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Getting Started

Noah edited this page Feb 17, 2020 · 13 revisions


Install by using either pip: pip install pyvmf TODO

or by adding the src folder to your project directory.


Once in python:

from PyVMF import *

v = load_vmf("test.vmf")


for solid in v.get_solids():
    if solid.has_texture("tools/toolsnodraw"):
        solid.move(0, 0, 64)
        v.add_to_visgroup("abcd", solid)

This snippet moves every solid that has the nodraw texture up 64 units and adds it to the abcd visgroup. It's then exported as test2.vmf

from PyVMF import *
import math

v = load_vmf("test.vmf")

for solid in v.get_all_from_visgroup("exampleVisgroup"):
    for i in range(150):
        c = solid.copy()
        c.move(384, 0, 0)

center = Vertex(0, 0, 0)

for i, solid in enumerate(v.get_solids()):
    solid.move(128, 0, math.cos(i*3))
    solid.rotate_y(center, i*3)

This snippet takes solids from the visgroup exampleVisgroup, makes 150 copies, then rotates them all around the center of the map in a circle.

from PyVMF import *

v = load_vmf("test.vmf")

for solid in v.sort_by_attribute(v.get_solids(), "center.x"):
    for disp_matrix in solid.get_displacement_sides(matrix_instead_of_side=True):
        for x in range(disp_matrix.size):
            for y in range(disp_matrix.size):
                p = disp_matrix.get(x, y)
                p.set((0, 0, 1), x*y)

This snippet takes all solids arranged from lowest solid center x position to highest, it then looks for any displacements. Once found it modifies it into a cool curved shape.

Important Notes

Almost everything can be accessed as class variables, v.versioninfo.mapversion for example, but if the variable can't be found, even though it should exist, you can check the other dictionary, which gathers all variables that haven't been coded in, this is especially important for Entities (because there are so many different ones), so to access it's variables, using e as example of an entity: e.other["target_name"]

If you want information on how long the VMF export takes, you can enable VMF.info_in_console = True, it provides a progress bar, and other such information.

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