What's new:
- Updated compatibility to Shuflle's version 1.4.26,
- Added Limited Shop compatibility. For now you can only reset how many of which items you purchased, but in the future it may also allow enabling such items even when the shop isn't available,
- Ranks are now displayed using the corresponding sprites instead of text (It only took me 1 and a half year to do, so yay ! 🥇 ),
- At the same time, fixed scores and rank not updating properly,
- Overhauled Team sprites : selected (Right-click) sprite is now highlighted in a colorful way and the leftmost sprite will be displayed in mega form if you own both the Pokémon and its Méga Stone (only supports X forms for now),
- Added a new resource file, PokeLoad.bin, that lists which stages can be faced for each step in Survival mode,
- Improved Survival mode editor, with these data,
- Improved Resource Scan, now displays which files PSSE supports and which have been found in the 'resources' folder,
- PSSE now supports displaying values higher than the maximums described in its resource files (they'll show in red). This should prevent PSSE from crashing when loading a savefile from game versions newer than its loaded resource files.
As always, have fun with this and come to the official thread on GBAtemp to report/discuss !