environments

See LaTeX Editors/IDEs question on TeX.SX for a complete list of LaTeX editors.

Recommended setup of MiKTeX

  • Install MiKTeX for: "Only for: username"
  • Install MiKTeX to: C:\MiKTeX. This enabled browsing for documentation at `C:\MiKTeX29\doc\latex
  • Install missing packages on the fly: Yes

Characteristics of the template

This template works on Windows using the current MiKTeX distribution. On Linux (TexLive full >= 2013) should work without any issues. Even though AuToLaTeX is more powerful than latexmk, it is not included in MiKTeX and therefore it is not used here.

Using with your own git repository


This howto assumes that you have not a git repository for your thesis. If you have, just add as upstream and merge the branch "template" into your "master" branch.

  1. Open command line
  2. Change to the directory where you want to have your main tex file.
  3. Fetch the template from github: git clone .
  4. Rename origin to github to enable adding your own origin repository: git remote rename origin github
  5. Create a new branch master starting from the latest commit in the template branch: git checkout -b master

Now, you are on the master branch, where you can write your thesis and push it to your (remote) origin repository, in case you have one.

Merging updates from the template

If you want to merge updates from github, do the following:

  1. git fetch github
  2. git merge github/template

LaTeX compilation

The template is compiled using normal LaTeX commands. Your LaTeX environment (such as TeXStudio) should take care about the compilation transparently. When the "Package Installation" dialog pops up at TeXStudio, choose your username at "The package will be installed for:" and uncheck "Always show this dialog before installing packages." If you want to include .svg graphics, inkscape has to be in your path.

If you encounter any "font expansion" errors, please press "Refresh FNDB" and "Update Formats" in MiKTeX Settings (Admin).

If you want to compile using the command line, you can use following tools.

Automatic compilation using latexmk

latexmk ausarbeitung

Continuous previewing using latexmk

latexmk -pvc ausarbeitung

This will open a Sumatra PDF and only works with the supplied configuration.

latexmk configuration

This repository ships a .latexmk which is read by latexmk. It is configured for Windows and especially sets Sumatra PDF as default PDF viewer. You can make this local configuration a global configuration, when you put it at the right place.

If you want to add more packages, configure it there. For instance, for support of makeglossaries see

Automatic compilation using make

For those, who have cygwin installed or run a linux machine, this template offers a simple LaTeX makefile. It is not so sophisticated as other projects, but does its job.


Make targets:

  • pdf (default): Generates ausarbeitung.pdf
  • aspell: Checks all files using aspell.
  • clean: Removes all temporary files.
  • mrproper: Cleans up and removes also editor backup files.
  • stand: Creates a new PDF with the current status of the thesis.
  • view: Opens the configured viewer
  • 6: Generates a 3x2 postscriptfile using psnup.



Switching to English

The template has been built primarily for German documents. English documents, however, are also very welcome.

Five steps to switch to English typesetting:

  1. ausarbeitung.tex: Exchange commands \ifdeutsch and \ifenglisch. (Lines 11,12 <-> 15,16).
  2. Cleanup everything (e.g., latexmk -c ausarbeitung). Otherwise pdflatex will complain because of ngerman.

Change Appearance of Chapter Headings

Edit preambel/chapterheads.tex.

Final version

  • If you included some version control statements, please remove them. Currently, the template does not support any, but it used to support SVN.
  • By using \largeparge and \shortpage, single lines at the bottom or at the top of the page can be manually fixed.
  • Search the PDF for "TODO" or similar things. Remove \usepackage{todonotes} in preambel/packages_and_options.
  • Ensure that you run pdflatex at least three times and that there no "undefined references".
  • The margins are intended for a duplex printing. Do not change them (or do exactly know what you are doing).

Further Reading


Contained Files and Directories

  • ausarbeitung.tex
    • Main file
    • New chapters are added by using \input
    • Adjust title etc. here
  • Makefile: The Makefile.
  • This file.
  • uni-stuttgart-cs-cover.sty: Verbatim copy of uni-stuttgart-cs-cover.sty available at
  • bibliography.bib. Bibliography. biblatex format. Manage it with JabRef.
  • content/: Place for the actual content
    • content/einleitung.tex: First chapter: The introduction
    • content/kapitel2.tex: Second chapter
    • content/zusammenfassung_und_ausblick.tex: Conclusion and outlook.
    • content/anhang.tex
  • graphics/: Directory containing the figures. By using PDFLaTeX it is possible to use PDFs, JPGs, PNGs, ... We recommend to use PDFs to enable smooth scaling.
  • macros/: Directory for macros.
    • macros/commands.tex: Example macros
  • preambel/: Latex header of the document ("preambel" in latex)
    • preambel/chapterheads.tex: Definition for the chapter headings.
    • preambel/fonts.tex: Font selection
    • preambel/margins.tex: Margin settings / Einstellung der Seitenränder
    • preambel/packages_and_options.tex: Includes required packages and their options.
    • preambel/pagestyle.tex: Defines the head and the foot of a page.


Unofficial LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses at the University of Stuttgart, Computer Science.







No releases published


No packages published


  • TeX 97.3%
  • Makefile 2.7%