App link => Replit GOT-quiz
Everybody loves Game of Thrones ,so here's the chance to test your love for GOT.
Built a fun quiz app about me using following APIs :
- readline-sync
- chalk
Rule 1 : There are 3 Levels, each level has 5 questions.
Rule 2 : Score atleast 4 in each section to crack next level.
readlineSync tries to let your script have a conversation with the user via a console, even when the input/output stream is redirected
Chalk module in Node. js is the third-party module that is used for styling the format of text and allows us to create our own themes in the node. js project.Chalk comes with an easy to use composable API where you just chain and nest the styles you want. Advantages of Chalk Module: It helps to customize the color of the output of the command-line output.