If you love to use Artisan and Vue is the frontend framework of your choice, this package is for you! The
package gives you a new Artisan command which lets you generate the Vue component very fast.
php aritsan make:vue-component {name}
During the command execution you have to choose the template engine
(HTML / pug)
and the CSS Pre-prosessor(CSS / LESS / Sass / Scss / Stylus)
. The Vue component will be generated to/resources/assets/js/components/
with boilerplate based on your choice.
is created to/resources/assets/js/components/
Here is the component boilerplate:
composer require suomato/laravel-vue-component-generator
After that, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in
Enjoy using the new Artisan command.
If you don't want to choose the same template engine and CSS Pre-processor over and over again or if you're not happy with the default boilerplate, feel free to edit config or views. To publish the config and views use:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Suomato\VueComponentGenerator\VueComponentGeneratorServiceProvider"
- Config is located
- Views is located