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Sevrerless Devs Integration with CI and CD platforms and tools

Integration with CI and CD platforms and tools

Integration with GitHub Actions

In YAML files of GitHub Actions, you can configure the capabilities of download, configuration, and command execution for Serverless Devs.

For example, you can create a .github/workflows/publish.yml file in the repository. The following information describes the content of the file:

name: Serverless Devs Project CI/CD

    branches: [ master ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: 16
      - run: npm install
      - run: npm install -g @serverless-devs/s
      - run: s config add --AccessKeyID ${{secrets.AccessKeyID}} --AccessKeySecret ${{secrets.AccessKeySecret}} -a default
      - run: s deploy -y --use-local


  • run: npm install -g @serverless-devs/s: Installs Serverless Devs of the latest version by using npm.
  • run: s config add --AccessKeyID ${{secrets.AccessKeyID}} --AccessKeySecret ${{secrets.AccessKeySecret}} -a default: Configures key information by using the config command.
  • run: s deploy -y --use-local: Deploys a project by using the deploy command. You can use the build command to build a project.

Notes: The key information can be obtained by using ${{secrets.*}}. You must configure the keys that are required and Key in GitHub Secrets. In the preceding example, Key for AccountID, AccessKeyID, and AccessKeySecret are required. Follow the following steps to configure the keys:

  1. Configure key information in GitHub Secrets.
  2. Add key pairs. In the example that is shown in the following figure, three key pairs are configured.

For more information about key configurations, see Precautions.

Integration with Gitee Go

After Gitee Go is enabled, you can configure the capabilities of download, configuration, and command execution for Serverless Devs in the YAML file of the pipeline.

For example, you can create the flow file in a repository. The following information describes the content of the file:

name: serverless-devs
displayName: 'Serverless Devs Project CI/CD'
triggers:                                  # Configure the pipeline trigger.
  push:                                    # Configure a master branch to trigger precise build when code is pushed.
    - matchType: PRECISE
      branch: master
commitMessage: ''                          # Match the commit message and determine whether to execute the pipeline.
stages:                                    # Configure the build stage.
  - stage:                                 # Define a stage for which the ID is deploy-stage and the name is Deploy Stage.
      name: deploy-stage
      displayName: 'Deploy Stage'
      failFast: false                      # Allow fail-fast errors. When a task fails in the stage, the whole stage is terminated.

      steps:                               # Configure the build steps.
        - step: npmbuild@1                 # Use npm to compile the environment.
          name: deploy-step                # Define a stage for which the ID is deploy-step and the name is Deploy Step.
          displayName: 'Deploy Step'
          inputs:                          # Configure the input parameters.
            nodeVersion: 14.15             # Specify the version of Node.js as 14.15.
            goals: |                       # Install dependencies. Configure topics, deploy parameters, and publish the deployment.
              node -v
              npm -v
              npm install -g @serverless-devs/s
              s config add --AccessKeyID $ACCESSKEYID --AccessKeySecret $ACCESSKEYSECRET -a default
              s deploy -y --use-local


  • npm install -g @serverless-devs/s: Installs Serverless Devs of the latest version by using npm.
  • s config add --AccessKeyID $ACCESSKEYID --AccessKeySecret $ACCESSKEYSECRET -a default: Configures key information by using the config command.
  • s deploy -y --use-local: Deploys a project by using the deploy command. You can use the build command to build a project.

Notes: You can obtain the key information by using the $* command. You must configure the keys that are required and Key in GitHub. For example, in the preceding example, Key for ACCESSKEYID and ACCESSKEYSECRET are required. Follow the following steps:

  1. Open the page for environment variable management in Gitee.img

  2. Configure key pairs. In the example that is shown in the following figure, three key pairs are configured.

For more information about key configurations, see Precautions.

Integration with Jenkins

Before you integrate Serverless Devs with Jenkins, you must install and run Jenkins. For more information, see Jenkins.

After you start Jenkins, go to http://localhost:8080 in a browser. Configure the basic configurations and credential information. The following figure shows the configurations.

Add the key information based on your requirements. For example, you can add the following global credentials in Alibaba Cloud:

jenkins-alicloud-access-key-id : 阿里云 accessKeyId
jenkins-alicloud-access-key-secret : 阿里云 accessKeySecret

Click here to learn how to add credentials.

You can add more configurations for Serverless Devs projects:

  • Create the file Jenkinsfile
    pipeline {
        agent {
            docker {
                image 'maven:3.3-jdk-8'
        environment {
            ALICLOUD_ACCESS = 'default'
            ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID     = credentials('jenkins-alicloud-access-key-id')
            ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET     = credentials('jenkins-alicloud-access-key-secret')
        stages {
            stage('Setup') {
                steps {
                    sh 'scripts/'
    • In the environment part, the keys are processed based on the configurations – In the stages part, the sh 'scripts/' command is run to execute the scripts/ file.
  • To prepare the scripts/ file, create the file under the project:
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    echo $(pwd)
    curl -o- -L | bash
    source ~/.bashrc
    (cd code && mvn package && echo $(pwd))
    s deploy -y --use-local --access $ALICLOUD_ACCESS
    The following information describes the content of the file: – curl -o- -L | bash: Downloads and installs Serverless Devs. – s config add --AccessKeyID $ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID --AccessKeySecret $ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET -a $ALICLOUD_ACCESS: Configures key information. – s deploy -y --use-local --access $ALICLOUD_ACCESS: Run the deploy command to deploy the project or run the build command to build a project.

After the key configuration is complete, you can create a Jenkins pipeline for which the source is the destination GitHub address. Run the Jenkins pipeline. Then, you can get relevant results when the pipeline running ends.

For more information about key configurations, see Precautions.

Integration with Yunxiao

In Apsara DevOps, select Serverless Devs and enter the following content in a custom command:

# input your command here
npm install -g @serverless-devs/s
s config add --AccessKeyID ${ACCESSKEYID} --AccessKeySecret ${ACCESSKEYSECRET} -a default
s deploy -y --use-local


  • npm install -g @serverless-devs/s: Install Serverless Devs of the latest version by using npm. The Serverless Devs in Apsara DevOps may be of an earlier version. You can run the command to install Serverless Devs of the latest version.
  • s config add --AccessKeyID ${ACCESSKEYID} --AccessKeySecret ${ACCESSKEYSECRET} -a default: Configure key information by using the config command.
  • s deploy: Run the deploy command to deploy projects or run the build command to build projects.



In the command, the following environment variables are referenced: ACCESSKEYID and ACCESSKEYSECRET. You need to add the following content in the environment variables.


For more information about key configurations, see Precautions.


  • When you configure keys, the s config add command is used. The last parameter -a default is used to configure the alias of the key as default. Aliases must be consistent with the keys that are configured in the project. For example, aliases must be the same as the values of the access field in the s.yaml file.
  • You can configure multiple keys and set aliases to the keys if the application is deployed in different platforms and accounts. After you configure aliases, you can use them in the s.yaml file.
  • If you want to configure custom key information, you can use the -il and -kl parameters. For example, if you want to configure two pairs of keys and use custom keys, run the following commands:
    s config add -kl tempToken1,tempToken2 -il tempValue1,tempValue2 -a website_access
    s config add -kl tempToken3,tempToken4 -il tempValue3,tempValue4 -a fc_access