简体中文 | English
QQ group: 783071253
Email address: supervons@sina.com
Current RN version: 0.74.1
Firim : http://d.maps9.com/25th
Username: test
Password: test
Name | Description | Use component name and version |
Picture selection | Choose a picture in the album, or take a photo | react-native-image-picker@2.3.4 |
Scan | Scan the QR code to get the information in the QR code | react-native-camera@3.8.0 |
Theme change | Change system navigation head and button colors | react-navigation@3.11.1 |
UI library | Project UI library | react-native-elements@3.1.0 |
Redux Family Bucket | Use of redux and middleware | redux@4.0.4 redux-persist@5.10.0 redux-logger@3.0.6 redux-thunk@2.3 .0 |
Network request | Unified package network request | axios@0.19.0 |
Refactoring based Hook | Refactoring class page based on hook | react@17.0.1 |
Skeleton screen | Improve the list and page browsing experience | react-native-shimmer-placeholder@2.0.7 |
Language Localize | APP language switch, with the local system Settings | react-native-localize@2.0.3 + i18n-js@3.8.0 |
Components-Dragged | Component elements move with touch drag and drop | react-native-draggable@3.3.0 |
- Dynamic TAB-Bar
- Theme Change
- Skeleton
- Language Localize
- Morandi-Colors
- Components are drag-and-drop supported
- Perfect preview page
- Use new KOA api application
- Better animation - Lottie
- Email register
- Add Sentry error monitor
- Support TypeScript
- Get location
- Full screen watermarking.
- Create
complete test case page. - Use sass change css style
- Multiple Bundle Support
- Retrieve password by e-mail.
- Change avatar and show avatar history - 50%
- Map
- Push-iOS、HUAWEI、Xiaomi、JPush
- Add Websocket demo.
- Add H5 PostMessage demo.
- Add network request Hook.
- Add patch script.
- Add route jump animation, flip, drawer, second floor animation.
- Add gyroscope animation.
- Update react-navigation to 7.x.
- Add GPT Voice Assistant.
- Add AI recognition(OpenCV).
- Upgrade to new version 0.75.0
|-- android // android
|-- ios // iOS
| -- src // project folder
| | -- actions // interface-related directories
| | --common // common configuration constant directory
| | -- components // System-level component catalog
| |--hook// Custom hook directory
| | -- redux // redux-related directories
| | |-- action
| | |-- reducer
| | |-- store
| | -- resource // resource directory
| | -- routers // route navigation directory
| | -- screens // System page directory
| | --styles // system common style directory
| | -- utils // System tool catalog
| -- App .js // Entry file
| -- buildAndroid.sh // android packaging script
| -- package.json // This needless to say
| -- package-lock.json // i.e
|-- . preettierrc // Prettierrc code format the directory
- node > 18
- JDK > 17
yarn install
# If it is iOS, you need to perform the following operations to ensure that the network is unblocked
cd ios && pod install
- react-native run-android
- runAndroid.sh android: react-native run-android
- Xcode selects AwesomeProject.xcworkspace to start
file src/common/constants.js
setting value serverUrl
Set the supported languages in the, currently supports CN
In /src/common/cn.js
Set up language config.
Code use:
I18n.t("Register.userEmptyToast") // Prompt when the username is empty on the registration page