Its a thin wrapper around BigQuery Client Java library which enables streaming writes to BigQuery tables of Spark DStreams.
Its quite lightweight with just one dependency BigQuery Java client.
libraryDependencies += "" % "google-cloud-bigquery" % "1.103.0"
The main interface to interact with the wrapper is the BigQueryWriter
object which can be used in following way
BigQueryWriter.write[String](messages, toTableRow, toTableMetadata)
def toTableRow(s: String): TableRow = {
val num = s.toInt
val row = new TableRow()
row.put("number", num.asInstanceOf[Object]);
def toTableMetadata(s: String): BigQueryTableMetadata = {
val t = TableId.of("<DATASET>", "<TABLE-NAME>")
The function toTableMetadata
can be used to provide destination table on row basis. This design is inspired by Apache Beam's DynamicDestinations.
Since we don't have any central JFrog or Sonatype repository the only way to consume this library is to publish it to local maven/ivy repository.
Clone the repo, and publish to local ivy repo.
sbt publishLocal
After this add following dependency in your Spark app to use the library.
libraryDependencies += "com.tokopedia" %% "spark-bigquery-writer" % "0.2"