Stand alone, low configuration ClojureScript tooling for React Native. All features are provided as a simple set of defaults over the standard ClojureScript compiler.
There are two other relatively mature ClojureScript tools for React Native, re-natal and shadow-cljs. re-natal is oldest and likely most widely used. Unfortunately, re-natal is Leiningen-centric and has some historical design decisions that lead to a stateful CLI API. Still, it is a direct inspiration for Krell, and re-natal solved many tricky edge-cases early on. shadow-cljs also offers react-native integration, but provides that as part of a full featured package rather than an a la carte tool.
Krell fills the gap by providing a stand alone tool with few dependencies. It does only one thing - extend the standard ClojureScript compiler to make developing React Native simpler (and easier).
It does not attempt to paper over the React Native CLI workflow at all. Krell
just provides minimal sensible defaults for development and production and
allows you to switch between these defaults via the familiar ClojureScript
With little configuration beyond typical ClojureScript web config, you get a
React Native REPL-based workflow. Because Krell uses the ClojureScript compiler
to index node_modules
, you can idiomatically require anything you've installed
via yarn
or npm
just like any ClojureScript library.
If you specify a higher optimization setting like :simple
or :advanced
Krell generates a single file output without the REPL dependencies.
- Node >= 10.16.0
- Latest release of ClojureScript
- Java SDK 8+
Using React Native >= 0.60 is highly recommended as autolinking simplifies usage greatly. If you must use an older version of React Native refer to the documentation for the REPL support dependencies: react-native-tcp-socket.
Install the REPL support dependencies:
clj -m cljs.main --install-deps
Switch into the ios
directory of your project and run pod install
On Android you should modify your AsyncStorage settings in android/
This is only necessary for REPL driven development:
First build your project:
clj -m krell.main -v -co build.edn -c
Start a REPL:
clj -m krell.main -co build.edn -r
You can of course combine these steps just as with plain cljs.main
clj -m krell.main -co build.edn -c -r
Krell supports arbitrary js/require
of assets and Node.js dependencies. The
asset support is intended to align with React Native's own documentation - you
must use static relative paths. The additional support for Node.js dependencies
is useful when transitioning away from re-natal to Krell.
It's important to note that adding a new asset or new Node library currently requires restarting the REPL.
Other than that there are no other limitations. The handling of js/require
implemented as an analyzer pass so if you want to create macros to generate
asset requires, that will work.
See the Reagent example tutorial in the wiki.
Currently Krell is only taking bug reports. If you find a bug or would like to see an enhancement that aligns with the following design principles please file a Github issue!
No ClojureScript React library integration templating. The documentation should make it pretty clear how to integrate with any particular ClojureScript React library.
Basic React Native only, we're not interested in Expo or any other similar tooling
Copyright (c) Vouch, Inc. All rights reserved. The use and
distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
Public License 1.0 (
which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must
not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.