Initiation to system and network administration
VM creation
- Hypervisor: Virtual Machine
- Linux OS: Ubuntu 18.04 (64-bit)
- Image: ubuntu-18.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso
- Size of harddisk: 8.00GB (fixed size)
- Partition set manually to 4.2 GB
Initiate your virtual machine.
Choose the ubuntu iso as your disk.
Set your name, your server name, username and password.
Mark the Install OpenSSH Server.
Don’t install any other server environments.
Update and upgrade your Ubuntu OS system on root:
sudo -i
- Run:
apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y
- To list all block devices, run:
List Partitions Under Linux
sudo fdisk -l
List packages scheduled for the update You can view the list of packages that have a newer version ready to be upgraded. For this, run the following command in Terminal:
apt list --upgradeable
- To install all of the dependencies for the Firewall, webserver and mail run on the terminal as root:
apt-get install sudo vim ufw portsentry fail2ban apache2 mailutils -y
- Use sudo, with the non-root user specified during install, to be able to perform operation requiring special rights.
- Login as root:
sudo -i
- Type
on the terminal. At # User privilege specification add:
- Check if user is added to the sudoers file:
cat /etc/sudoers
- We don’t want you to use the DHCP service of your machine. You’ve got to configure it to have a static IP and a Netmask in \30